Trump Leaves Door Open to U.S. Recognizing "Russia"'s Crimea Grab


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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
New is clear foor everyone, the red clown is not an Useful idiot, he is a Putler´s spy and USA´s traitor. what waits for him? a prison , or many years of directorship (similar what his friend grandpa Botox has )

"Trump Leaves Door Open to U.S. Recognizing Russia's Crimea Grab ...
President Donald Trump left the door open to recognizing Russia’s annexation of Crimea, telling reporters that such a move would be up for discussion when he meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin next month."


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The litmus test for getting involved as the global police should be - does this effect the national security and prosperity of the US citizenry! (period) If it doesn't we should be very, very reticent to get involved & do so with the equally shared cost of the other like minded nations involved. We are quite a bit in the red y'all and being inundated by the 3rd world isn't exactly helping...
Western Media failed to inform its audience that Ukraine has annexed Russian lands when exiting from the USSR in 1991. All those lands and the people on them are willing to be back to Russia now. This is quite simple.


The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.
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As he should. Crimea should never have been given to the Ukraine to begin with.

what else a paid troll from Olgino can write ?

Give me a freaking break jack ass. My ancestry is of Ukrainian descent and I was onto the bullshit the US under Obama was pulling with the Ukraine by overthrowing a duly elected President and his party and installing the Nazi loving regime in Kiev.
Wait for the gaming of vote counting machines in November. All of our intelligence agencies say Russia is still trying to hack our elections for 2018 and Lying Trump does nothing. He WANTS them to do it because he knows if the Congress goes blue in November he's finished. Even if he isn't impeached his agenda is gone entirely.
Crimea is now part of Russia as it should be. .... :cool:
only in wet dreams vatniks, traitors, olgno trolls , here is reality
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum. Eleven nations voted against the resolution, while 58 abstained, and a further 24 states were absent when the vote took place.

The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]"
Wait for the gaming of vote counting machines in November. All of our intelligence agencies say Russia is still trying to hack our elections for 2018 and Lying Trump does nothing. He WANTS them to do it because he knows if the Congress goes blue in November he's finished. Even if he isn't impeached his agenda is gone entirely.
my guess , Pentagon will finished of him
As he should. Crimea should never have been given to the Ukraine to begin with.

what else a paid troll from Olgino can write ?

Give me a freaking break jack ass. My ancestry is of Ukrainian descent and I was onto the bullshit the US under Obama was pulling with the Ukraine by overthrowing a duly elected President and his party and installing the Nazi loving regime in Kiev.
i got OLGINO BINGO Right new "Nazi loving regime"

on top , just in the middle

Western Media failed to inform its audience that Ukraine has annexed Russian lands when exiting from the USSR in 1991. All those lands and the people on them are willing to be back to Russia now. This is quite simple.

View attachment 201966

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.
Crimea is now part of Russia as it should be. .... :cool:
only in wet dreams vatniks, traitors, olgno trolls , here is reality
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum. Eleven nations voted against the resolution, while 58 abstained, and a further 24 states were absent when the vote took place.

The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]"

So what? The UN is the most useless organization on the freaking planet. And the only "Crimean crisis" that ever existed was NATO heads exploding that they couldn't grab Sevastopol and other ports after their glaring illegal overthrow of the Ukrainian government.
As he should. Crimea should never have been given to the Ukraine to begin with.

what else a paid troll from Olgino can write ?

Give me a freaking break jack ass. My ancestry is of Ukrainian descent and I was onto the bullshit the US under Obama was pulling with the Ukraine by overthrowing a duly elected President and his party and installing the Nazi loving regime in Kiev.
i got OLGINO BINGO Right new "Nazi loving regime"

on top , just in the middle


Considering the current government adores Bandera and has him as their national hero, I'm bang on the money sparky.
Crimea has been part of Russia off and on for over 3 centuries.

And much Russian blood has been shed defending the Crimea from foreign invaders during that time.

Especially the savage pitched battles with the Germans during WWll when tens of thousands of Russian soldiers lost their lives freeing the Crimea from the Nazis. ... :cool:
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Democrats have a real problem with accepting the results of a vote. They refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election here. They refuse to accept the vote of the people living in Crimea. It doesn't matter what the loony tune democrats recognize or not. The people of Crimea voted.
Democrats have a real problem with accepting the results of a vote. They refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election here. They refuse to accept the vote of the people living in Crimea. It doesn't matter what the loony tune democrats recognize or not. The people of Crimea voted.
from this top to the total bottom in 30 years, God save the USA


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Democrats have a real problem with accepting the results of a vote. They refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election here. They refuse to accept the vote of the people living in Crimea. It doesn't matter what the loony tune democrats recognize or not. The people of Crimea voted.
from this top to the total bottom in 30 years, God save the USA


View attachment 201987
It took democrats to make us appreciate the Russian alternative.

Who warned us about the Boston Bombers? Who said they were harmless refugee youth? The distinction could not be more clear. Russia tried to save American lives. The democrat controlled FBI decided to protect the immigrant and let the Americans be killed.
Democrats have a real problem with accepting the results of a vote. They refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election here. They refuse to accept the vote of the people living in Crimea. It doesn't matter what the loony tune democrats recognize or not. The people of Crimea voted.
from this top to the total bottom in 30 years, God save the USA


View attachment 201987
It took democrats to make us appreciate the Russian alternative.

Who warned us about the Boston Bombers? Who said they were harmless refugee youth? The distinction could not be more clear. Russia tried to save American lives. The democrat controlled FBI decided to protect the immigrant and let the Americans be killed.
typical TV.r propaganda , in reality at lest 1 of them worked for GRU and FSB

ladimir Putin has historically benefitted from the timing of terrorist attacks since being named Boris Yeltsin's successor. The blowing up of the apartment blocks in 1999, which reignited the war in Chechnya was only the first such example. That action almost certainly was arranged by the FSB (John B. Dunlop, The Moscow Bombings of September 1999: Examinations of Russian Terrorist Attacks at the Onset of Vladimir Putin's Rule, Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2012; David Satter, Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State, Yale University Press, 2003; Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky, Blowing Up Russia: Terror From Within, London: Gibson Square Books, 2007; "Putin's Way," Frontline, PBS, January 13, 2015). Subsequently, he has either been very lucky or very much involved with those carrying out terrorist attacks on Russian soil. And now, the new wave of terrorism by IS works to Putin's advantage given his problems in Ukraine. As Piontkovsky puts it, it certainly appears that "terrorist acts always work in the Kremlin's favor" (, June 29).

To suggest that the Russian security services are involved with IS does not mean that they control it either in whole or in part. Such groups are typically beyond the complete control of others. Nor does it mean that Moscow bears responsibility for any particular IS terrorist act, however much Russian officers may be involved. But it does mean one thing that everyone, including those in the Kremlin, should be mindful of: such involvement can often blow up in the face of those who think it is a good idea at the time, a lesson that the US learned two decades ago with Osama bin Laden."

Refworld | Moscow Appears to Be Playing a Most Dangerous Game With the Islamic State
Oh, boy! Look how tough liberals are now on Russia! Back when Obama was cuddling up with Putin and Medvedev and assuring them off-camera (or so he thought) that after the election he could ditch our missile defense program, we didn't hear a peep from liberals about the mean, nasty Russians.

And why do you think Putin moved into Crimea on Obama's watch? Hey?

And what exactly would liberals have Trump do about Crimea? Go to war to expel the Russians? Really?

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