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Trump Letter to the Debate Commission

Repeating debate topics is completely asinine. They just want to ask Trump for the bazillionth time if he "denounces White Supremacy" and why he killed 200,000 Americans. This is not the American election process. This is how the third world operates.
The agreed upon topics were CHANGED
TOo baby you wont read or watch the video

Why do they even need to have agreed upon topics. Why can't they both shoot from the hip.

They didn't.
The moderator alone picks the topics. No consultation from the candidates or the commission.
They were announced on 10/16.
On 10/17 and 10/18...there wasn't a peep from anyone here about foreign policy not being one of the topics.
The blob sends a letter and boom...it's the #1 topic in on the board now because the programmable idiots here who didn't care for 2 days suddenly can't believe that foreign policy isn't a topic on the debates.
It should be a topic. Covid and race were covered in the first debate. It would be fair to offer two topics relating to foreign policy, I think.
The agreed upon topics were CHANGED
TOo baby you wont read or watch the video

Why do they even need to have agreed upon topics. Why can't they both shoot from the hip.

They didn't.
The moderator alone picks the topics. No consultation from the candidates or the commission.
They were announced on 10/16.
On 10/17 and 10/18...there wasn't a peep from anyone here about foreign policy not being one of the topics.
The blob sends a letter and boom...it's the #1 topic in on the board now because the programmable idiots here who didn't care for 2 days suddenly can't believe that foreign policy isn't a topic on the debates.
It should be a topic. Covid and race were covered in the first debate. It would be fair to offer two topics relating to foreign policy, I think.

Thats cool. I won't be watching and could care less either way...I've already voted and was never going to vote for the blob.

But the fact of the matter remains:

The topics were announced on 10/16.
On 10/17 and 10/18...there wasn't a peep from anyone here about foreign policy not being one of the topics.
The blob sends a letter and boom...it's the #1 topic in on the board now because the programmable idiots here who didn't care for 2 days suddenly can't believe that foreign policy isn't a topic on the debates.

This "outrage" is manufactured.
Should Donald duck this one too?

If Biden and Harris get in then within 6 months they will start wars with Russia and start more carnage in The Middle East, these are just a few of the reasons why all the Neo-Con crowd are strongly supporting them.

I don't think so. They'll just go back to starting wars in the Middle East. Trump making peace in their little war playground pisses them off even more. They want to sell both sides weapons.
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If President Trump said no to this debate then the media would spin that so that he was afraid of debating Biden, hilarious I know to think he'd be afraid of Biden but they would spin it that way. The dice they play with is loaded, President Trump knows that.

The Comrade Moderator can ask whatever the party wants;

"Trump you scum, why did you murder 220,000 people?"

"Thanks Kristen. When Joe Biden took a junket to China and took his son along, that violated all kinds of protocols and sure looks like open corrupti---bzzd" (Offstage , we cut off his mic)

"Uncle Joe, I've admired you all my life. Which do you like better, puppies or kittens?"

"Well Jill"

"It's Kristen"

"Oh yeah, well Nancy puppies are cute and so are cockroaches which are black children"

"Mr. Vice president, will you condemn that Evil pig Rump for killing puppies and kittens and eating them alive."

"When I was in the Vietnam war I had to eat rats to survive."

"Mr. Vice president, what would you say to all the families where there is an empty chair because Donald Trump MURDERED their families - we've cut your mic off Trump, so don't even try to respond"

"uh Jill, I just want some ice cream"

"Uncle Joe, the murdering scum Trump claims that these non-partisan debates are unfair and rigged, will you call him a fucking liar?"
Will St Trumpy be able to keep His big mouth shut long enough to let Biden answer a question?
It’s supposed to only be about Foreign policy
They switched the topics back to “virus and race issues and global warming “
Plus they can silence Trumps mic

They switched it to Democrat topics.
Debates are worthless because they are just used to bash the GOP candidate and promote the Dem candidate.

Trump Campaign Manager Fires Off Letter
to Debate Commission After they Change
Third Debate Topics to Rescue Joe Biden
and Ignore President Trump’s Historic Foreign

Policy Successes

Have you EVER witnessed a Presidential election during which Foreign Policy was NEVER discussed? You're not alone - THIS election will be the 1st EVER! It will NOT be, however, the 1st debate that has been 'rigged' by Democrats.

One of THE largest topic in this election, considering the last 4 years, involves Foreign Policies and Foreign Government interactions, false accusations, illegal collusion, and even the Extortion of foreign leaders.

In the last 4 years:
- The 2020 Democratic party Presidential nominee was caught illegally colluding with a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for Russians, paying him for Russian Intelligence Service-authored Propaganda she and the Obama administration used to attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.

- President Obama and his proven criminal Cabinet and Agencies' leadership participated in a Conspiracy in which they also colluded with the same ex-foreign spies, obtained the same Russian-authored propaganda, and knowingly, intentionally used it to commit FISA Court crimes, illegally violate US citizens Constitutional and Civil rights, and conduct a failed political coup attempt.

- The President's son was exposed for selling his father's influence by taking a $50k-a-month job from a notorious criminal energy company Ukrainian businessman known to work with Putin. Joe Biden bragged during a video-taped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM President, getting him to fire their top prosecutor investigating Burisma and his son.

