Trump laws

In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws.

So you’re essentially demanding that no qualified US Citizen ever be allowed to run for POTUS ever again. No sane, intelligent and successful individual would EVER agree to those demands.

Perhaps yo can get an adult to read it to you. You seem to misunderstand what I wrote.
and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments
You are not a total Communist? That isn't Marxism? What about that dictatorship of the proletariat that takes the place of the monied class of capitalists? Isn't that the same thing?

No dumb ass. It's making sure our president doesn't use his office to make money. Are you too stupid to see that?
Well since he gets a salary you better look at that again. That’s making money from your office. TDS thread #25,764

You are stupid, aren't you?
Well dummy, explain how getting a salary for holding the office is not gaining profit from that office? You can start sputtering and stammering in impotence now.

As I said before, You are really stupid.
SO you can’t answer a simple question. That makes YOU really stupid. Your surrender is noted.
So you’re essentially demanding that no qualified US Citizen ever be allowed to run for POTUS ever again. No sane, intelligent and successful individual would EVER agree to those demands.
Not at all. There are hundreds of highly qualified filthy rich americans who would gladly put their fortunes into a blind trust in order to accept the presidency. It's what we did for previous presidents in order to allow them to make decisions free of accusation of doing so for personal benefit. Along with being immune to foreign influence.
put their fortunes into a blind trust in order to accept the presidency
That's a "blind trust" run by Communist Party operatives at the Federal Reserve.
The Communists there, if they could have gotten control of Trump's money, would have embezzled it all and bankrupted him to fund their communist party causes.
Perhaps yo can get an adult to read it to you. You seem to misunderstand what I wrote.

I understand exactly what you wrote. I also know that no sane businessman would ever allow such things to be done to them. Those requirements would effectively disqualify any business owner or individual who makes a seven digit income from ever running for office, never mind anyone who is truly “rich”.

I don’t want the type of people who would agree to those requirements elected dog catcher, never mind POTUS.
Not at all. There are hundreds of highly qualified filthy rich americans who would gladly put their fortunes into a blind trust in order to accept the presidency...

Then they’re imbeciles who shouldn’t have been elected homecoming king, never mind POTUS.
No dumb ass. It's making sure our president doesn't use his office to make money. Are you too stupid to see that?
Time for all to make some money, get us all back to work. Guns to protect our property. Rights restored with full honor. Defend our loved ones and our own from enemy attack. Don't just turn the United States into a Communist Party slum, and shitlist us out of the job market on your stupid leftist political vendettas.

So you would rather the country be turned into a Company Slum instead? How about something in the middle where we just don't have slums.
No dumb ass. It's making sure our president doesn't use his office to make money. Are you too stupid to see that?
Time for all to make some money, get us all back to work. Guns to protect our property. Rights restored with full honor. Defend our loved ones and our own from enemy attack. Don't just turn the United States into a Communist Party slum, and shitlist us out of the job market on your stupid leftist political vendettas.

So you would rather the country be turned into a Company Slum instead? How about something in the middle where we just don't have slums.
Private citizens are allowed to own unregistered and unpermitted guns by the Second Amendment. Company or no company.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Shoot all republican candidates on sight.

Fun idea, but I'm looking for something a litle more subtle.
I'm tired of subtle. I'm tired of polite. I'm tired of giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I'm going shopping for subsonic .308.
put their fortunes into a blind trust in order to accept the presidency
That's a "blind trust" run by Communist Party operatives at the Federal Reserve.

Have you considered googleing "blind trust" before you make such a stupid statement. All that is required is that the executor of the trust be a disinterested party.
I understand exactly what you wrote. I also know that no sane businessman would ever allow such things to be done to them. Those requirements would effectively disqualify any business owner or individual who makes a seven digit income from ever running for office, never mind anyone who is truly “rich”.

Actually it means that the truly rich wouldn't be tax cheats.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Shoot all republican candidates on sight.

I should report this to the FBI.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Shoot all republican candidates on sight.

Fun idea, but I'm looking for something a litle more subtle.
I'm tired of subtle. I'm tired of polite. I'm tired of giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I'm going shopping for subsonic .308.

None of that talk. Being civil is what separates Man from Animals. Or Most of us from the Rumpsters.

(never announce the intent of the purchase)
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Shoot all republican candidates on sight.

I should report this to the FBI.
Go for it.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

LOL poor TDS loon. “Why can’t we just have a one party system!”

Dumb ass. It's not about any one party. Trump is gone, so the new laws will never effect him. It's about limiting the president, no matter which party he might be, and requiring fair and ethical behavior.

Fair and ethical would be impeaching Fingers for Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine. It's only fair because the leftists did it and it must be ethical because there is actual video evidence of Fingers bragging about it.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

Our integrity vanished this last election. The criteria to run for President was outlined by our founders and contained in the US Constitution. Good luck getting an amendment put in for tax records. As for Trump, he not only donated every presidential paycheck, but lost a billion dollars of net worth to run our country. I know you are all boo-boo faced now because you once again didn't get your revenge, but what you are suggesting is that only professional politicians take the job as President since they are the only ones to procure their taxes for public viewing. We don't need to see anybody's tax records. We need them to come in and do the exact opposite of slow Joe, which is a good job.
Thsts hilarious. Nobody of means is going to give up their means of accruing and maintaining their wealth just to run for the Presidency.
Bill Gates comes to mind. He would put his fortune into a trust, and release his tax records if he thought he could actually get elected president.

So would Jeff Bezos.

So your claim is completely false.
Fair and ethical would be impeaching Fingers for Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine. It's only fair because the leftists did it and it must be ethical because there is actual video evidence of Fingers bragging about it.

Evidence? Who needs evidence? We don't need to have any stinking evidence. The Nazis set a new precedent. You can now impeach a President even if you have no legitimate charges or impeachable offense.

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