Trump Leads Clinton by 6

Its worse that lying to them. They've actively worked to erode their capacity for critical thinking. From Vince Foster to Global Warming to Evolution to the Birther Conspiracy, they've been feeding their constituency the 'go with your gut, ignore the elites' mantra for decades. They're eroded their constituency's capacity to reason.

You have an entire generation of conservatives who literally think that repeating a talking point they heard on the radio is having some understanding of an issue. Confirmation Bias, Willful Ignorance and Argument from Ignorance are what passes for reasoned thought in this group.

You can't unteach that shit. That's a genie that will not go back in the bottle. As once you've convinced someone to ignore evidence and focus on their emotions......what evidence can you use to turn their brain back on?

They're baked, made impervious to evidence or reason by the thorough brainwashing that has left no trace of the 'stain' of critical thinking skills behind.

And they aren't going *anywhere*. The GOP is fucked.

You claimed that the nominee in the lead after the two parties had their conventions ALWAYS won, 16 out of the last 16 elections. That was total bullshit and I proved it was.

You claimed that Googles date given for a cached web page somehow proved the poll was not legit, but I disproved that one two showing a similar date for a thread started a week after Google dated it, and I showed where the date you looked at was for the list page for the polls and not for the poll itself. Again, you engaged in wishful thinking.

Then today you claimed that they pulled the poll because you couldnt find it at the old link! lol, and again I had to hold your hand and show you that it was moved to the home page, but you want so badly to believe the poll is illegit you will just make up some other bullshit.

So it is with incredulous irony that you post that Trump supporters cant think critically, eroded a capacity to reason when you still dont understand arguments I have posted that are totally rational, such as how the difference in the GOP candidate of 2012 should not lead anyone to think the campaign of 2016 will be similar in polling or anything else.

Now tell us how the Democrats, who have gradually lost one governorship and state house after another since Obamas election, are the inevitable party of the future!

You are a wishful thinking Democrat hack.
They pulled the poll. When you click on their own polling link, you get this:

"No Page Found"

My best guess? An undergraduate study to see how many reposts, backlinks and conservative support they can get on a made up poll.
They didnt pull anything, moron, they put it on their home page.


Again, another libtard fell down and cant get up like their party's nominee.
Nowhere on the page you linked does it refefence either their purported 8/7 poll or their 8/12 poll. Both pages which have since been taken down.
In October I'm going to point this thread out as the perfect example why you Republicans are liars and have no credibility.
In October don't be surprised if ISIS attacks somewhere against the United States. ISIS wants all out war but Hillary won't give it to them, so they want her to lose. If we are attacked in a major way, Clinton will lose the election because the Obama/Clinton Regime refuses to fight against Islamic terrorism. They won't even call it that.
You're a nut. Ya know that, right?

Hillary Clinton: I'll say the words 'radical Islamism' -
Just let them keep talking.

Republicans Set To Lose Senate Control
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.
Right. It's just now been discovered that ISIS found its opportunity because of the gross incompetence of Obama/Killary. Nobody understood this until Trump said something. Idiot. if its leaving 'too early' in 2011 was 'incompetent', then wouldn't have leaving in 2007 been even more incompetent?

Remember, 'declaring victory and leaving' was Trump's game plan in 2007. And this is the man whose judgement you're lauding.

You literally have to ignore Trump on ISIS to believe Trump on ISIS.
Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.
Are you confused as to who was president at the time and getting daily national security briefs when he bothered to listen to them?

Or are you just confused in general? Which is it?
That poll has Hillary Clinton winning women by ONE point. The latest YouGov poll on realclear has Clinton winning women by FOURTEEN points. Somebody is very wrong.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.
Right. It's just now been discovered that ISIS found its opportunity because of the gross incompetence of Obama/Killary. Nobody understood this until Trump said something. Idiot. if its leaving 'too early' in 2011 was 'incompetent', then wouldn't have leaving in 2007 been even more incompetent?

Remember, 'declaring victory and leaving' was Trump's game plan in 2007. And this is the man whose judgement you're lauding.

You literally have to ignore Trump on ISIS to believe Trump on ISIS.
Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.
Are you confused as to who was president at the time and getting daily national security briefs when he bothered to listen to them?

Or are you just confused in general? Which is it?

And when Trump got his first national security briefing, the first thing he did was shit on the intel community and question their reliability.

This from a man that insisted that he knows more about ISIS than the generals do.

As the Khan family blunder and musical chairs in his campaign demonstrate......the only person Trump lists to is Trump. And he has no idea what he's doing.
Women want security. When ISIS Founder Killary proves that she will endanger national security as she has time and time again and when she launches a war against the police that protect our communities, women don't feel very secure.

