Trump Killing Obama in Approval Rating

So the vile cons want to believe the polls they want to believe, and not believe the polls they don't want to believe.

Here are the month's polls, thirteen months later, kiwiman. Suck on them.

President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 35, Disapprove 60 Disapprove +25
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 35, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +24
President Trump Job Approval CNN Approve 36, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +23
President Trump Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 37, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +22
President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 33, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +26
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 33, Disapprove 61 Disapprove +28

Why post lies when the truth is so easy to find?


Why did you intentionally leave out all the polls showing President Trump with Approval numbers above 40 percent?
Markle, what are you babbling about. I posted those respected polls that show Trump's numbers are in the toilet.

And now the monthly average has Trump under 40%.

RCP Average 12/8 - 12/28 -- 39.3 56.4 -17.1
Gallup 12/26 - 12/28 1500 A 38 57 -19
Rasmussen Reports 12/26 - 12/28 1500 LV 45 53 -8
Economist/YouGov 12/24 - 12/26 1004 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 12/15 - 12/19 2492 A 35 60 -25
Quinnipiac 12/13 - 12/18 1230 RV 37 59 -22
CNN 12/14 - 12/17 898 RV 36 59 -23
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 12/13 - 12/15 900 A 41 56 -15
CNBC 12/10 - 12/13 800 A 42 49 -7
PPP (D) 12/11 - 12/12 862 RV 41 56 -15
Monmouth 12/10 - 12/12 702 RV 33 59 -26
Harvard-Harris 12/8 - 12/11 1989 RV 41 59 -18
Markle, what are you babbling about. I posted those respected polls that show Trump's numbers are in the toilet.

And now the monthly average has Trump under 40%.

RCP Average 12/8 - 12/28 -- 39.3 56.4 -17.1
Gallup 12/26 - 12/28 1500 A 38 57 -19
Rasmussen Reports 12/26 - 12/28 1500 LV 45 53 -8
Economist/YouGov 12/24 - 12/26 1004 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 12/15 - 12/19 2492 A 35 60 -25
Quinnipiac 12/13 - 12/18 1230 RV 37 59 -22
CNN 12/14 - 12/17 898 RV 36 59 -23
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 12/13 - 12/15 900 A 41 56 -15
CNBC 12/10 - 12/13 800 A 42 49 -7
PPP (D) 12/11 - 12/12 862 RV 41 56 -15
Monmouth 12/10 - 12/12 702 RV 33 59 -26
Harvard-Harris 12/8 - 12/11 1989 RV 41 59 -18

You're a joke. You got caught lying...again.

Markle, caught lying again, resorts to "nuh uh . . . it's you" type of nonsense of the far right.

Trump is generally despised by a solid majority of America.

Go change your name, Markle . . . oh, wait. :)
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.

True he kept his promises but at what cost?
He is not making America great. He made us a laughingstock, racist and ignorant here and around the globe.
A total joke.

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

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You wouldn't con me, would you? Liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberal universities are breeding grounds for political snowflakes and useful idiots.
Without incest and inbreeding conservatives and conservatism would not exist. Happy New Year!

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