Trump lauds Colonial Airports

“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
We are healthy and proud. You can join in if you let go of your ego.
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
We are healthy and proud. You can join in if you let go of your ego.

Actually, Trump may have a point. Not one single bomber dropped a bomb on America during the revolutionary war.
Well, I will admit that no other man alive has managed to lose $10 billion in 9 years.
It's awfully big of you to admit that, you must be quite a success story to have that kind of money to lose...congratulations on your success.

I'm just a mid-level retired executive, but I manage to increase my portfolio every year without declaring bankruptcy and stiffing my creditors. That seems to be beyond Trump's pay grade.
Obama obviously simply misspoke.
It’s not like you actually believe he thought what he said was true. Don’t pretend otherwise.

Of course Obama misspoke, so did trump, it's not like you actually believed trump [or your own excuse for that matter] don't pretend otherwise...see how that works?

More importantly, Trump says stupid things on a daily basis and Obama didn’t even come close to his level of stupidity.
Obama was/is a great president and great man, trump is an unapologetic patriot with many flaws...but he is also more successful at everything else outside the presidency...the one thing both have in common is that they are proof anyone can be president.

Well, I will admit that no other man alive has managed to lose $10 billion in 9 years.
Obama obviously simply misspoke.
It’s not like you actually believe he thought what he said was true. Don’t pretend otherwise.

Of course Obama misspoke, so did trump, it's not like you actually believed trump [or your own excuse for that matter] don't pretend otherwise...see how that works?

More importantly, Trump says stupid things on a daily basis and Obama didn’t even come close to his level of stupidity.
Obama was/is a great president and great man, trump is an unapologetic patriot with many flaws...but he is also more successful at everything else outside the presidency...the one thing both have in common is that they are proof anyone can be president.

Well, I will admit that no other man alive has managed to lose $10 billion in 9 years.

Dunno about that, Obama managed to flush $9 Trillion in 8 years.
I'm just a mid-level retired executive, but I manage to increase my portfolio every year without declaring bankruptcy and stiffing my creditors.

So? I was judging you by your last post which led me to believe you were a success, shame on you.

That seems to be beyond Trump's pay grade.
That's because president of the United States is below his pay grade.
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Well, I will admit that no other man alive has managed to lose $10 billion in 9 years.
It's awfully big of you to admit that, you must be quite a success story to have that kind of money to lose...congratulations on your success.

I'm just a mid-level retired executive, but I manage to increase my portfolio every year without declaring bankruptcy and stiffing my creditors. That seems to be beyond Trump's pay grade.

You are an economic cud-chewer taking advantage of those (like Trump) that have the balls to take chances. Why would you want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg?
As long as you're wetting your pants over it I'm good.

He's out there celebrating our country and you're whining about some word salad.
Daily word salad from an idiot with control of nuclear weapons.

Good, keeps Russia, China, North Korea, and all the other lunatics scared shitless, just like you.

Just what this country needs. A lose cannon with his finger on the nuclear football, scaring the hell out of all the other countries with nuclear footballs. I can not think of a clearer example of why democrats think that you Trumpettes have lost your minds.

Funny, I can't think of a clearer example of why Democrats will not be POTUS for a while.
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
I would like to say funny and agree BUT this POS is the dumbest worst speaking president of all times and it's sad
Doesn't it piss you off that he's gonna be President for another 6 years? LMAO

At exactly what time in the video I just posted does he say what the op's link says.

The Op uses DEAD STATE...........LOL
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
I would like to say funny and agree BUT this POS is the dumbest worst speaking president of all times and it's sad
Doesn't it piss you off that he's gonna be President for another 6 years? LMAO the fix is in, is it? Why stop at 6?
He needs a new speech writer. The battle of Fort McHenry, that inspired Francis Scott Key, was during the War of 1812, not the Revolutionary War.
Yep that too. A mind is a terrible thing to STDs.
You seem preoccupied with STDs. Do you have one...or two...or three?
Just quoting your beloved orange one....Trump, comparing sex to Vietnam, said in 1998 he should receive the Congressional Medal of Honor
The pathetic little democrat cry baby nitpicking about our great President and his wonderful salute to America and our awesome military is just more cockamamie ass clown bull shit.

If liberals are as smart as they proclaim they are, then why are they too stupid to realize how asinine they sound to all the normal people in America?
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
You should change the title to
behold the stupidest thing Billy000 has ever said.
The problem is he has many posts and threads to debunk that claim and prove you're a liar.
As soon as I heard that speech I knew it was going to drive democrats completely insane.

Good job Mr. President.
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“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War

I watched and heard no such thing.

People see what they want to see.

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