Trump Leads Clinton by 6

That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.

Obama's incompetence, along with Hillary's led to the establishment of ISIS.

So they played a crucial role in establishing/founding ISIS as they could have destroyed it early on but did not.
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.
Right. It's just now been discovered that ISIS found its opportunity because of the gross incompetence of Obama/Killary. Nobody understood this until Trump said something. Idiot. your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.

Obama's incompetence, along with Hillary's led to the establishment of ISIS.

How specifically? Remembering of course that I've got Trump right here in 2007 insisting that we should 'declare victory and leave'. And Obama didn't leave until 2011.

So tell us more about the 'incompetence'.

As clearly the topic of the thread has you running scared and you're desperate to change the topic as quickly as possible.

How's that working out for you?
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.

Obama's incompetence, along with Hillary's led to the establishment of ISIS.

How specifically? Remembering of course that I've got Trump right here in 2007 insisting that we should 'declare victory and leave'. And Obama didn't leave until 2011.

So tell us more about the 'incompetence'.

As clearly the topic of the thread has you running scared and you're desperate to change the topic as quickly as possible.

How's that working out for you?
Trump was not President in 2010, dickless, Obama was and Obama could have destroyed ISIS and he fucked up because he was smoking too much crack instead of doing his god damned job. your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.

There is no poll, the site just came up, it's a wordpress blog of all things and they have no past polls to show. '', never heard of them.

Hell, just look at the categories on there site:

All of which take you to a total of 2 articles, because that's all the site has. It's obviously a con job. your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.

Any wordpress blogger can change the posting date of a post.

Beginner's Guide: How to Back Date Your WordPress Posts

This is WordPress 101. But they can't backdate the Google record of their post. And your working theory is that its GOOGLE that's wrong?


Um, no. Google has a record of the polling caption on August 13th.....from a poll that wasn't competed until the 17th.

This from a 'polling agency' that didn't exist until last Thursday. And you're so desperate to be lied to....that you're ignoring it all.

Good luck with that
Last edited: your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.

There is no poll, the site just came up, it's a wordpress blog of all things and they have no past polls to show. '', never heard of them.

No one has ever heard of them. They didn't exist until August 11th. They didn't even buy the URL for their website until August 3rd.

And if you look for US Daily Wire in any search engine.....there's no mention in any context, from any website, anywhere.....until August 11th. Even the WayBackMachine has no record of them before August 18th.

But the Rubes want to be lied to. So they'll just keep ignoring these enormous red flags. your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.

There is no poll, the site just came up, it's a wordpress blog of all things and they have no past polls to show. '', never heard of them.

No one has ever heard of them. They didn't exist until August 11th. They didn't even buy the URL for their website until August 3rd.

And if you look for US Daily Wire in any search engine.....there's no mention in any context, from any website, anywhere.....until August 11th. Even the WayBackMachine has no record of them before August 18th.

But the Rubes want to be lied to. So they'll just keep ignoring these enormous red flags.

I have to wonder whether they really believe all of this or just want to have something to post, perhaps it depends on the individual.
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.
Right. It's just now been discovered that ISIS found its opportunity because of the gross incompetence of Obama/Killary. Nobody understood this until Trump said something. Idiot. if its leaving 'too early' in 2011 was 'incompetent', then wouldn't have leaving in 2007 been even more incompetent?

Remember, 'declaring victory and leaving' was Trump's game plan in 2007. And this is the man whose judgement you're lauding.

You literally have to ignore Trump on ISIS to believe Trump on ISIS.
Its like watching a dog chase its own tail. your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.

There is no poll, the site just came up, it's a wordpress blog of all things and they have no past polls to show. '', never heard of them.

No one has ever heard of them. They didn't exist until August 11th. They didn't even buy the URL for their website until August 3rd.

And if you look for US Daily Wire in any search engine.....there's no mention in any context, from any website, anywhere.....until August 11th. Even the WayBackMachine has no record of them before August 18th.

But the Rubes want to be lied to. So they'll just keep ignoring these enormous red flags.

I have to wonder whether they really believe all of this or just want to have something to post, perhaps it depends on the individual.

They believe. The entire Trump fiasco is the product of careful cultivation by the GOP in training their constituency that feelings trump evidence. That belief is more important that facts. For the last 15 years.

So the folks doubling down on willful ignorance and confirmation bias this election season.....have been weaned on GOP conspiracy theories and abdicated critical thinking skills *years ago*.

And those chickens are coming home to roost for the GOP. King Birther has undone a decades worth of outreach for groups the GOP *desperately* needs. And its not like this is over in November. The same idiots that elected trump to be their nominee will be voting in every GOP primary after.

They're fucked for at least a decade. With the cancer being their own constituency.
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.

Obama's incompetence, along with Hillary's led to the establishment of ISIS.

How specifically? Remembering of course that I've got Trump right here in 2007 insisting that we should 'declare victory and leave'. And Obama didn't leave until 2011.

