Trump lauds Colonial Airports

I read the link provided.

It was not so much a Naval Battle (only one side a Navy, so no battle), it was more of a raiding party engagement. Which is not at all surprising.

The British Navy was known to raid coastal areas. Taking provisions i.e Food and Water. Or maybe it was a press gang. Which is how the British Navy was known fill out the ranks of their ships, hence the term "Pressed Into Service". The British would take Men and older teen boys by force to serve on their ships.

This happened up and the coast of British Colonies and even Great Britain itself. But it was in no way, shape and/or form a Naval Battle.

Now, back to lies of 45.

No Air Fields because there were no Air Craft.

No Ramparts to ram.

Flag referenced from Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. That Flag can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology. I really do see the humor
or anything to laugh at in speaking truth, but Cons hate the truth anyway.
and you can keep your doctor and Insurance also lol We need a lost and found section for the 7 or 87 states that have been lost that obama said he visited.

Wow, look at this lame attempt diversion. Not even a good one. Totally lame.

Like 45.
What diversion? Did obama say you can keep your doctor and health care plan if you like it? Didn't obama say he visited 57 or 58 states?
In point of fact, the British Navy controlled ports up and down the coast of the then British Colonies.

Maine, as a state did not exist in 1775. It was part of the the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

The American Revolution, as an Armed Rebellion against Great Britain did not begin in earnest until after the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

The British Navy was one of most powerful navies of its time. There was no U.S. Navy to fight the British Navy in 1775.

Next you going to tell us that Washington crossed the Delaware River in helicopter.
I'm not going to argue with you; it is history. I've read primary source documents about it. The Continental Army may not have had a "Navy," but they sure had ships engaging with the British.
If the New England Historical Society isn't factual enough for you, Google it.
The Battle of Margaretta, When Pitchforks Beat the British Navy - New England Historical Society

Except for the fact the Revolution did not begin until 1776. That there was no U.S. Navy to fight the British Navy you're fine. Try telling the truth, which I know for a lying , 45 loving Con is hard to do.

I read your link. 1775. The Siege of Boston Harbor. Massachusetts Bay Colony. Nope, no Maine at all. There was no Naval Battle, one needs a Navy to have such a battle and there was NO. U.S. NAVY AT THE TIME.
You're quite the know-it-all, aren't you, bravoactual? Here for the campaign are you? I don't recall seeing you around the past few years. But it's really great to have you with us to clear up all those facts you think you know.

I don't know what YOU call it when a group of combatants take over two enemy ships and set the crew adrift, kill the Captain and refit the ships to use fighting the enemy at sea for several years, but we call it a battle. Men were killed; the leadware carried to Machias by the Weston sisters actually arrived after the battle was over because they got lost (and it's only eight miles from Weston Hill to Machias, not sixteen, but knowing them, it may have been sixteen before they got there). I'm related to them—Hannah's sense of direction was abysmal, and that came from her own grandson, so it's no doubt true. She got lost in the trees in her own backyard once.

The town had to repel the British again two years later when they tried to enter the town and were defeated. Machias was not occupied by the British during the Revolutionary War. The War of 1812 was another story—but we don't talk about that much.

Now smarten up, smarty pants. I was just all agog to learn that we were part of Massachusetts back in 1775--it doesn't mean we didn't exist because we were called "Massachusetts?" LOL

Lexington and Concord and the Battle of the Margaretta both happened before the Declaration of Independence made it formal, perhaps, but there were a lot of colonists already pretty pissed at the British--especially after L & C, which they had heard about. The townspeople even erected a Liberty Pole in defiance (they were told not to by the soon to be dead British Captain Moore). He said he'd fire on the town if they didn't take it down and gave them a day to think about it. They attacked him and his crew while they sat in church instead, and perhaps in karmic retribution for such a nasty move, the attack was botched, the British saw the colonists coming with their pitchforks and muskets and they made it back to their ships in time to make this a battle on the water instead of on the land.
Did Concord have an airport?

Maybe a Space Port.
Did Washington have a Space Force?
I read the link provided.

It was not so much a Naval Battle (only one side a Navy, so no battle), it was more of a raiding party engagement. Which is not at all surprising.

The British Navy was known to raid coastal areas. Taking provisions i.e Food and Water. Or maybe it was a press gang. Which is how the British Navy was known fill out the ranks of their ships, hence the term "Pressed Into Service". The British would take Men and older teen boys by force to serve on their ships.

This happened up and the coast of British Colonies and even Great Britain itself. But it was in no way, shape and/or form a Naval Battle.

Now, back to lies of 45.

No Air Fields because there were no Air Craft.

No Ramparts to ram.

Flag referenced from Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. That Flag can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology. I really do see the humor
or anything to laugh at in speaking truth, but Cons hate the truth anyway.
and you can keep your doctor and Insurance also lol We need a lost and found section for the 7 or 87 states that have been lost that obama said he visited.

You echo chamber idiots are too much. First of all President Obama is not President of the United States today (and that's too bad, the one we got is a damn liar and an asshole -- but I digress). Trump is President and is the most mendacious and uninformed person to ever be elected POTUS.

Yeah he made a ridiculous comment, I'm sure [?] he knows King George didn't have this,

for the minutemen to confront.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.
Yeah, that'd be great. He'll be Section 8'd and outta our hair before the election, even.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

Things like the U.S. Army taking Air Fields in 1775 and ramming the ramparts?
I read the link provided.

It was not so much a Naval Battle (only one side a Navy, so no battle), it was more of a raiding party engagement. Which is not at all surprising.

The British Navy was known to raid coastal areas. Taking provisions i.e Food and Water. Or maybe it was a press gang. Which is how the British Navy was known fill out the ranks of their ships, hence the term "Pressed Into Service". The British would take Men and older teen boys by force to serve on their ships.

This happened up and the coast of British Colonies and even Great Britain itself. But it was in no way, shape and/or form a Naval Battle.

Now, back to lies of 45.

No Air Fields because there were no Air Craft.

No Ramparts to ram.

Flag referenced from Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. That Flag can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology. I really do see the humor
or anything to laugh at in speaking truth, but Cons hate the truth anyway.
and you can keep your doctor and Insurance also lol We need a lost and found section for the 7 or 87 states that have been lost that obama said he visited.

Wow, look at this lame attempt diversion. Not even a good one. Totally lame.

Like 45.
What diversion? Did obama say you can keep your doctor and health care plan if you like it? Didn't obama say he visited 57 or 58 states?

And yet another lame at diversion.

This is the 5-Deferment, Draft Dodging Cowards fucked up speech. Mr. Obama is not in office.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

Things like the U.S. Army taking Air Fields in 1775 and ramming the ramparts?

I have been having trouble visualizing ramming the ramparts. I mean, what did they use, a Dodge Ram? Maybe a real ram?
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

Things like the U.S. Army taking Air Fields in 1775 and ramming the ramparts?
Why does saying something like that upset you?
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

Things like the U.S. Army taking Air Fields in 1775 and ramming the ramparts?
What's wrong with 'ramming the ramparts?' Didn't they do that stuff back then?
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

Things like the U.S. Army taking Air Fields in 1775 and ramming the ramparts?
What's wrong with 'ramming the ramparts?' Didn't they do that stuff back then?
Your level of obsession is not healthy. Keep it up.
I'm thinking that those ramming the ramparts sometimes had to ram them in the rain, which is probably as difficult as Trump talking about it in the rain.

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