Trump leaving office with 3 million less jobs than when he started

The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Seriously STUPID as hell to claim that the 400,000 deaths could have been prevented. This virus kills---------and this virus spreads. YOu can not stop it--no one can fool. Its propaganda to post "consensus among experts" bs.

On Feb. 10, he repeatedly predicted ― at a meeting with governors, at a campaign rally and in a Fox Business interview ― that the coronavirus would no longer be a problem by April. He then made this claim at least three more times a few days later.

  • “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do ― you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat ― as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases ― 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” [Feb. 10]
  • “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.” [Feb. 10]
  • “I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that’s a beautiful date to look forward to.” [Feb. 10]
  • “We think and we hope, based on all signs that the problem goes away in April.” [Feb. 13]
  • “There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm ― historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet.” [Feb. 14]
  • “I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus.” [Feb. 14]

If only Biden were in office at that time.
He wouldn't have had a travel ban and we'd have even more deaths.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Did it ever occur to you to blame China for their virus, and the Democrat mayors and governors for locking down their cities and states?

Of course not, because you're a useful idiot and a tool of the Chinese communist party.

Now go punch yourself until you pass out.
Hey moron, no one ever said China didn’t fuck up containment. That doesn’t somehow explain the US’s response once it got here.

That was exactly what I expected a CCP-apologist would say. Blame your own President and not hold the Chinese responsible.

Hell, some of you folks still think the virus originated from American soldiers who visited China, fer Christ's sake.

Da fuq is wrong with you people anyway?
Lol what? I just said China fucked up their containment. You just cherry pick the shit you read.

So Trump was wrong for putting a travel ban on China? How about a few of your previous quotes?

"I never said that. The point is, once the virus is already here, simply closing down travel from China doesn’t somehow erase the problem after the fact now does it?"

"What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical."

"Lol oh god. Okay to sum up this list, Trump simply signed a bunch of EO’s, fucked up the environment, a travel ban that accomplished nothing, and some flat out lies thrown in there like him doing anything of actual substance to limit the opioid crisis. Oh and he inherited an economy that was already doing well."

"You keep thinking I’m going to claim Pelosi reacted appropriately at first. I’m not claiming she did. Trump however knew more about the threat of the virus before Pelosi and he still didn’t do jack shit. It was a lie he even cut off travel from China, but even if he did, the virus was still here fucking either way."
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Did it ever occur to you to blame China for their virus, and the Democrat mayors and governors for locking down their cities and states?

Of course not, because you're a useful idiot and a tool of the Chinese communist party.

Now go punch yourself until you pass out.
Hey moron, no one ever said China didn’t fuck up containment. That doesn’t somehow explain the US’s response once it got here.

That was exactly what I expected a CCP-apologist would say. Blame your own President and not hold the Chinese responsible.

Hell, some of you folks still think the virus originated from American soldiers who visited China, fer Christ's sake.

Da fuq is wrong with you people anyway?
Lol what? I just said China fucked up their containment. You just cherry pick the shit you read.

So Trump was wrong for putting a travel ban on China? How about a few of your previous quotes?

"I never said that. The point is, once the virus is already here, simply closing down travel from China doesn’t somehow erase the problem after the fact now does it?"

"What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical."

"Lol oh god. Okay to sum up this list, Trump simply signed a bunch of EO’s, fucked up the environment, a travel ban that accomplished nothing, and some flat out lies thrown in there like him doing anything of actual substance to limit the opioid crisis. Oh and he inherited an economy that was already doing well."

"You keep thinking I’m going to claim Pelosi reacted appropriately at first. I’m not claiming she did. Trump however knew more about the threat of the virus before Pelosi and he still didn’t do jack shit. It was a lie he even cut off travel from China, but even if he did, the virus was still here fucking either way."
Lol I don’t see how any of this contradicts what I said. Of course, when it comes to my first quote I was actually wrong. Trump didn’t shut down travel from China. He simply said he did but lied. Duh. Either way, it still fucking matters what we do AFTER the fucking virus gets here. My last quote points all of this out lol
The little know fact based on number is that Obama has more job gains than Trump when they compared the first 3 years even when OB had to deal with a recession. The coronavirus issues was not even accessed in the comparison.

