Trump Hasn't Been a Friend To Russia

A few years ago, the same people who now claim President Trump to be friends with Putin and Russia, were themselves, quite friendly with Russia. They seem to have become rather anti-Russia, only since Trump had said he thought it would be good if the US could be friends with Russia. In any case, the idea that Trump has become excessively pro-Russia is a mistaken one, proven by the facts of recent history.

1. the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.

2. The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

3. Here's some more YOU WON'T HEAR IT ON CNN stuff >> During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.

4. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

5. It was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security

6. .It was President Trump who led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the Russian government was suspected of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom against one of their former spies. President Trump moved swiftly to expel 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.

7. In a major speech last year in Poland, Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil deliveries, to keep their people warm during the winter, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year.

President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years

1. Donna Borak, "US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials", CNN politics, April 6, 2018, US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

2. Jen Kerns, "President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years", THE HILL, July 16, 2018,

3. Reena Flores, "Nikki Haley says Russia sanctions over Ukraine will continue", CBS NEWS, February 6, 2017, Nikki Haley says Russia sanctions over Ukraine will continue

4. Kerns, "President Trump is tougher on Russia."

5. Ibid.

6. Mark Landler and Gardiner Harris, "In Retaliation, U.S. Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco", The New York Times, August 31, 2017,
In Retaliation, U.S. Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco

7. Michael Holden and Roberta Rampton, "U.S., EU to expel more than 100 Russian diplomats over UK nerve attack", Reuters,

8. Timothy Cama, "Trump says gas deal with Poland should take '15 minutes' ", THE HILL, July 6, 2017,
CONGRESS...not Trump is responsible for those sanctions.

Trump has FOUGHT them and in fact is trying right NOW to roll back sanctions on Deripaska
He's been a total pussy on everything Russia. He is acting exactly like he is being blackmailed. Once you accept that it all starts to make sense.
Tell the Russian MERC's in Syria that.............oh........wait a can't ..........They are dead........sorry.
Putin is still the only person in the world Trump will not talk shit about. Why is that?
Russia lives in your head every day .........derp.......

You don't live in Reality anymore..............2 years plus drumming it..............and you really don't have jack squat.......all your side can do is try phoney ass investigations to slime the place up.

Oh..........the IG reports might make some folks like McCabe..........very sorry lol

So all those meetings with Russians the Trump campaign took were for what purpose?

They apparently aren’t a major player economically or a military threat?

Explain....we’ll wIt
He's been a total pussy on everything Russia. He is acting exactly like he is being blackmailed. Once you accept that it all starts to make sense.
Tell the Russian MERC's in Syria that.............oh........wait a can't ..........They are dead........sorry.
Putin is still the only person in the world Trump will not talk shit about. Why is that?
Russia lives in your head every day .........derp.......

You don't live in Reality anymore..............2 years plus drumming it..............and you really don't have jack squat.......all your side can do is try phoney ass investigations to slime the place up.

Oh..........the IG reports might make some folks like McCabe..........very sorry lol

So all those meetings with Russians the Trump campaign took were for what purpose?

They apparently aren’t a major player economically or a military threat?

Explain....we’ll wIt

Russia isn’t an economic threat and their military is nowhere near ours.
Trump may have been a whore for Russia during the election but there’s no question he’s been more aggressive towards Russia as President than Obama ever was.

So on a scale of 1-10 (1 being a friend and 10 being an enemy), where would you rate Obama over 8 years? Where would you rate Trump over his two? In regards to Russia.
He's been a total pussy on everything Russia. He is acting exactly like he is being blackmailed. Once you accept that it all starts to make sense.
Tell the Russian MERC's in Syria that.............oh........wait a can't ..........They are dead........sorry.
Putin is still the only person in the world Trump will not talk shit about. Why is that?
Russia lives in your head every day .........derp.......

You don't live in Reality anymore..............2 years plus drumming it..............and you really don't have jack squat.......all your side can do is try phoney ass investigations to slime the place up.

Oh..........the IG reports might make some folks like McCabe..........very sorry lol

So all those meetings with Russians the Trump campaign took were for what purpose?

They apparently aren’t a major player economically or a military threat?

Explain....we’ll wIt

Russia isn’t an economic threat and their military is nowhere near ours.

Correct. Which makes me wonder why a campaign for President would have any meetings with Russia at all. If you’re meeting with China in the Trump Tower or sending emissaries over to their regional summits….or if you’re meeting with close allies like Western Europe…NATO countries…or hell even being all chummy with OPEC; that would make sense. China is set to become el-jefe when it comes to the world economy, we have strategic and trade relationships with western Europe and NATO. OPEC is where the west buys it’s oil….

Meeting with Russia over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over seems to be rather curious. Lying about those meetings and their nature during confirmation hearings, to Congressional investigators, and to the Vice President seems to be rather conspicuous.

Its almost as if they were working together. LOL
A few years ago, the same people who now claim President Trump to be friends with Putin and Russia, were themselves, quite friendly with Russia. They seem to have become rather anti-Russia, only since Trump had said he thought it would be good if the US could be friends with Russia. In any case, the idea that Trump has become excessively pro-Russia is a mistaken one, proven by the facts of recent history.

