Trump Legal Win in PA

loons trump cultists.jpg
There's another one that validates my claims that the statist left fuels up on emotion & the constitutional right fuels up on both the tactical & strategic manuevering, or put in a more casual way the constitutional right has the gray matter & the statist left has the thicker skulls. You heard it yourself when he says @ 19:25 "the Democrats(statist left) tend to be LOW INFORMATION voters"... which is a polite way of saying simple simons!
There's another one that validates my claims that the statist left fuels up on emotion & the constitutional right fuels up on both the tactical & strategic manuevering, or put in a more casual way the constitutional right has the gray matter & the statist left has the thicker skulls. You heard it yourself when he says @ 19:25 "the Democrats(statist left) tend to be LOW INFORMATION voters"... which is a polite way of saying simple simons!

Low information voter = like a child making a decision how to run a household. It is a joke this is allowed, and of course, the founders did not allow it.
Trump no longer has a path to victory at this point. In fact, his lead in Georgia is no longer certain.

There is a small chance that Rump will take Penn. I don't believe that there is enough margin in the uncounted votes for Biden to make up the deficit. So I am reasonably certain that Rump is going to take it by a very small margin. Although an automatic recount may happen but I doubt it will change anything.

GA is anyone's game at this point. But with only 88% of the votes counted and the areas where the counts are happening, even with Rump being ahead, it's anyone's game. But since the counts are happening primarily in Dem strongholds, ...... It's anyone's game here.

In AZ and NV, the counts are in strong Dem areas. And it appears that as the counts continue, Biden is gaining more of a lead. And it's getting right down to the end. Rump would need at least 70% of the remaining uncounted votes to win. Since the counts are in Dem Strongholds, that probably won't happen. With Biden sitting at 253 confirmed EC votes right now, do the math when the 17 EC votes for NV and AZ are put in Bidens category.

But stranger things have happened.
Trump no longer has a path to victory at this point. In fact, his lead in Georgia is no longer certain.

Ah you suck at math Trump absolutely has a path to victory. On top of that there's over 200,000 military ballots inbound in the battle ground states. :muahaha:
Do the Democrats attempting to steal Pa really trying to convince us that Pa voters chose economic seppuku by voting for the man / team who said they were going to eliminate the oil industry, whose plan calls for banning all fossil fuel use, and making the use of the internal combustion engine illegal by 2025?


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