Trump lawyers claim Russians convinced him the election was stolen.

Yes they are. Several times. Page 17 to be exact.

To be found under. Trump's motion to compel discovery of November 27th.

Good things come to those who read.

Before accusing people of not knowing the facts. It'll be helpful to not assume what the facts are... you know just to not let the facts make you look foolish.

By the way the link I gave is a handy recourse if you're concerned about being duped by the media. You can actually read for yourself what arguments are being made in court.
All you have done is execute a document dump that tells us nothing

Why dont you post the actual document and only that document?
All you have done is execute a document dump that tells us nothing

Why dont you post the actual document and only that document?
Because it's a pdf and I'm on my phone atm hard to link. I told you exactly were to find it, and the title and page of the document.

It's not like I'm doing what most people do and simply say " do your own research" and to be honest Mac I don't think I've given you any reason to doubt my integrity.

It's under the motion that has all the text written on the top.
In recent court filings, the legal team of former President Donald Trump has been laying the groundwork for a defense strategy that seeks to depict Trump as a victim of disinformation and unjust treatment by government investigators.

The filings suggest that Trump’s attorneys intend to assert that foreign interference, particularly from Russia, caused Trump to believe that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and as a result, his actions after the election were done in good faith.

”Suggest”.…..”intend to assert”…..

Uh huh, sure. :itsok:
Because it's a pdf and I'm on my phone atm hard to link. I told you exactly were to find it, and the title and page of the document.

It's not like I'm doing what most people do and simply say " do your own research" and to be honest Mac I don't think I've given you any reason to doubt my integrity.

It's under the motion that has all the text written on the top.
What are the anti trumpets here trying to claim?

That the mere mention of russians is an admission of guilt by trump?
Wait no longer

By the way it’s been posted before
Ok, thanks

Trump is requesting documents gathered by our own government relating to foreign interference by russia and others

Thats hardly the smoking gun that lbs make it out to be
Ok, thanks

Trump is requesting documents gathered by our own government relating to foreign interference by russia and others

Thats hardly the smoking gun that lbs make it out to be
But like I said… it is Trump claiming that his bogus “stolen election” claims are the result of Russian disinformation

Trump lawyers claim Russians convinced him the election was stolen.​

toobfreak Jan2024 Stlcrc00008: “One hardly needs a bunch of Russians to tell us the election was stolen when it has been proven 10X over by direct concrete evidence,“ Stlcrc00008 tvvbfrk

Can you explain Saint Toobfreak why Saint Trump and all his Saintly lawyers like Jenna Ellis were not convinced that the election was stolen by the “10X over direct concrete evidence” mentioned in your POST Stlcrc00008 and therefore not resorting to something the Russians told The Donald?

I am a rational theist which means for humans to have a relationship with the Creator they first have to be rational in dealing with objective facts

If Trump’s lawyers are not rationally trying to keep Trump out of prison by presenting that “direct concrete evidence” to the court and to the public in a coherent public presentation, I must reasonably and logically conclude that your POST Stlcrc00008 evidence is obviously weaker than Russian mud.

That means you Saint Toobfreak are the irrational one here, at least in this subject.

That is being kind by not expressing what you really are.

Vtlcrc00071 to Stlcrc00008
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But like I said… it is Trump claiming that his bogus “stolen election” claims are the result of Russian disinformation
We dont know what the Deep State may have told trump about foreign interference because the trump hit squad wants to keep the documents secret
Ok, thanks

Trump is requesting documents gathered by our own government relating to foreign interference by russia and others

Thats hardly the smoking gun that lbs make it out to be

😂 But in recent court filings, and according to sources familiar with the Trump team’s approach, other defense strategies have emerged – namely of absolving Trump, the front-runner for the GOP nomination, of responsibility for the US Capitol attack and positioning him as a victim of disinformation and overzealous government investigators.
Ok, thanks

Trump is requesting documents gathered by our own government relating to foreign interference by russia and others

Thats hardly the smoking gun that lbs make it out to be

So funny...

"Evidence of covert foreign disinformation campaigns relating to the 2020 election supports the defense argument that President Trump and others acted in good faith even if certain reports were ultimately determined to be inaccurate.”
😂 But in recent court filings, and according to sources familiar with the Trump team’s approach, other defense strategies have emerged – namely of absolving Trump, the front-runner for the GOP nomination, of responsibility for the US Capitol attack and positioning him as a victim of disinformation and overzealous government investigators.
Whats wrong with that?

The Deep State is infested with liars who may have lied to trump
So funny...

"Evidence of covert foreign disinformation campaigns relating to the 2020 election supports the defense argument that President Trump and others acted in good faith even if certain reports were ultimately determined to be inaccurate.”
Yes, so?

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