1. the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.

2. The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

3. Here's some more YOU WON'T HEAR IT ON CNN stuff >> During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.

4. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

5. It was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security

6. .It was President Trump who led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the Russian government was suspected of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom against one of their former spies. President Trump moved swiftly to expel 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.

7. In a major speech last year in Poland, Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil deliveries, to keep their people warm during the winter, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year.

President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years

In case anyone forgot, Obama didn't levy any real sanctions against Russia until 2016.

Obama Announces Sanctions Against Russia In Response To Alleged Hacking

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking

In other words, Obama was in office for a full eight years before he took the threat of Russian interference seriously enough to do anything about it. And what did he do? He expelled some diplomats.

Is that the same Obama who had an open mike telling the Russian he couldn't do anything till he got reelected??

Funny that.
We saw Vlad and Don together in Helsinki.

We KNOW their relationship.

Hard to explain why the White House is trying to ease sanctions on Oleg Deripaska then. ''

And why GOP Senators filibustered the effort to stop that
You could also point out that Trump has sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia and slapped high tariffs on Russian steel, two things that Obama refused to do. Furthermore, Trump has nixed the Iran nuke deal, a deal that the Russians strongly backed.
Hard to explain why the White House is trying to ease sanctions on Oleg Deripaska then. ''

And why GOP Senators filibustered the effort to stop that

I'm pointing THIS out...and asking WHY...
The Causes and Implications of Russia's Ruble Crisis

A year later, Russia’s economy was on the brink of a crisis with the ruble falling to record lows against currencies like the U.S. dollar. The Russian central bank’s decision to hike interest rates by a massive 6.5 percent failed to stem the tide, as investors lost confidence in the currency. While the currency recovered to some extent in 2016, it still hadn't regained its prior strength in 2018.

Falling Oil Prices
Russia’s economy has always been dependent on the price of crude oil and natural gas, as commodities account for a significant portion of the economy. In 2013, exports of crude oil and related products accounted for more than two-thirds of the country’s total exports and more than half of the government’s total revenue, meaning that lower prices could have a huge impact on the economy.

We are DESTROYING THE RUBLE............Low gas prices and we have crushed their economy............We are now the #1 producer of oil in the world and are taking them to the cleaners...............OPEC is falling apart with countries like Qatar leaving............That is not being nice to Russia.........but at the pumps in the U.S. it's REAL
Reagan part II
A few years ago, the same people who now claim President Trump to be friends with Putin and Russia, were themselves, quite friendly with Russia. They seem to have become rather anti-Russia, only since Trump had said he thought it would be good if the US could be friends with Russia. In any case, the idea that Trump has become excessively pro-Russia is a mistaken one, proven by the facts of recent history.

1. the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.

2. The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

3. Here's some more YOU WON'T HEAR IT ON CNN stuff >> During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.

4. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

5. It was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security

6. .It was President Trump who led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the Russian government was suspected of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom against one of their former spies. President Trump moved swiftly to expel 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.

7. In a major speech last year in Poland, Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil deliveries, to keep their people warm during the winter, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year.

President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years

1. Donna Borak, "US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials", CNN politics, April 6, 2018, US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

2. Jen Kerns, "President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years", THE HILL, July 16, 2018,

3. Reena Flores, "Nikki Haley says Russia sanctions over Ukraine will continue", CBS NEWS, February 6, 2017, Nikki Haley says Russia sanctions over Ukraine will continue

4. Kerns, "President Trump is tougher on Russia."

5. Ibid.

6. Mark Landler and Gardiner Harris, "In Retaliation, U.S. Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco", The New York Times, August 31, 2017,
In Retaliation, U.S. Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco

7. Michael Holden and Roberta Rampton, "U.S., EU to expel more than 100 Russian diplomats over UK nerve attack", Reuters,

8. Timothy Cama, "Trump says gas deal with Poland should take '15 minutes' ", THE HILL, July 6, 2017,
CONGRESS...not Trump is responsible for those sanctions.

Trump has FOUGHT them and in fact is trying right NOW to roll back sanctions on Deripaska
LOL. Look at the liberals one again trying to discredit trump and again take credit for what he did. Reminds e of how they utter the preposterous lie that Trump's great economy actually came from Obama (when Obama's GDP was sinking badly when Trump took over & Trump raised it way up)
A. The economy was NOT sinking in the last years of the Obama Administration. Just the opposite. I guess they forgot to tell you that in Petrograd

B.Trump has TET to institute the sanctions that COngress passed after the Skripal poisoning

> Trump just EASED sanctions on your buddy Oleg Deripaska
A. The economy was NOT sinking in the last years of the Obama Administration. Just the opposite. I guess they forgot to tell you that in Petrograd
Your liberal media of course never told you about the infamous V GRAPH. Obama's downward slide of GDP 2015/2016, followed by Trump's upward rise of GDP 2017/2018. They "forgot" ?

I haven't >>>


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