If vote-for-my-vag is her only selling point, she's going to come up short on the female vote.

ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.
Right. It's just now been discovered that ISIS found its opportunity because of the gross incompetence of Obama/Killary. Nobody understood this until Trump said something. Idiot. if its leaving 'too early' in 2011 was 'incompetent', then wouldn't have leaving in 2007 been even more incompetent?

Remember, 'declaring victory and leaving' was Trump's game plan in 2007. And this is the man whose judgement you're lauding.

You literally have to ignore Trump on ISIS to believe Trump on ISIS.
Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.
Are you confused as to who was president at the time and getting daily national security briefs when he bothered to listen to them?

Or are you just confused in general? Which is it?

And when Trump got his first national security briefing, the first thing he did was shit on the intel community and question their reliability.

This from a man that insisted that he knows more about ISIS than the generals do.

As the Khan family blunder and musical chairs in his campaign demonstrate......the only person Trump lists to is Trump. And he has no idea what he's doing.
Actually the first thing he did was shit on Obama for not taking national security more seriously.

Stop lying, leftists!
Its worse that lying to them. They've actively worked to erode their capacity for critical thinking. From Vince Foster to Global Warming to Evolution to the Birther Conspiracy, they've been feeding their constituency the 'go with your gut, ignore the elites' mantra for decades. They're eroded their constituency's capacity to reason.

You have an entire generation of conservatives who literally think that repeating a talking point they heard on the radio is having some understanding of an issue. Confirmation Bias, Willful Ignorance and Argument from Ignorance are what passes for reasoned thought in this group.

You can't unteach that shit. That's a genie that will not go back in the bottle. As once you've convinced someone to ignore evidence and focus on their emotions......what evidence can you use to turn their brain back on?

They're baked, made impervious to evidence or reason by the thorough brainwashing that has left no trace of the 'stain' of critical thinking skills behind.

And they aren't going *anywhere*. The GOP is fucked.

You claimed that the nominee in the lead after the two parties had their conventions ALWAYS won, 16 out of the last 16 elections. That was total bullshit and I proved it was. you didn't. You cited polls from OCTOBER. Where I claimed that the polling in August, in the weeks after the convention had predicted the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections.

Remember all your babble about my 'voodoo' time period? That's not proving me wrong. That's you rejecting my standards because you couldn't disprove it.

I even used your example, citing Reagan's August polling numbers where he was leading.

So you ignored your own example, and 'reimagined' the conversation to meet what you want to believe. You realize that lying to yourself isn't going to change November in the slightest, right?

You claimed that Googles date given for a cached web page somehow proved the poll was not legit, but I disproved that one two showing a similar date for a thread started a week after Google dated it, and I showed where the date you looked at was for the list page for the polls and not for the poll itself. Again, you engaged in wishful thinking.
Dude, the 'polling agency' you're claiming to cite didn't exist before August 11th. With Google citing citations on their August 17th 'poll' on August 13th.

You've been had.

Your 'polling agency' is a WordPress blog made up about 2 weeks ago. And yet because they say what you want them to say, you believe them.

Again, lying to yourself isn't going to change anything, Jim. Confirmation bias is a shit basis of reasoning. And its literally the entirety of your argument.

......Unless you'd like to check Reagan's August polling numbers again. No? I didn't think so.
ISIS *founder*?

Wow. So if Trump says it, you just plug it right in, no thoughts, no questions.

Good luck with that.
Right. It's just now been discovered that ISIS found its opportunity because of the gross incompetence of Obama/Killary. Nobody understood this until Trump said something. Idiot. if its leaving 'too early' in 2011 was 'incompetent', then wouldn't have leaving in 2007 been even more incompetent?

Remember, 'declaring victory and leaving' was Trump's game plan in 2007. And this is the man whose judgement you're lauding.

You literally have to ignore Trump on ISIS to believe Trump on ISIS.
Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.
Are you confused as to who was president at the time and getting daily national security briefs when he bothered to listen to them?

Or are you just confused in general? Which is it?

And when Trump got his first national security briefing, the first thing he did was shit on the intel community and question their reliability.

This from a man that insisted that he knows more about ISIS than the generals do.

As the Khan family blunder and musical chairs in his campaign demonstrate......the only person Trump lists to is Trump. And he has no idea what he's doing.
Actually the first thing he did was shit on Obama for not taking national security more seriously.

Stop lying, leftists!
So Trump didn't say this after his first national security breifing?

Interviewer: Do you trust intelligence?

Trump: “Not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country. I mean, look what’s happened over the last 10 years, look what’s happened over the years. It’s been catastrophic....

