Trump kills more civilians in 8 mos than Obama did in 8 years

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
so trump doesn't care that ISIS hides behind the civilians. ISIS is the target and will be the target no matter their front line use of civilian bodies.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
so trump doesn't care that ISIS hides behind the civilians. ISIS is the target and will be the target no matter their front line use of civilian bodies.
we know that muslim terrorists hide behind their own people. shit they bomb the shit out of their cities, eject them from their homeland and you don't seem to care. but trump takes out ISIS and experience collateral damage and that's on trump. funny. you all are soooo fked up I can't believe it. seriously, you all are not human.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Seems pretty interesting that the whole time Obama was in office, the lickspittle, lapdog, lame stream media, avoided anything Obama that would make the messiah look bad. Now that HE is out of office, back to butthurt liberal propaganda. Then the media wonders why we don't like them....
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Seems pretty interesting that the whole time Obama was in office, the lickspittle, lapdog, lame stream media, avoided anything Obama that would make the messiah look bad. Now that HE is out of office, back to butthurt liberal propaganda. Then the media wonders why we don't like them....
91% negative news at last count.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels

at first i thought it had to be propaganda since only two of USMBs trolls had relied Shillian and sealybozo ass kisser Del but
thanks for posting those first two links there cause i would not take you serious had you left out those two and just posted the others ones because the ones ones newsweek and the other one i MSM news which is controlled by the CIA but ron paul and the agenda are independent sources not connected to the government so this is indeed a credible OP thread.

Shillian and del of course will probably post a smiley or a one liner insult since they cant counter these pesky facts below which is this does not surprise me because
I was hoping Trump would break the trend of how each president since Kennedy,every one of them that has got in office has always been worse than the previous one and its not because they are naturally more evil than the previous one,but because the establishment ups their agenda to destroy the world each time the new president gets sworn in and if he doesnt do what his puppet master tell him to do,he ends up like kennedy our last REAL president we had.

Kennedy was killed by the CIA and mossad because he was going to get rid of the CIA and and he had cut off aide to Israel.Every president since him has all given aide to Israel and that is WHY they have all stayed alive.

Someone like Ron Paul or an independent not part of the corrupt two party system like gary johnson will never get in because they are not supporters of Israel. Kennedy was our last REAL president we had because he was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and bankers that do now that every president since then has served.

Trump like all presidents since LBJ,has ties to the zionists and is doing their bidding just like every president has starting with Johnson. things will never change as long as we have this corrupt two party system.

Trump has good domestic policys but his foreing policys suck.same as Obama and Bush he is a mass murderer.that is the only difference between trump and Obama and his pal Bush is his domestic policys are good. that would not have happened with another clinton in office.
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Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under ObamaS

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Oh did you know that FDR the darling of the Democrats with carpet bombing killed plenty of innocent civilians that where in France, Germany, Austria and other German occupied countries?
Marquis of Queensbury ROEs are why we've been at war for 15 years. Nice to see we're finally beginning to street fight like our opponents.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under ObamaS

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Oh did you know that FDR the darling of the Democrats with carpet bombing killed plenty of innocent civilians that where in France, Germany, Austria and other German occupied countries?
what about Hiroshima?
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Seems pretty interesting that the whole time Obama was in office, the lickspittle, lapdog, lame stream media, avoided anything Obama that would make the messiah look bad. Now that HE is out of office, back to butthurt liberal propaganda. Then the media wonders why we don't like them....
91% negative news at last count.

You elected a man with no morals, no ethics, who is also an incompetent fool. There’s no legislation being passed, the administration is just limping from one scandal to another.

The level of turnover is unprecedented. The chaos is both destructive and unnecessary.

Trump’s is driving the negative news with his twitter attacks, and his narcissism.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Seems pretty interesting that the whole time Obama was in office, the lickspittle, lapdog, lame stream media, avoided anything Obama that would make the messiah look bad. Now that HE is out of office, back to butthurt liberal propaganda. Then the media wonders why we don't like them....
91% negative news at last count.

You elected a man with no morals, no ethics, who is also an incompetent fool. There’s no legislation being passed, the administration is just limping from one scandal to another.

The level of turnover is unprecedented. The chaos is both destructive and unnneccesary.
useless post. your opinions mean nothing to me.
According to the left Trump is worse than Kim Jong Un...

They have no idea how crazy they sound.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under ObamaS

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Oh did you know that FDR the darling of the Democrats with carpet bombing killed plenty of innocent civilians that where in France, Germany, Austria and other German occupied countries?
what about Hiroshima?

That was Truman, also a Democrat. I agree 100% with his decision, BTW.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Don’t you know NOTHING MATTERS with this president.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Another morally reprehensible member of the cult.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under ObamaS

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Oh did you know that FDR the darling of the Democrats with carpet bombing killed plenty of innocent civilians that where in France, Germany, Austria and other German occupied countries?
what about Hiroshima?

That was Truman, also a Democrat. I agree 100% with his decision, BTW.
me too, but it killed a few civilians right? When bad people hide behind the innocent, sometimes the innocent suffer from the aggression, rather than the bad people who hold their food and treat them worse than dogs.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under ObamaS

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Oh did you know that FDR the darling of the Democrats with carpet bombing killed plenty of innocent civilians that where in France, Germany, Austria and other German occupied countries?
what about Hiroshima?
There were no innocent people there as they were all willing to die in defense of their god/emperor. We just saved the people of Japan by sacrificing a few..

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