Trump lauds Colonial Airports

At exactly what time in the video I just posted does he say what the op's link says.

The Op uses DEAD STATE...........LOL

Start watching about's within the next minute.

Something is missing. There is a part taken out. He's talking about Cornwallis then something is missing and he's talking about the Battle of Fort McHenry which has nothing to Do with the Revolutionary war. That's the was of 1812 and the writing of the Star Spangled banner. When I heard it live there was not this missing minute or so.

There is nothing missing, he was jumping from war to war, he spoke of the Civil War right after his bit about the Star Spangled banner.

but he did very clearly say airport.

It was just a funny mistake, but the true fun is watching his minions cover for him and defend him as if he is incapable of making an error.

Instead of intelligence in our WH we have a man who's clearly not in control of his facilities
I remember studying the Battle of BWI

Donald Trump trips up on history in 4th of July speech, mentions airports during Revolutionary War

In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant."
It was funny. A POTUS with a sense of humor-BRILLIANT!
I love the stories about how George Washington bombed London
I remember studying the Battle of BWI

Donald Trump trips up on history in 4th of July speech, mentions airports during Revolutionary War

In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant."
WTH? Dat shit be funny!
If obozo was white we wouldn't even know his name

Statement of the century!

Trump's speech was a celebration of America's founding and the American military.
I'm disappointed he didn't throw in a zinger or two about Betsy Ross and "this old gray head", and her version of Old Glory.
I also wanted him to remind us that the Founding Fathers put their lives on the line, when King George III ordered them hanged for revolting. The odds of the rag-tag US irregulars against the mighty British army were not good. Then assholes like Colon Kapernik whine about Betsy Ross' flag, what a POS.
It's sad, but not unexpected, that the deranged leftists pour over every word of his speeches looking for the slightest mistake so they can turn it into the main talking point for the next 48 hours. And it's particularly sad and petty that they do it in an effort to undermine the importance of the underlying message in speeches marking events that were historically monumental for freedom and liberty, like the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, and the birthday of our nation's independence from tyranny and oppression.

Oh gosh there is no need to pour over every word of his speeches. There are so many gaffes, errors, lies, and so much stupidity, in each and every one of his speeches it's like a smorgasbord of jack assery. Which bit of absurdity makes you laugh the most? Take your pick!

For most of us, we don't have to bear the torture of watching him try to read. We just wait for the clips and memes. It doesn't take long.
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
Um...Fort McHenry and the rockets' red glare was the War of 1812.
It's sad, but not unexpected, that the deranged leftists pour over every word of his speeches looking for the slightest mistake so they can turn it into the main talking point for the next 48 hours. And it's particularly sad and petty that they do it in an effort to undermine the importance of the underlying message in speeches marking events that were historically monumental for freedom and liberty, like the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, and the birthday of our nation's independence from tyranny and oppression.

Oh gosh there is no need to pour over every word of his speeches. There are so many gaffes, errors, lies, and so much stupidity, in each and every one of his speeches it's like a smorgasbord of jack assery. Which bit of absurdity makes you laugh the most? Take your pick!

For most of us, we don't have to bear the torture of watching him try to read. We just wait for the clips and memes. It doesn't take long.
a smorgasbord of jack assery
Succinctly put.

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