Trump came into the job with unemployment at 4.7% and a string of 76 straight months of job gains.
Obama had to work for it whereas Trump just took over. Now Biden has inherited the coronavirus mess and he has to come thru within the next 4 years and bring if beyond Trumps numbers or keep it close. Assuming he still wants the job as Biden will be 82 in 4 years. That would leave the door open for Harris as a good shot to be the first woman president.

I can almost hear the swearing going on in the background.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Seriously STUPID as hell to claim that the 400,000 deaths could have been prevented. This virus kills---------and this virus spreads. YOu can not stop it--no one can fool. Its propaganda to post "consensus among experts" bs.

On Feb. 10, he repeatedly predicted ― at a meeting with governors, at a campaign rally and in a Fox Business interview ― that the coronavirus would no longer be a problem by April. He then made this claim at least three more times a few days later.

  • “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do ― you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat ― as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases ― 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” [Feb. 10]
  • “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.” [Feb. 10]
  • “I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that’s a beautiful date to look forward to.” [Feb. 10]
  • “We think and we hope, based on all signs that the problem goes away in April.” [Feb. 13]
  • “There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm ― historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet.” [Feb. 14]
  • “I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus.” [Feb. 14]
and that was what cuomos bestest childhood friend FAUCI was telling him...............Trump and everyone else should not have believed slimeball Fauci, but most did.

And FYI, yes by April of last year, the sun was working to kill and weaken the virus as nature intended lowering the viral load which meant that those who were infected were often infected with lower number of the virus giving their bodies better chances of fighting the virus. The virus really wasn't an issue by April. This is why I kept screaming as well--------GOING TO BEACH WAS A SAFE GOOD IDEAL and that the lock downs were stupid preventing exposure while the virus was at its weakest which would have allowed more immunity during the winter...and as I recalled Trump wasn't supporting locking everyone down or locking up the infected in nursing as the dems did to maximize the deathtoll of the virus. I also warned here no less many times that the virus would return over the winter as they always do killing more because the sun wasn't on our side during the winter. This is how virus's always do---anyone in the medical community or those with any common sense should have known this---

And you want to look to up the word PREDICTION---predictions are not written in stone for anyone.
When did Fauci predict it would be gone by April?
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Many Republicans have admitted their economic policies are unsustainable. But, their voting base remains convinced "trickle down" and the unrestricted free market create prosperity for all.

This keep's the campaign contributions pouring in from the Republicans' super-rich political donors. So, another Big Lie of the GOP goes unchallenged by everyone in Congress except the progressive Democrats.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Did it ever occur to you to blame China for their virus, and the Democrat mayors and governors for locking down their cities and states?

Of course not, because you're a useful idiot and a tool of the Chinese communist party.

Now go punch yourself until you pass out.
Hey moron, no one ever said China didn’t fuck up containment. That doesn’t somehow explain the US’s response once it got here.

That was exactly what I expected a CCP-apologist would say. Blame your own President and not hold the Chinese responsible.

Hell, some of you folks still think the virus originated from American soldiers who visited China, fer Christ's sake.

Da fuq is wrong with you people anyway?
Lol what? I just said China fucked up their containment. You just cherry pick the shit you read.

So Trump was wrong for putting a travel ban on China? How about a few of your previous quotes?

"I never said that. The point is, once the virus is already here, simply closing down travel from China doesn’t somehow erase the problem after the fact now does it?"

"What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical."

"Lol oh god. Okay to sum up this list, Trump simply signed a bunch of EO’s, fucked up the environment, a travel ban that accomplished nothing, and some flat out lies thrown in there like him doing anything of actual substance to limit the opioid crisis. Oh and he inherited an economy that was already doing well."

"You keep thinking I’m going to claim Pelosi reacted appropriately at first. I’m not claiming she did. Trump however knew more about the threat of the virus before Pelosi and he still didn’t do jack shit. It was a lie he even cut off travel from China, but even if he did, the virus was still here fucking either way."
Lol I don’t see how any of this contradicts what I said. Of course, when it comes to my first quote I was actually wrong. Trump didn’t shut down travel from China. He simply said he did but lied. Duh. Either way, it still fucking matters what we do AFTER the fucking virus gets here. My last quote points all of this out lol

Ahhh, ok. Want to know what I see? I see someone who wants to impress others like him, and be the "big man" for standing up against a President you all detest. That's probably because you still believe Hillary should have won.

