Trump Killing the GOP

I don't care. Why if 90% of us are not rich, why is 100% of Congress rich?

Why isn't someone making $40-$99k a year representing me?

And why aren't there poor senators representing the poor?

You are right. None of them REALLY represent me.

couple of reasons
1. we need term limits
2. no one should be able to vote on his own salary and benefits

and since you are a lib, why did congress exempt itself from obamacare if its so wonderful?

Because they get those cadillac health packages. Remember the ones you guys cried because auto workers had better insurance than you?

Funny you don't want auto workers to have such healthcare but you allow millionaires like McCain to have them?

I don't give a shit what kind of healthcare the car companies and unions give to auto workers. Why would I care? Its built into the price of every car so everyone who buys a new car pays for it.

But my point about congress is valid. They exempted themselves from obamacare which has been forced on the rest of america. Do you consider them some kind of higher beings who are entitled to special priviledges and wealth?
What do you mean? I have private insurance through my company. Don't you? Congress just has private Cadillac insurance. It's what ceo's give themselves.

And funny the GOP are anti pensions for workers but not for themselves.

I'm going to be watching something important tonight. The daily show

the point is that congress forced obozocare on the american public but exempted themselves from it.

why can't you grasp that simple concept. Its good enough for us , but not for them. Think, moron.
You truly are a fucking imbecile...

Congress and an Exemption from ‘Obamacare’?

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.
When you take control of a bus going over a cliff you aren't to blame for the casualties.

And if you can get us out, amazing. And he has.

The GOP has no interest in improving the situation of the middle class.

Don't blame the dems for the widening gap between the rich and poor then turn around and cry class warfare or envy when we try to fix it.

What's your plan? You don't got one because your side likes it. The rich are winning and you cry for them. So fuking gay.

Shut the coal mines, shut down fracking, shut down the pipeline. All middle class jobs. Allow businesses an additional year to comply with Obamacare, while holding the working man to having to have health insurance. Allow beef to go to China and be processed and shipped back.

Obama and the Democrats sure the hell ain't for the middle class. So before you point at the Republicans, take a look at what the Democrats are doing. Otherwise you have nothing.
We should go green. Those things are never going to be shut down. But the GOP has deregulated the coal mines and made them less safe.

I don't know about beef. Where's the beef?

Laugh all you fucking want but when you get sick because China has lower standards than the US, blame Obama and his administration.

Shipping more middle class jobs is pretty funny to you and most Democrats.

Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
Shut the coal mines, shut down fracking, shut down the pipeline. All middle class jobs. Allow businesses an additional year to comply with Obamacare, while holding the working man to having to have health insurance. Allow beef to go to China and be processed and shipped back.

Obama and the Democrats sure the hell ain't for the middle class. So before you point at the Republicans, take a look at what the Democrats are doing. Otherwise you have nothing.
We should go green. Those things are never going to be shut down. But the GOP has deregulated the coal mines and made them less safe.

I don't know about beef. Where's the beef?

Laugh all you fucking want but when you get sick because China has lower standards than the US, blame Obama and his administration.

Shipping more middle class jobs is pretty funny to you and most Democrats.

Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
And the Democrats did what to stop these jobs leaving? NOTHING. Clinton had NAFTA and Obama has the Pacific sell out trade deal. Fuck Democrats and Republicans on trade. Both parties have hurt U.S. workers.
We should go green. Those things are never going to be shut down. But the GOP has deregulated the coal mines and made them less safe.

I don't know about beef. Where's the beef?

Laugh all you fucking want but when you get sick because China has lower standards than the US, blame Obama and his administration.

Shipping more middle class jobs is pretty funny to you and most Democrats.

Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
And the Democrats did what to stop these jobs leaving? NOTHING. Clinton had NAFTA and Obama has the Pacific sell out trade deal. Fuck Democrats and Republicans on trade. Both parties have hurt U.S. workers.
Always amusing to watch righties bitch & moan about not enough regulations on businesses.
Laugh all you fucking want but when you get sick because China has lower standards than the US, blame Obama and his administration.

Shipping more middle class jobs is pretty funny to you and most Democrats.

Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
And the Democrats did what to stop these jobs leaving? NOTHING. Clinton had NAFTA and Obama has the Pacific sell out trade deal. Fuck Democrats and Republicans on trade. Both parties have hurt U.S. workers.
Always amusing to watch righties bitch & moan about not enough regulations on businesses.

even more amusing watching left-wing nutjobs trying to ridicule others for something they want even more than the ones they want to ridicule
Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
And the Democrats did what to stop these jobs leaving? NOTHING. Clinton had NAFTA and Obama has the Pacific sell out trade deal. Fuck Democrats and Republicans on trade. Both parties have hurt U.S. workers.
Always amusing to watch righties bitch & moan about not enough regulations on businesses.

even more amusing watching left-wing nutjobs trying to ridicule others for something they want even more than the ones they want to ridicule
Figures you cheer for the hypocritical crowd.
but if you really want to go there....................................

very Blue New York State has a 10 YEAR CORPORATE TAX BREAK for any businesses looking to expand or move there

DETROIT is on the way back somewhat because of CORPORATE WELFARE AND TAX BREAKS

unions in Los Angelas want an EXEMPTION from minimum wage law THEY helped pass

and on and on and on...
We should go green. Those things are never going to be shut down. But the GOP has deregulated the coal mines and made them less safe.

I don't know about beef. Where's the beef?

Laugh all you fucking want but when you get sick because China has lower standards than the US, blame Obama and his administration.

Shipping more middle class jobs is pretty funny to you and most Democrats.

Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
And the Democrats did what to stop these jobs leaving? NOTHING. Clinton had NAFTA and Obama has the Pacific sell out trade deal. Fuck Democrats and Republicans on trade. Both parties have hurt U.S. workers.

You stupid fucking republican neocons who defend Republicans every step of the god damn way and then in the end can't even admit your party was wrong.

NAFTA was proposed in 1979 by Ronald Reagan during his speech to declare his candidacy. He called it "the North American Accord". The details of it were being hammered out through Reagan's two terms, Bush sr's term, and part of Clinton's term when it was officially passed by a Republican Dominated Congress in 1994 being signed by Clinton.

And NAFTA didn't seem so bad until Bush got into office. After 2000 is when the jobs really started leaving the country. You can blame the dot com bubble bursting, I'll blame Bush and Newt and Tom Delay and pervert Dennis Hastert.
but if you really want to go there....................................

very Blue New York State has a 10 YEAR CORPORATE TAX BREAK for any businesses looking to expand or move there

DETROIT is on the way back somewhat because of CORPORATE WELFARE AND TAX BREAKS

unions in Los Angelas want an EXEMPTION from minimum wage law THEY helped pass

and on and on and on...
Those corporate tax breaks didn't do anything to bring new business to Michigan. All that happened is corporations pay less taxes now and now Rick Snyder is asking us middle class and poor people to make up for the loss in revenue.
Redfish is trolling without content. In fact, I heard that often from foreigners, "why the cowboy policies?" I have heard consistently the last few years from foreigners that Obama, they think, is a better president. Redfish can go above and study the graph.

I have no intention of studying any graph posted by you or any other libtardian fool.

In the last 5 years I have been to the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Japan, Bahrain, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Germany, Italy, France, and Australia.

In every country the questions are the same: why did you elect someone as incompetent as obama? why does obama hate the USA? Obama's policies are making the world more dangerous. Why is obama dumping on your allies and supporting your enemies? Not once have I heard praise for obama or his policies.

Let me paint a scenario for you . You are guest and your host tells you right in your face that your president is a piece of shit. Does that make sense to you?. I do not believe you. Knowing how you post, you you are the one trashing Obama abroad.
From your last paragraph that is a complete lie.
From your list. You can add China in your shit list. Mexico and Russia yes. Maybe Germany because of the spy scandal. I totally disagree with the rest. U.S. and Japan are trying to build a military base in Subic Philippines to counter China's aggressions. What kind of respect do you think Obama is getting in Asia?
I'm going to Beijing then Manila this September for a business trip. I will ask my Chinese counter part regarding the island they are illegally building in Spratley Island. I can assure you that even though its illegal they will support their president.
Mexico yes they are trashing Obama. Do you know the specific why some don't like Obama despite his amnesty program? Do you know why? This is a test. See if you know what you're talking about.

Redfish, This is from my Post 273.
From the countries where you listed Obama is not popular. I agreed with Russia and Mexico but not the rest.
Because Mexico has a unique problem against Obama. Despite his amnesty program. So I asked you again.
Why do you think Obama is not popular Mexico? Can you answer this question if you really know why Obama is not popular?

I'm the medical instruments, parts and consumable business with countries from Asia (all), Europe (minor), South American (all), part of Africa, part of Middle East and few eastern block countries but mainly here in U.S.
This is where I meet politicians, political groups and locals.
In general can you give a brief description of what you do for a living?

I am currently retired but acting as a consultant for some military suppliers. Before retiring I worked as a manufacturer's rep for many of those same companies in international ITAR sales and technology exchange agreements. That all I am going to tell you.



too bad you idiots have nothing to say about your rich, wrinkled old white Progressive candidates
couple of reasons
1. we need term limits
2. no one should be able to vote on his own salary and benefits

and since you are a lib, why did congress exempt itself from obamacare if its so wonderful?