....I won't use them because they've made such bad decisions."

Donald Trump Interview: Fox & Friends 8/17/16

This from a man that insisted we should have 'declared victory and leave' Iraq in 2007. That he has more military training that a lot of people in the military because he want to military school. And that he knows more about ISIS than the generals do.

The only person Trump listens to is Trump. And Trump doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. you didn't. You cited polls from OCTOBER. Where I claimed that the polling in August, in the weeks after the convention had predicted the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections.
This is just too easy, roflmao.

I invite anyone to read and see what I said, and that I obviously did not take my facts from October, but instead after the conventions of both parties.

Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown


Gallup Presidential Election Trial-Heat Trends, 1936-2008

Poor Skylar, do you need a soothie? you didn't. You cited polls from OCTOBER. Where I claimed that the polling in August, in the weeks after the convention had predicted the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections.
This is just too easy, roflmao.

I invite anyone to read and see what I said, and that I obviously did not take my facts from October, but instead after the conventions of both parties.

Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown


Gallup Presidential Election Trial-Heat Trends, 1936-2008

Poor Skylar, do you need a soothie? just proved me right again. I said that the polling in August in the weeks after the conventions has accurately predicted the popular vote winner in the last 16 of 16 elections.

And you graciously post a poll that puts Reagan up in August of 1980. Validating my point and following the pattern I described exactly.

The funniest part? You just claimed that your validation of my theory.....disproves my theory. Its watching a dog chase its own tail.
Suck on it, douche bags!

A new USDW telephone and online survey finds Republican nominee Donald Trump expanding his lead to six point with forty-four percent (44%) support to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s thirty-eight (38%). Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson pulled in seven percent (7%), with five percent (5%) backing Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Another six percent (6%) remain undecided. Trump has a 14 point lead among men, only 1 down among women! The Survey, conducted August 13-17, was a sample of 1,405 likely voters, of which 475 were Democrats (34%), 462 were Republicans (33%), and 468 were Independent or Other (33%).

6 what?

Assholes? you didn't. You cited polls from OCTOBER. Where I claimed that the polling in August, in the weeks after the convention had predicted the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections.
This is just too easy, roflmao.

I invite anyone to read and see what I said, and that I obviously did not take my facts from October, but instead after the conventions of both parties.

Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown


Gallup Presidential Election Trial-Heat Trends, 1936-2008

Poor Skylar, do you need a soothie? just proved me right again. I said that the polling in August in the weeks after the conventions has accurately predicted the popular vote winner in the last 16 of 16 elections.

And you graciously post a poll that puts Reagan up in August of 1980. Validating my point and following the pattern I described exactly.

The funniest part? You just claimed that your validation of my theory.....disproves my theory. Its watching a dog chase its own tail.

roflmao, no it does not validate your claim, idiot since the Democrats that year did not end their convention until August 14th. So it is the Dem 39% GOP 38% polling data point that fits your claim, not the one from BEFORE the Democratic convention.

Lol, do you ever wonder why I like responding to your idiots posts?


I have to go do some more chores, so go ahead and claim victory again, loser. I will simply straighten out when I get back anyway.

This shit is fun.
ed out of several battleground states already, as their polling data is showing her with double digit leads. They are now campaigning in RED states. That's what
What America is watching is your candidate not holding rallies anymore because she draws less than 200 people to high school gyms. Trump is going to point out that Hillary thinks she has won already and doesn't need to campaign anymore. I love over confidence. It affects her supporter who will rightfully claim she doesn't need their vote. Republicans hate Hilary so much, they will crawl thru glass to get to the polls.
Donald Trump’s new favorite poll is way out of step with the polling average. But why?

In addition to some further afield tweets sent out by Donald Trump on Monday morning, the Republican presidential nominee retweeted someone who'd seized upon an unusual bit of good news: A poll showing Trump in the lead.

Trump's interest in tweeting out poll numbers has waned in recent weeks, thanks to his poll numbers doing the same. For two weeks between Aug. 1 and Aug. 16, Trump didn't tweet any poll numbers at all, a remarkable shift from the poll-happy candidate we saw throughout the Republican primary. The one he tweeted on the 16th didn't even show him with a lead.

But this new one does.

The LA Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll

So why does the Times/USC poll consistently show Trump doing better than other surveys? Earlier this month, the New York Times' Nate Cohn pointed out a unique part of the poll's methodology. The poll is a panel of 3,200 people, who the Times and USC continually poll over the course of the election. Those 3,000 people (only about a seventh of whom are actually polled each day) were asked who they voted for in 2012, and the results are weighted to reflect that.