And yet at the same time, I see someone who doesn't have the balls to stand up against his own peers and Democrat leaders, for fear of being shunned. I see a little man who is so afraid of Communist China, he's willing to blame his own President for something they were responsible for.

Hate me if you want to, but I'm telling you the truth here.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

So what?
Yet another Trump failure.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Yes. Businesses were shut down all over the US because of Corona Virus... Trump pretty much had to go along with this as did the rest of us... you are unaware of this??? Prior the economy was doing well and unemployment still dropping.

Consensus of experts who hate Trump right? It was a world wide pandemic (not a US president's fault)... Chinese nationals were flying into both sides of the country by the thousands each day... so you know Billy, your hate Trump fantasy is really bullshit. When Obama admin was dealing with H1N1... they actually made states stop testing so we will never really know the true death toll. Obama and Biden were protected by your media back then.... so Biden truly is a horses ass and hypocrite today.

Amazing how that when Covid deaths rise... regular flu deaths just disappear. How is that even possible? Covid testing is largely bullshit because of false positives. Because the tests are so amplified it only takes a few dna fragments to call a positive test. Then you can say someone who died from the flu.. actually died from covid. When you mix science with politics you don't get the truth.

At least with Trump we have Independence from Mid East oil. Biden and Harris will throw you all a green bone to keep you satisfied, but we will once again be owned by the Saudis in a few years.

Trumps USMCA is also much better deal for American business than NAFTA.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Did it ever occur to you to blame China for their virus, and the Democrat mayors and governors for locking down their cities and states?

Of course not, because you're a useful idiot and a tool of the Chinese communist party.

Now go punch yourself until you pass out.
Hey moron, no one ever said China didn’t fuck up containment. That doesn’t somehow explain the US’s response once it got here.

That was exactly what I expected a CCP-apologist would say. Blame your own President and not hold the Chinese responsible.

Hell, some of you folks still think the virus originated from American soldiers who visited China, fer Christ's sake.

Da fuq is wrong with you people anyway?
Lol what? I just said China fucked up their containment. You just cherry pick the shit you read.

So Trump was wrong for putting a travel ban on China? How about a few of your previous quotes?

"I never said that. The point is, once the virus is already here, simply closing down travel from China doesn’t somehow erase the problem after the fact now does it?"

"What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical."

"Lol oh god. Okay to sum up this list, Trump simply signed a bunch of EO’s, fucked up the environment, a travel ban that accomplished nothing, and some flat out lies thrown in there like him doing anything of actual substance to limit the opioid crisis. Oh and he inherited an economy that was already doing well."

"You keep thinking I’m going to claim Pelosi reacted appropriately at first. I’m not claiming she did. Trump however knew more about the threat of the virus before Pelosi and he still didn’t do jack shit. It was a lie he even cut off travel from China, but even if he did, the virus was still here fucking either way."
Lol I don’t see how any of this contradicts what I said. Of course, when it comes to my first quote I was actually wrong. Trump didn’t shut down travel from China. He simply said he did but lied. Duh. Either way, it still fucking matters what we do AFTER the fucking virus gets here. My last quote points all of this out lol

Ahhh, ok. Want to know what I see? I see someone who wants to impress others like him, and be the "big man" for standing up against a President you all detest. That's probably because you still believe Hillary should have won.

And yet at the same time, I see someone who doesn't have the balls to stand up against his own peers and Democrat leaders, for fear of being shunned. I see a little man who is so afraid of Communist China, he's willing to blame his own President for something they were responsible for.

Hate me if you want to, but I'm telling you the truth here.
Hey check this out dude: the US accounts for 22% of all COVID deaths worldwide yet we only make up 4% of the world’s population. That means our allies did a much better job containing the virus than we did. Hell plenty of our enemies did as well.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Simple question for you Billy...was the economy under Trump one of the best in modern US economic history before the Covid 19 virus shut down the world's economy? Yes or no?
A second simple question for you, Billy! Who controlled shut downs of businesses in individual States?
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Simple question for you Billy...was the economy under Trump one of the best in modern US economic history before the Covid 19 virus shut down the world's economy? Yes or no?
No actually. Under Obama and Trump wages for the poor are way behind on inflation and the wealth disparity is staggering. Anything that was good at that time came from Obama’s economy of course. Even before COVID, Obama outpaced Trump on job growth. Job growth in Obama’s last 3 years were all better than Trump’s best year in 2018.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Did it ever occur to you to blame China for their virus, and the Democrat mayors and governors for locking down their cities and states?

