Trump lauds Colonial Airports

Is the fact that our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box is not trivial
“But...but...57 states!”

Interesting you have to go back 12 years to find an Obama blunder. I have to go to yesterday to find a Trump blunder

Yesterday? He must be playing golf without the press today.

Remember when that Draft Dodging POS said he would be to busy for golf.....

Yeah, that was after he said that he deserved a metal for surviving STD, because that was his own personal Vietnam.
STDs won.
I read the link provided.

It was not so much a Naval Battle (only one side a Navy, so no battle), it was more of a raiding party engagement. Which is not at all surprising.

The British Navy was known to raid coastal areas. Taking provisions i.e Food and Water. Or maybe it was a press gang. Which is how the British Navy was known fill out the ranks of their ships, hence the term "Pressed Into Service". The British would take Men and older teen boys by force to serve on their ships.

This happened up and the coast of British Colonies and even Great Britain itself. But it was in no way, shape and/or form a Naval Battle.

Now, back to lies of 45.

No Air Fields because there were no Air Craft.

No Ramparts to ram.

Flag referenced from Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. That Flag can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology. I really do see the humor
or anything to laugh at in speaking truth, but Cons hate the truth anyway.
and you can keep your doctor and Insurance also lol We need a lost and found section for the 7 or 87 states that have been lost that obama said he visited.

You echo chamber idiots are too much. First of all President Obama is not President of the United States today (and that's too bad, the one we got is a damn liar and an asshole -- but I digress). Trump is President and is the most mendacious and uninformed person to ever be elected POTUS.

Yeah he made a ridiculous comment, I'm sure [?] he knows King George didn't have this,

for the minutemen to confront.
Yes I know obama isn't not president now because you would be supporting the thing you oppose now. I totally understand that
I'm thinking that those ramming the ramparts sometimes had to ram them in the rain, which is probably as difficult as Trump talking about it in the rain.
I've never seen a president who has so much trouble with rain. Talk about a cupcake. That man is soft af.
Trump thought Obama was born in Kenya
Not hard to convince him that George Washington had airplanes
I read the link provided.

It was not so much a Naval Battle (only one side a Navy, so no battle), it was more of a raiding party engagement. Which is not at all surprising.

The British Navy was known to raid coastal areas. Taking provisions i.e Food and Water. Or maybe it was a press gang. Which is how the British Navy was known fill out the ranks of their ships, hence the term "Pressed Into Service". The British would take Men and older teen boys by force to serve on their ships.

This happened up and the coast of British Colonies and even Great Britain itself. But it was in no way, shape and/or form a Naval Battle.

Now, back to lies of 45.

No Air Fields because there were no Air Craft.

No Ramparts to ram.

Flag referenced from Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. That Flag can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology. I really do see the humor
or anything to laugh at in speaking truth, but Cons hate the truth anyway.
and you can keep your doctor and Insurance also lol We need a lost and found section for the 7 or 87 states that have been lost that obama said he visited.

Wow, look at this lame attempt diversion. Not even a good one. Totally lame.

Like 45.
What diversion? Did obama say you can keep your doctor and health care plan if you like it? Didn't obama say he visited 57 or 58 states?

a) He did say you can keep your doctor. However, some doctors and/or their insurer didn't want to take a pay cut or receive less revenue; remember the PPACA's first two letters were, "Patient Protection".

b) He did make a gaff when he said 50 .... 7 states. It's obvious he didn't try to mislead anyone. Of course trump didn't either, but watch how he'll be defended by the hypocrites who support him, and they will use Obama's Gaff as their talking points.
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

If you had an once of sense you would hope and pray he changes, for his ability to present himself as a fool is way too obvious.
I read the link provided.

It was not so much a Naval Battle (only one side a Navy, so no battle), it was more of a raiding party engagement. Which is not at all surprising.

The British Navy was known to raid coastal areas. Taking provisions i.e Food and Water. Or maybe it was a press gang. Which is how the British Navy was known fill out the ranks of their ships, hence the term "Pressed Into Service". The British would take Men and older teen boys by force to serve on their ships.

This happened up and the coast of British Colonies and even Great Britain itself. But it was in no way, shape and/or form a Naval Battle.

Now, back to lies of 45.

No Air Fields because there were no Air Craft.

No Ramparts to ram.

Flag referenced from Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. That Flag can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology. I really do see the humor
or anything to laugh at in speaking truth, but Cons hate the truth anyway.
and you can keep your doctor and Insurance also lol We need a lost and found section for the 7 or 87 states that have been lost that obama said he visited.

Wow, look at this lame attempt diversion. Not even a good one. Totally lame.

Like 45.
What diversion? Did obama say you can keep your doctor and health care plan if you like it? Didn't obama say he visited 57 or 58 states?

a) He did say you can keep your doctor. However, some doctors and/or their insurer didn't want to take a pay cut or receive less revenue; remember the PPACA's first two letters were, "Patient Protection".

b) He did make a gaff when he said 50 .... 7 states. It's obvious he didn't try to mislead anyone. Of course trump didn't either, but watch how he'll be defended by the hypocrites who support him, and they will use Obama's Gaff as their talking points.
Stop trying to lie and justify obama's lie
Lol! The butthurt gets more ridiculous each day. All presidents say stupid crap like that.
Um....not that stupid, no they don't come close.
Sure they do. You, like the rest of the wingnuts are blinded by your fake media fed outrage for Trump. I hope he keeps saying things like this and it causes as much misery as possible.

If you had an once of sense you would hope and pray he changes, for his ability to present himself as a fool is way too obvious.
I felt the same for 8 years of the idiot obama
Was that airport in the 57th state?? Lol

Trump is a Stable Genius. He has an IQ more bigly than any other president.

He should know there were no airports
Was he talking about the 57 states?? Lol ha

Obama was just a community organizer, you can expect a gaff every ten years

Trump has a big brain, he went to Wharton, only smart people go to Wharton. He has the best words.....

And those words claim that revolutionary armies captured airfields
Obama obviously simply misspoke.
It’s not like you actually believe he thought what he said was true. Don’t pretend otherwise.

Of course Obama misspoke, so did trump, it's not like you actually believed trump [or your own excuse for that matter] don't pretend otherwise...see how that works?

More importantly, Trump says stupid things on a daily basis and Obama didn’t even come close to his level of stupidity.
Obama was/is a great president and great man, trump is an unapologetic patriot with many flaws...but he is also more successful at everything else outside the presidency...the one thing both have in common is that they are proof anyone can be president.

Trump: Bankrupt 6 times. No US banks will lend him money.
Trump thought Obama was born in Kenya
Not hard to convince him that George Washington had airplanes
never seen his birth certificate and the way obama was protected and shield would you bet the life of your children on it?

Another tiny brain chimes in
My tiny brain makes you look like an idiot
But that's another discussion
Did you see his birth certificate? We are finding out just how corrupt it was during the obama years

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