Trump: Let's have a shutdown......................

And, unfortunately, there is no stipulation for the military to continue to get funding if the government shuts down.
-------------------------------------- Military will remain on duty doing their jobs BSailor .

You are right, they WILL continue to do their jobs and remain on duty during the shutdown. However.....................they won't get paid until the government reopens again. I was in the military when they shut it down for around 24 days in the 90's. All the civilian workers went home, but the military stayed on to take care of the base. Our workload tripled during that time by the way. Additionally, because the shutdown covered a payday, nobody got paid on that day, and we all had to wait until the government reopened to get our checks. Lots of E5 and below had to go to Navy Relief to cover their bills as most people at those ranks live paycheck to paycheck.

And, the civilian workers who are furloughed will never see money from the time they missed work.
--------------------------------- you signed up for the job , i imagine you were VOLUNTEER Military . As far as the nonmilitary they just get a vacation or use saved up vacation pay . No matter what , no one starved and living paycheck to paycheck is common for people that don't plan ahead BSailor .

Wrong, it wasn't a vacation for the civilians, it was a furlough, which meant they couldn't come back to work until the government reopened, and they didn't get any pay for that time they were gone.

And yeah, I'm part of the all volunteer military. It was that way when I joined in '82. It's been an all volunteer military since the draft was ended back in the 70s. What's your point about being a volunteer military person?

As far as people living paycheck to paycheck not planning ahead? Tell ya what, go look at the pay tables for E5 and below, and then come back and tell me how you can save money and still have a family.
-------------------------------------------- they lived through it . Important thing in this situation is Americans and not government Employees BSailor.
And, unfortunately, there is no stipulation for the military to continue to get funding if the government shuts down.
-------------------------------------- Military will remain on duty doing their jobs BSailor .

You are right, they WILL continue to do their jobs and remain on duty during the shutdown. However.....................they won't get paid until the government reopens again. I was in the military when they shut it down for around 24 days in the 90's. All the civilian workers went home, but the military stayed on to take care of the base. Our workload tripled during that time by the way. Additionally, because the shutdown covered a payday, nobody got paid on that day, and we all had to wait until the government reopened to get our checks. Lots of E5 and below had to go to Navy Relief to cover their bills as most people at those ranks live paycheck to paycheck.

And, the civilian workers who are furloughed will never see money from the time they missed work.
--------------------------------- you signed up for the job , i imagine you were VOLUNTEER Military . As far as the nonmilitary they just get a vacation or use saved up vacation pay . No matter what , no one starved and living paycheck to paycheck is common for people that don't plan ahead BSailor .

Wrong, it wasn't a vacation for the civilians, it was a furlough, which meant they couldn't come back to work until the government reopened, and they didn't get any pay for that time they were gone.

And yeah, I'm part of the all volunteer military. It was that way when I joined in '82. It's been an all volunteer military since the draft was ended back in the 70s. What's your point about being a volunteer military person?

As far as people living paycheck to paycheck not planning ahead? Tell ya what, go look at the pay tables for E5 and below, and then come back and tell me how you can save money and still have a family.
-------------------------------------------- they lived through it . Important thing in this situation is Americans and not government Employees BSailor. DO realize that most of those government employees and military personnel are Americans, right?

And, while many of them did make it through, many had to take out loans to do so. There were lots of E5 and below who had to get a loan from Navy Relief to pay their bills.
if the job doesn't pay enough then people shouldn't take the jobs i suppose , yet , as i say , its all VOLUNTEER Military BSailor .
and concerning Volunteer Military , you and your fellows were my employees and you realized that you worked for ME if you had the correct attitude BSailor .
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Well, you guys may have tried to tie the Dems to the last government shutdown that only lasted 2 days, but now, if the government shuts down again (and it may), Trump is the one who is responsible for it.

Seems that if Trump doesn't get everything he wants on immigration, he's willing to shut down the government in comments he made today.

Trump threatens government shutdown if Congress doesn't fix immigration laws

Kinda misleading there. He said he would shut it down if

"WASHINGTON – President Trump said Tuesday he would shut down the government if Congress doesn't fix an immigration system that doesn't allow the government to deport criminal gang members.

"If we don’t change it, let’s have a shutdown. It’s worth it for our country. I'd love to see a shutdown if we don’t get this taken care of," Trump said Tuesday as he met with law enforcement officials at the White House to discuss the threat of the MS-13 gang.

If Democrats don't want to close loopholes that allow gang members to illegally enter and remain in the country, he said, "Then shut it down."

Trump's comments came just four days before Congress faces another deadline to pass a spending bill or shut down the government. The last spending impasse was resolved only after Democrats extracted a promise that Trump and Republicans would negotiate a solution to immigrants who arrived in the United States as children."

So it begs the question: why in the world wouldn't Dems be FOR keeping MS-13 GANG ILLEGALS out of America?? How could they not be for this???
Bring it libs you are powerless.
----------------------------------------- and Yeah , seems that the 'libs' are pretty powerless and its pretty funny . Now The TRUMP has them all askew and quivering , fearful and wondering about a possible USA Military Parade Blues . [chuckle]
Well, you guys may have tried to tie the Dems to the last government shutdown that only lasted 2 days, but now, if the government shuts down again (and it may), Trump is the one who is responsible for it.

Seems that if Trump doesn't get everything he wants on immigration, he's willing to shut down the government in comments he made today.

Trump threatens government shutdown if Congress doesn't fix immigration laws

WASHINGTON – President Trump said Tuesday he would shut down the government if Congress doesn't fix an immigration system that doesn't allow the government to deport criminal gang members.

"If we don’t change it, let’s have a shutdown. It’s worth it for our country. I'd love to see a shutdown if we don’t get this taken care of," Trump said Tuesday as he met with law enforcement officials at the White House to discuss the threat of the MS-13 gang.

If Democrats don't want to close loopholes that allow gang members to illegally enter and remain in the country, he said, "Then shut it down."

Trump's comments came just four days before Congress faces another deadline to pass a spending bill or shut down the government. The last spending impasse was resolved only after Democrats extracted a promise that Trump and Republicans would negotiate a solution to immigrants who arrived in the United States as children.
So Trump won the shutdown war before the Dems could even find their seats at the table.

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