Of course not, because you're a useful idiot and a tool of the Chinese communist party.

Now go punch yourself until you pass out.
Hey moron, no one ever said China didn’t fuck up containment. That doesn’t somehow explain the US’s response once it got here.

That was exactly what I expected a CCP-apologist would say. Blame your own President and not hold the Chinese responsible.

Hell, some of you folks still think the virus originated from American soldiers who visited China, fer Christ's sake.

Da fuq is wrong with you people anyway?
Lol what? I just said China fucked up their containment. You just cherry pick the shit you read.

So Trump was wrong for putting a travel ban on China? How about a few of your previous quotes?

"I never said that. The point is, once the virus is already here, simply closing down travel from China doesn’t somehow erase the problem after the fact now does it?"

"What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical."

"Lol oh god. Okay to sum up this list, Trump simply signed a bunch of EO’s, fucked up the environment, a travel ban that accomplished nothing, and some flat out lies thrown in there like him doing anything of actual substance to limit the opioid crisis. Oh and he inherited an economy that was already doing well."

"You keep thinking I’m going to claim Pelosi reacted appropriately at first. I’m not claiming she did. Trump however knew more about the threat of the virus before Pelosi and he still didn’t do jack shit. It was a lie he even cut off travel from China, but even if he did, the virus was still here fucking either way."
Lol I don’t see how any of this contradicts what I said. Of course, when it comes to my first quote I was actually wrong. Trump didn’t shut down travel from China. He simply said he did but lied. Duh. Either way, it still fucking matters what we do AFTER the fucking virus gets here. My last quote points all of this out lol

Ahhh, ok. Want to know what I see? I see someone who wants to impress others like him, and be the "big man" for standing up against a President you all detest. That's probably because you still believe Hillary should have won.

And yet at the same time, I see someone who doesn't have the balls to stand up against his own peers and Democrat leaders, for fear of being shunned. I see a little man who is so afraid of Communist China, he's willing to blame his own President for something they were responsible for.

Hate me if you want to, but I'm telling you the truth here.
Hey check this out dude: the US accounts for 22% of all COVID deaths worldwide yet we only make up 4% of the world’s population. That means our allies did a much better job containing the virus than we did. Hell plenty of our enemies did as well.

Of course. How else would you expect a virus to perform, when it was genetically-engineered to inflict the most damage on the US? Wait until you see what else they have in store for you.

Anyone who still thinks it came from some "wet market" or a bat cave, is far more trusting of the CCP than I am. China has been trying to do what they did, ever since the Cold War.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Simple question for you Billy...was the economy under Trump one of the best in modern US economic history before the Covid 19 virus shut down the world's economy? Yes or no?
By what measure?
What do you call modern economic history...5 years, 10 years, 100 years?
You know that you can use statistics to tell any story you want don't you?
Yes, as Republicans pretty much always EFF things up.

Don't worry, help is on the way, starting tomorrow.

Thank God!

Trump has no responsibility for the effects of the virus. Even Fauci states Trump merely reported what they told him.

The only help you'll receive starting tomorrow is that which you make for yourself.
The worst record since the Great Depression.

I know republicans will say the virus is ALL to blame, but check some facts:

1) The general consensus among experts is that the 400,000 death toll was largely preventable.

2) i thought you all claimed the tax law from 2017 was going to create some utopian economy? Hmm...maybe that’s further proof that republican economics is bullshit.

Seriously STUPID as hell to claim that the 400,000 deaths could have been prevented. This virus kills---------and this virus spreads. YOu can not stop it--no one can fool. Its propaganda to post "consensus among experts" bs.

What? The spin is making me dizzy. I thought you guys said this virus was no worse than the flu?

(flu kills 24,000 and 62,000 a year....)

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