- Trump requested assistance - in accordance with peace treaty signed between the US and Ukraine - from the current Ukraine PM. The FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop containing evidence that proved President Trump was justified in making his request; however, the FBI sat on / hid the evidence that could have / would have proved the President's innocence while Democrats attempted to Impeach the president for his 'abuse of power' in making his request to the Ukraine PM.

- Both Mueller's report and all existing evidence proved not only that President Trump had never illegally colluded with the Russians, not only proved that it was Obama and the Democrats who had done so, but it also proved that everyone involved in this attempted coup KNEW all of this before they even began investigating the President with the intent on removing him from office.

- Obama CIA Director john Brennan was caught illegally spying on the US Senate - it was D-Senator Diane Feinstein who caught him and publicly exposed it. For his crimes, to prevent being indicted, Brennan had to appear before the US Congress, admit his crimes, and promise never to do so again (a promise which he did not keep even one day, evidence shows).

THIS instance of spying proved important because it exposed / quickly led to the discovery that Feinstein had been facilitating Chinese espionage from her office for DECADES, harboring a Chines spy who was on her staff. The spy was never apprehended, never question, but was instead allowed to leave the country and go back to China. There was no investigation, Feinstein was never questioned / investigated, and the issue was covered up and discarded.

- Meanwhile, many sources of evidence now show, Joe Biden and his son were running an Influence Peddling, Foreign Govt extortion, money laundering Family business of enriching themselves. Hunter pimped 'daddy' influence to get a $50k-a-month gig with Burisma, to get a promised $1.5 BILLION from China, and used his Burisma contacts to get a money laundering deal with the 3rd most wealthy woman in the world (at the time) & Putin ally, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow (with an estimated worth according to Forbes of $1.3 BILLION). According to Hunter Biden in his e-mails, daddy Joe got HALF of everything Hunter scored.

- Trump used his business skills to make exceptional trade deals that were much better than previous ones that existed.

- Then there is the mater of President Trump being nominated for 4 (FOUR) Nobel Peace Prices by people from around the globe for his negotiations of '1st Ever In History' Peace deals, such as the one between UAE and Israel, and his efforts to bring peace instead of starting more wars as his predecessors had done.

Compare all of this to the fact that Joe Biden has NEVER being right about any foreign policy decision he has made in 47 years.

You would think these things - our relationships and dealings with the rest of the world, the successes and progresses we have made and work we still need to do, would be worth discussing instead of keeping all continuing discussion on 2-3 US-internal topics only....

But, oh NO! The Democrats and Democrat/Soros-run Debate Committee wan to prevent any discussion regarding foreign Policy and Affairs...understandably.

And after Joe Biden held a Town Hall meeting filled with Pro-Biden supporters introduced as 'Undecided Voters' and as Biden was asked pre-scripted questions written y former Obama administration persons / linked persons, President Trump was forced to DEBATE another Trump-hating Biden supporter in HIS Town Hall meeting.

Democrats and the Debate Hit Squad ensured Trump was outnumbered and handicapped as well while yet another debate was rigged. Trump faces another Trump-hating Pro-Biden moderator to go 1-on-2 during the debate. Again, he topics have been carefully chosen to ensure some of the President's biggest strengths / accomplishments are not discussed and to ensure there is no discussion - not even an opening to discuss - about Hunter and Joe Biden's now exposed Influence Peddling, Extorting, Money Laundering, and selling out to criminals and this nation's enemies.

Finally, the microphones have been set up to where the moderator can cut them off to prevent President Trump from bring up any 'embarrassing topic', like the Hunter / Pay-To-Play/Influence Peddling scam. Mark my words, I predict the 1st time President Trump goes off topic and brings up the Biden Money Scams up they will Shut Trump's mike off and will NOT let him speak about it.

And all the letters, requests, pleading by the Trump administration to make any changes to the format, topics, or how the debate will be run will be ignored.

Wow. That's a lot of whining and deflection. Let me boil it down for you. I don't think Trump will even participate in Thursdays's debate. I think he'll pull out. If I were advising him, I'd tell him there's no upside to debating. Just look at his pep rallies for the last few days. Limp. The same tired, worn out slogans. Hell, even his riffing is stale. He doesn't seem like he's really into it this year. He's not capable of participating in a structured debate. Forget about the fact that he has no knowledge of policy issues and couldn't recite one if it ran up and stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese. He can't riff in a structured debate. They're not going to let him interrupt constantly like he did in the first debate. And he's scared. Why do you think his campaign wants only to talk about foreign policy? Because he wants a two hour wank talking about his BS "peace deal" in the ME, the "China" virus, and Lil Rocket Man. He wants to run down the Hunter Biden hole and see if he can make a nest. Well, the debate people aren't going for it. He's going to have to commit to talking about the issues from the first debate he blew up...and we all know he can't do that. :)
Biden is tanking in the polling.. Even this attempt is seen as the swamp protecting their own and people are tired of the crap.. Democrats are again allowing Trump to run as an outsider willing to take on the swamp creatures..
Does Trump ever stop whining?

He whines about the rules
Whines about the moderator
Whines about the topics
If it's no big deal, let's get Sean Hannity to moderate, shall we?
Hannity is not a newsperson. Neither are Cuomo or Scarborough. They are personalities paid to push one or another set of opinions.

Wallace is (was) Fox's top interview person. And no Maddow probably shouldn't have been a moderator in the primary,.

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