Because they get those cadillac health packages. Remember the ones you guys cried because auto workers had better insurance than you?

Funny you don't want auto workers to have such healthcare but you allow millionaires like McCain to have them?

I don't give a shit what kind of healthcare the car companies and unions give to auto workers. Why would I care? Its built into the price of every car so everyone who buys a new car pays for it.

But my point about congress is valid. They exempted themselves from obamacare which has been forced on the rest of america. Do you consider them some kind of higher beings who are entitled to special priviledges and wealth?
What do you mean? I have private insurance through my company. Don't you? Congress just has private Cadillac insurance. It's what ceo's give themselves.

And funny the GOP are anti pensions for workers but not for themselves.

I'm going to be watching something important tonight. The daily show

the point is that congress forced obozocare on the american public but exempted themselves from it.

why can't you grasp that simple concept. Its good enough for us , but not for them. Think, moron.
You truly are a fucking imbecile...

Congress and an Exemption from ‘Obamacare’?

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Let me clarify that for you, dipshit.

Congressmen do not have to PAY for their ACA compliant insurance policies. The voted to use taxpayer money to fully subsidize their healthcare policies. So, effectively, they exempted themselves from the financial impacts of obamacare.
Because they get those cadillac health packages. Remember the ones you guys cried because auto workers had better insurance than you?

Funny you don't want auto workers to have such healthcare but you allow millionaires like McCain to have them?

I don't give a shit what kind of healthcare the car companies and unions give to auto workers. Why would I care? Its built into the price of every car so everyone who buys a new car pays for it.

But my point about congress is valid. They exempted themselves from obamacare which has been forced on the rest of america. Do you consider them some kind of higher beings who are entitled to special priviledges and wealth?
What do you mean? I have private insurance through my company. Don't you? Congress just has private Cadillac insurance. It's what ceo's give themselves.

And funny the GOP are anti pensions for workers but not for themselves.

I'm going to be watching something important tonight. The daily show

the point is that congress forced obozocare on the american public but exempted themselves from it.

why can't you grasp that simple concept. Its good enough for us , but not for them. Think, moron.
You truly are a fucking imbecile...

Congress and an Exemption from ‘Obamacare’?

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Let me clarify that for you, dipshit.

Congressmen do not have to PAY for their ACA compliant insurance policies. The voted to use taxpayer money to fully subsidize their healthcare policies. So, effectively, they exempted themselves from the financial impacts of obamacare.
That is not what you said before, so thanks for coming clean.
Because they get those cadillac health packages. Remember the ones you guys cried because auto workers had better insurance than you?

Funny you don't want auto workers to have such healthcare but you allow millionaires like McCain to have them?

I don't give a shit what kind of healthcare the car companies and unions give to auto workers. Why would I care? Its built into the price of every car so everyone who buys a new car pays for it.

But my point about congress is valid. They exempted themselves from obamacare which has been forced on the rest of america. Do you consider them some kind of higher beings who are entitled to special priviledges and wealth?
What do you mean? I have private insurance through my company. Don't you? Congress just has private Cadillac insurance. It's what ceo's give themselves.

And funny the GOP are anti pensions for workers but not for themselves.

I'm going to be watching something important tonight. The daily show

the point is that congress forced obozocare on the american public but exempted themselves from it.

why can't you grasp that simple concept. Its good enough for us , but not for them. Think, moron.
You truly are a fucking imbecile...

Congress and an Exemption from ‘Obamacare’?

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Let me clarify that for you, dipshit.

Congressmen do not have to PAY for their ACA compliant insurance policies. The voted to use taxpayer money to fully subsidize their healthcare policies. So, effectively, they exempted themselves from the financial impacts of obamacare.

Did they have to pay before Obamacare? Then stfu stupid. Do I have to pay? No. My company pays.
Because they get those cadillac health packages. Remember the ones you guys cried because auto workers had better insurance than you?

Funny you don't want auto workers to have such healthcare but you allow millionaires like McCain to have them?

I don't give a shit what kind of healthcare the car companies and unions give to auto workers. Why would I care? Its built into the price of every car so everyone who buys a new car pays for it.

But my point about congress is valid. They exempted themselves from obamacare which has been forced on the rest of america. Do you consider them some kind of higher beings who are entitled to special priviledges and wealth?
What do you mean? I have private insurance through my company. Don't you? Congress just has private Cadillac insurance. It's what ceo's give themselves.

And funny the GOP are anti pensions for workers but not for themselves.