The possible problem here is that people often misremember how they voted. This was afairly big issue after the 2008 election when people were more likely to say they voted for Obama than polling suggested. There has been research conducted into why it happens, noting that it's usually the winner who more people remember having backed. Call it Woodstock syndrome: People like to say that they were on board with the popular thing even if they weren't.

But there's one other big number that is worth noting. Asked who they think will win the race, 54 percent of respondents say that they think Clinton is the most likely winner. That question -- who people think will win -- has been shown to have advantages in predicting the outcome of the election.

The top-line, though -- the number that Trump loves -- shows him with a lead. It's the only poll that shows that result, and the poll average continues to show Clinton with a big lead. We likely won't know for sure if the Times/USC numbers are the better ones until Nov. 8.
Donald Trump’s new favorite poll is way out of step with the polling average. But why?
Says a Hillary voter, who thinks she's honest....bwahahahahahaahahaaa

Until you can pull a link out of your ass to prove me wrong--then it's more conspiracy theory aka bullshit.:bsflag:

Here is a proof that she is not honest:

Or are you saying that the FBI director is lying in his public statement? Now THAT would require some serious evidence, or I call conspiracy theory.

So you deliver a (cut and edited video)--from several different dates and points in time and call it proof that Hillary Clinton wasn't honest--LOL The 22 emails in question were marked classified long after she received them, as is what happened with Colin Powell & Condi Rice. The other point Comey makes, is there was no INTENT to do wrong so there will be no charges. Quite the opposite as to what happened with 4 star general, and CIA director David Petraeus. Which FBI director Comey states was much worse than Hillary Clinton's case.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

I really don't know how you're going to handle these 3500 class action law suits that will be in court very soon over Trump University. But it's going to be very interesting to see how you react to it.-LOL
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam


Excusing criminality because she didn't have INTENT is the biggest load of horseshit ever given. People have been trying to use that excuse ever since and not succeeded. Why do you suppose that is?

A judge ordered her to answer questions under oath. We'll get the truth from her or will have a perjury conviction.

Didn't you say the exact same thing about Benghazi.....and her email server?

Or was that someone else?

We can't count on the corrupt Obama DOJ to indict her for committing perjury, we'll have to wait for Attry General Giuliani to lock her ass up in Leavenworth.

It is a crying shame we have to refer to our government institutions as being corrupt. The FBI, the Dept of Justice, the Pentagon, the State Department in particular under Hullary's control. This all leads up to our sacred Office of President with the Obama being the ring leader of corruption. It's disgusting to be American for the past 8 years. God help us if this corruption continues with a Hillary presidency. She is another Evita Peron
Last edited:
ed out of several battleground states already, as their polling data is showing her with double digit leads. They are now campaigning in RED states. That's what
What America is watching is your candidate not holding rallies anymore because she draws less than 200 people to high school gyms. Trump is going to point out that Hillary thinks she has won already and doesn't need to campaign anymore. I love over confidence. It affects her supporter who will rightfully claim she doesn't need their vote. Republicans hate Hilary so much, they will crawl thru glass to get to the polls.

You can run up that tree all you want--but the truth is right here.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton you didn't. You cited polls from OCTOBER. Where I claimed that the polling in August, in the weeks after the convention had predicted the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections.
This is just too easy, roflmao.

I invite anyone to read and see what I said, and that I obviously did not take my facts from October, but instead after the conventions of both parties.

Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown


Gallup Presidential Election Trial-Heat Trends, 1936-2008

Poor Skylar, do you need a soothie? just proved me right again. I said that the polling in August in the weeks after the conventions has accurately predicted the popular vote winner in the last 16 of 16 elections.

And you graciously post a poll that puts Reagan up in August of 1980. Validating my point and following the pattern I described exactly.

The funniest part? You just claimed that your validation of my theory.....disproves my theory. Its watching a dog chase its own tail.

roflmao, no it does not validate your claim, idiot since the Democrats that year did not end their convention until August 14th. So it is the Dem 39% GOP 38% polling data point that fits your claim, not the one from BEFORE the Democratic convention.

Lol, do you ever wonder why I like responding to your idiots posts?


I have to go do some more chores, so go ahead and claim victory again, loser. I will simply straighten out when I get back anyway.

This shit is fun.
So lemme get this straight....

1980: Following the RNC, Reagan was up by 16. Following the DNC convention, Carter was up by 1.

Reagan won the election.

2016: Following the RNC, Trump is up by 1. Following the DNC, Hillary is up by as many as 12, according to one poll; averages at about 8 points up.

Hillary wins the election then, right?

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