So tell us more about the 'incompetence'.

As clearly the topic of the thread has you running scared and you're desperate to change the topic as quickly as possible.

How's that working out for you?
Trump was not President in 2010, dickless, Obama was and Obama could have destroyed ISIS and he fucked up because he was smoking too much crack instead of doing his god damned job.

Obama's not running for president this year. Nor did Hillary determine our Iraq pull out schedule.

And Trump, using the judgment that your ilk laud, called for a pull out 4 full years before Obama actually left.

So you ignore Trump on believe Trump on ISIS. Jesus,'ve really hurt yourself and your capacity to critical think with this Trump thing. your latest working theory is that GOOGLE is wrong, and you're right? What do you think the odds are of that?

Damn, Jim. You're raising desperate willful ignorance to an art form. I'm gonna be reminding of this in November.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.

There is no poll, the site just came up, it's a wordpress blog of all things and they have no past polls to show. '', never heard of them.

No one has ever heard of them. They didn't exist until August 11th. They didn't even buy the URL for their website until August 3rd.

And if you look for US Daily Wire in any search engine.....there's no mention in any context, from any website, anywhere.....until August 11th. Even the WayBackMachine has no record of them before August 18th.

But the Rubes want to be lied to. So they'll just keep ignoring these enormous red flags.

I have to wonder whether they really believe all of this or just want to have something to post, perhaps it depends on the individual.

They believe. The entire Trump fiasco is the product of careful cultivation by the GOP in training their constituency that feelings trump evidence. That belief is more important that facts. For the last 15 years.

So the folks doubling down on willful ignorance and confirmation bias this election season.....have been weaned on GOP conspiracy theories and abdicated critical thinking skills *years ago*.

And those chickens are coming home to roost for the GOP. King Birther has undone a decades worth of outreach for groups the GOP *desperately* needs. And its not like this is over in November. The same idiots that elected trump to be their nominee will be voting in every GOP primary after.

They're fucked for at least a decade. With the cancer being their own constituency.

Oh, I agree, demographically speaking Trump was the worst thing they needed right now and it's only going to get worse. Do you pander to your base that pushed everyone else away or do you look for a fresh audience knowing your existing (though shrinking) base will go elsewhere? Yep, for President I say about a decade or more they will be the underdogs.

But, it's really the fault of moderate Republicans for lying to this horde of dipshits, pandering to their fears for decades only to ignore them after the election is over. Couldn't of happened to a nicer bunch.

At least they've finally buried Reagan, face down, in a shallow grave.
Lol, this thread was started yesterday, the 21st, and yet the Google date on it is still Aug 13, dumbass. The date Google is displaying is the date of the cahed version and that could have simply been a published blank page in preparation for the poll results. It no more proves the poll to be invalid than it proves this trhead began nine days ago, morons.

Obama's not running for president this year. Nor did Hillary determine our Iraq pull out schedule.

And Trump, using the judgment that your ilk laud, called for a pull out 4 full years before Obama actually left.

So you ignore Trump on believe Trump on ISIS. Jesus,'ve really hurt yourself and your capacity to critical think with this Trump thing.
Lol, Obama is the POTUS now, and he does not have to be running to be relevant to his screw ups in the Middle East.

You libtards are getting hugely desperate when you make asinine claims like that one.

And had we withdrawn after the invasion with the Baathist party still intact, there would have been no ISIS, doofus, and that is what Trump called for.
No one has ever heard of them. They didn't exist until August 11th. They didn't even buy the URL for their website until August 3rd.

And if you look for US Daily Wire in any search engine.....there's no mention in any context, from any website, anywhere.....until August 11th. Even the WayBackMachine has no record of them before August 18th.

But the Rubes want to be lied to. So they'll just keep ignoring these enormous red flags.
Lol, classic argument from ignorance; you didnt know of them so they cant be legit and their poll cant be legit; roflmao
Lol, this thread was started yesterday, the 21st, and yet the Google date on it is still Aug 13, dumbass. The date Google is displaying is the date of the cahed version and that could have simply been a published blank page in preparation for the poll results. It no more proves the poll to be invalid than it proves this trhead began nine days ago, morons.

View attachment 86389

Hate to break it to you, the site is fake. There is nothing about it resembling a legitimate polling firm. Wordpress? Absolutely zero history?
Lol, this thread was started yesterday, the 21st, and yet the Google date on it is still Aug 13, dumbass. The date Google is displaying is the date of the cahed version and that could have simply been a published blank page in preparation for the poll results. It no more proves the poll to be invalid than it proves this trhead began nine days ago, morons.

View attachment 86389

Hate to break it to you, the site is fake. There is nothing about it resembling a legitimate polling firm. Wordpress? Absolutely zero history?
Awwww, it shows Hillary losing so it cant be legit!

Boo hoo hooo!

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