Trump lashes out at ‘Jewish leaders’ for ‘lack of loyalty’ to him: ‘They should be ashamed of themselves’


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Considering all his recent problems, I don't think rants against Jewish people will help Trump right now. Desantis must be enjoying his descent into nothingness.

Former President Donald Trump hit out at “Jewish leaders” for a “lack of loyalty” to him in a post on Truth Social on Friday morning, saying “they should be ashamed of themselves”.

Posting a link to an article in The Gateway Pundit by Wayne Allyn Root, defending him from the outrage sparked by his dinner at Mar-a-Lago with antisemitic rapper Kanye West and white nationalist Nick Fuentes, Mr Trump thanked the author.

He wrote: “Thank you Wayne – You are great but how quickly Jewish Leaders forgot that I was the best, by far, President for Israel. They should be ashamed of themselves. This lack of loyalty to their greatest friends and allies is why large numbers in Congress, and so many others, have stopped giving support to Israel.”

In his article, Mr Root railed against former President Barack Obama and lauded Mr Trump.
Considering all his recent problems, I don't think rants against Jewish people will help Trump right now. Desantis must be enjoying his descent into nothingness.

I'd say he's now completely unhinged, but that's a tough comparison given his previous behaviors.

He'll always be a child. The question is whether he destroys the sand box before he finally goes away.
I'd say he's now completely unhinged, but that's a tough comparison given his previous behaviors.

He'll always be a child. The question is whether he destroys the sand box before he finally goes away.
Until he is taken by the damn Reaper Trump is never going away!
Considering all his recent problems, I don't think rants against Jewish people will help Trump right now. Desantis must be enjoying his descent into nothingness.

Trump is done!
Considering all his recent problems, I don't think rants against Jewish people will help Trump right now. Desantis must be enjoying his descent into nothingness.

Considering all his recent problems, I don't think rants against Jewish people will help Trump right now. Desantis must be enjoying his descent into nothingness.

Every time Trump says something you folks say he's lashing out.
It's not what he said that's so's the way you assholes describe it that's so bad.

If Trump were to say "Peace On Earth...Goodwill Toward Men" you fuckers would say he was lashing out at women because he forgot to mention them.

How to avoid accidentally supping with a Nazi.

  1. Are any of your dinner guests old enough to have an SS, SA, or Wermacht service record or to have been members of the Nazi party? If the answer to this question is yes, you will want to verify nationality. If the dinner guest in question is German, a full background check is definitely required. If the dinner guest is from a country occupied by Germany during the war, verifying that the guest was not part of any collaborationist force is best practice.

  2. Have any of your dinner guests recently become famous for having given antisemitic speeches or public statements or for public advocacy of a hierarchy of the races? Have any of them used nuclear warfare metaphors to describe what they are going to do to Jews? If yes, formal membership in a Nazi organization may not be required for infamy to ensue. Proceed with extreme caution, particularly with respect to Question 5.
  3. Are any of your guests known to have endorsed the Führerprinzip, referred to any leader unironically as “Il Duce,” or used terms like “lebensraum” to refer to sovereign nations in Eastern Europe? If so, consider canceling the dinner.
  4. Have any of your guests discussed head measurements with you at any time? Do any of them carry a calipers?
  5. Are your guests bringing guests of their own? This is a particularly tricky area. One doesn’t want to be rude, after all. But many accidental Nazi dining incidents seem to happen not as a result of the primary dinner invitations but because of the secondary invitations, the guests bringing surprise guests of their own. You will want to verify that all of your guests have applied this checklist to each of their own guests. If they have not, you will want to do so yourself.
  6. Have any members of Congress been stripped of their committee assignments for associating with your guest? If yes, you will want to verify that this unfortunate legislative de-platforming took place for some reason other than that your guest is a Nazi.
  7. Does your guest do any of the following things with respect to the Holocaust: (1) deny that it took place? (2) endorse it? (3) acknowledge that something took place but argue about how many people were really killed? (4) argue about the means by which those people were really killed? (5) All of the above?
  8. Has your guest ever broached the subject of a “white homeland” or “white genocide” with you?
  9. Does your guest refer to individual non-Jews as “goyim” betraying no understanding that the term is a plural—and, specifically, a plural noun? In particular, does your guest use the word “goyim” as evidence of some insider awareness of Jewish racism? This is not necessarily evidence of Naziism, but it is almost always evidence of gross antisemitism. Consider the yellow light flashing on dinner.
  10. And finally, let’s not forget the obvious: Has your guest given a speech praising Adolph Hitler or Nazism? If so, you will want to check the text of the speech, of course to make sure that the praise is not a Big Lebowski-style back-handed drive-by, but it will likely be disqualifying.
I'd say he's now completely unhinged, but that's a tough comparison given his previous behaviors.

He'll always be a child. The question is whether he destroys the sand box before he finally goes away.
Fuck you. Just watching Biden walk around during meetings and events stumbling and shuffling around like a zombie.
You have some nerve, buddy.
Every time Trump says something you folks say he's lashing out.
It's not what he said that's so's the way you assholes describe it that's so bad.

If Trump were to say "Peace On Earth...Goodwill Toward Men" you fuckers would say he was lashing out at women because he forgot to mention them.
Fuck you. Just watching Biden walk around during meetings and events stumbling and shuffling around like a zombie.
You have some nerve, buddy.
You are watching only the edited clips you are meant to watch.

Broaden your horizon and start watching the whole thing.
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