I'm going to be watching something important tonight. The daily show

the point is that congress forced obozocare on the american public but exempted themselves from it.

why can't you grasp that simple concept. Its good enough for us , but not for them. Think, moron.
You truly are a fucking imbecile...

Congress and an Exemption from ‘Obamacare’?

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Let me clarify that for you, dipshit.

Congressmen do not have to PAY for their ACA compliant insurance policies. The voted to use taxpayer money to fully subsidize their healthcare policies. So, effectively, they exempted themselves from the financial impacts of obamacare.
I like how you call those who educate you, a "dipshit." Completely reveals how obtuse you are.

First of all, your idiotic claim, before you tried tailoring it to something at least bearing some semblance of reality, was that they were exempt from ObamaCare.

Secondly, you are now doubling down on stupid with this moronic claim. I even gave you a link which dispels this nonsense of yours.

Hell, some Congressmen/women even had to purchase health insurance from a marketplace. Don't you recall the House Majority Leader ... ?

Why do you post here if you're this fucking retarded??
Ted Cruz signed up for ACA.

Redfish is a far right partisan hack who will lie in a heart beat about others out of sheer hatred and an abysmal lack of understanding about basic matters.

Such as ACA and congress critters.
I don't give a shit what kind of healthcare the car companies and unions give to auto workers. Why would I care? Its built into the price of every car so everyone who buys a new car pays for it.

But my point about congress is valid. They exempted themselves from obamacare which has been forced on the rest of america. Do you consider them some kind of higher beings who are entitled to special priviledges and wealth?
What do you mean? I have private insurance through my company. Don't you? Congress just has private Cadillac insurance. It's what ceo's give themselves.

And funny the GOP are anti pensions for workers but not for themselves.

I'm going to be watching something important tonight. The daily show

the point is that congress forced obozocare on the american public but exempted themselves from it.

why can't you grasp that simple concept. Its good enough for us , but not for them. Think, moron.
You truly are a fucking imbecile...

Congress and an Exemption from ‘Obamacare’?

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Let me clarify that for you, dipshit.

Congressmen do not have to PAY for their ACA compliant insurance policies. The voted to use taxpayer money to fully subsidize their healthcare policies. So, effectively, they exempted themselves from the financial impacts of obamacare.

Did they have to pay before Obamacare? Then stfu stupid. Do I have to pay? No. My company pays.
Yes, like many folks in America, they used to have to pay a percentage of their own coverage.

They still do.

Don't listen to Redfish. He's redtarded.
Laugh all you fucking want but when you get sick because China has lower standards than the US, blame Obama and his administration.

Shipping more middle class jobs is pretty funny to you and most Democrats.

Papa, we have been shipping jobs to China before you even heard Obama. I've been doing business in China since 1989.

And we shouldn't double down by sending our food. Sealybobo claims the Republicans aren't for the middle class are you seriously going to claim that Obama and the Democrats are FOR the middle class?

It's a lie, I am calling him out on his BS.

Manufacturing is a vital industry for America. Send all those jobs overseas and that spells trouble. How many jobs are lost when the cattle industry left? How many tier 1-fucking10 suppliers went out of business when the been industry left vs. when the Big 3 left?

I know the dems aren't perfect but they are the lesser of 2 evils.
And the Democrats did what to stop these jobs leaving? NOTHING. Clinton had NAFTA and Obama has the Pacific sell out trade deal. Fuck Democrats and Republicans on trade. Both parties have hurt U.S. workers.

You stupid fucking republican neocons who defend Republicans every step of the god damn way and then in the end can't even admit your party was wrong.

NAFTA was proposed in 1979 by Ronald Reagan during his speech to declare his candidacy. He called it "the North American Accord". The details of it were being hammered out through Reagan's two terms, Bush sr's term, and part of Clinton's term when it was officially passed by a Republican Dominated Congress in 1994 being signed by Clinton.

And NAFTA didn't seem so bad until Bush got into office. After 2000 is when the jobs really started leaving the country. You can blame the dot com bubble bursting, I'll blame Bush and Newt and Tom Delay and pervert Dennis Hastert.

NAFTA took effect 1994. The bubble ended BEFORE Bush was sworn in. The FDA under Obama started shipping chickens to China to be processed and now the FDA under Obama has authorized beef to be shipped to China to be processed. Then they are sent back to the United States to be sold.

You can be stupid and make up facts to blame one party. I blame both parties. You are the one blaming just Republicans, you are the one that can't admit your party is wrong.

Me, both parties are corrupt, both parties stink to high heaven. What is freakin amusing is you won't vote your morals, you aren't going with Sanders, you are going to vote for the most corrupt Democrat and are happy to do it.

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