Trump lied about not accepting presidential salary

This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

First you're saying he lied, then when I get to this sentence I see that you, and O'Donnell, both based that claim on an assumption.

You're too funny Lakhota. Too funny.
Hard to believe Trump. He lies so easily.
Could you please reiterate the same post?
What was the last thing Trump told the truth about? Is hard to think back that far.
This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

First you're saying he lied, then when I get to this sentence I see that you, and O'Donnell, both based that claim on an assumption.

You're too funny Lakhota. Too funny.
Hard to believe Trump. He lies so easily.
Could you please reiterate the same post?
What was the last thing Trump told the truth about? Is hard to think back that far.
Trump is working on 90% of the platform he ran on.
It's not his fault that both parties are getting in his way.
And as we all know, you have never watched even one of his speeches or interviews, so how would you know what he promised to do?
Now run along before I make you look like the emotionally disturbed fool you are yet again.
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?

So, you want to make a bet ?

As much as I don't like Trump, I still see you as a left wing cancer on this country.

If what Hannity reported does happen, what would you be willing to do ?

Let's see you put your money where your oversized Cherokee mouth is.
So you are working on dehumanizing people who do not agree with you politically. Wonder when that's been done before.........
This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

First you're saying he lied, then when I get to this sentence I see that you, and O'Donnell, both based that claim on an assumption.

You're too funny Lakhota. Too funny.
Hard to believe Trump. He lies so easily.
Could you please reiterate the same post?
What was the last thing Trump told the truth about? Is hard to think back that far.
Trump is working on 90% of the platform he ran on.
It's not his fault that both parties are getting in his way.
And as well all know, you have never watched even one of his speeches or interviews, so how would you know what he promised to do?
Now run along before I make you look like the emotionally disturbed fool you are yet again.
Working on and succeeding are two vastly different things. he has failed with immigration, failed with healthcare, failed with Mexico paying for his wall, and failed with tax reform.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

the loss is NOT the entire tax deduction only the amount of tax that would have been paid on the amount deducted

it seems you don't understand income taxes very well

I agree. The only Shittingbull understand is Trumphate. LOL
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?

So, you want to make a bet ?

As much as I don't like Trump, I still see you as a left wing cancer on this country.

If what Hannity reported does happen, what would you be willing to do ?

Let's see you put your money where your oversized Cherokee mouth is.
So you are working on dehumanizing people who do not agree with you politically. Wonder when that's been done before.........
Hannity lies, just like Trump. Thats just telling it like it is
First you're saying he lied, then when I get to this sentence I see that you, and O'Donnell, both based that claim on an assumption.

You're too funny Lakhota. Too funny.
Hard to believe Trump. He lies so easily.
Could you please reiterate the same post?
What was the last thing Trump told the truth about? Is hard to think back that far.
Trump is working on 90% of the platform he ran on.
It's not his fault that both parties are getting in his way.
And as well all know, you have never watched even one of his speeches or interviews, so how would you know what he promised to do?
Now run along before I make you look like the emotionally disturbed fool you are yet again.
Working on and succeeding are two vastly different things. he has failed with immigration, failed with healthcare, failed with Mexico paying for his wall, and failed with tax reform.

You are a moron who knows nothing about process.
Immigration? ICE is kicking out how many trespassers as we post?
Healthcare is a bullshit issue in my opinion; bring back MNCs and everybody will have Healthcare.
Mexico will pay for the wall as many of us with IQs over zero have explained.
Tax reform is coming in May/June.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
When did he say the salary wouldn't come out of the treasury? And your assumptions on all he will do or not do are irrelevant.
The law says he will receive a salary, to my knowledge that law hasn't changed. Until it does this is the only avenue available. But hey, let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good commiecrat propaganda, RIGHT?

He said he wouldn't take but $1 as a salary. End of story. Now 50+ days into his Presidency he's changed his tune.

You dumb ass, he doesn't have that choice without the law being changed, the treasury will cut the check proscribed by law.

And you miss the point. He waited how long to all of a sudden change direction on this? People told him from day one when he made the statement that he would take just $1 that it was against the law... but he said he would still do it. Now when the news is all focused on something else he tries to slide this under the radar. Wake the fuck up, he's a fraud.


Ok so you got nothing? Please show me something and prove me wrong about Trump donating to charities and being honest about it. Go ahead.
The one making the charge has the onus on them. Rather than trying to impress us by beating your tiny chest why not show us your evidence?
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
When did he say the salary wouldn't come out of the treasury? And your assumptions on all he will do or not do are irrelevant.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

Another butthurt Leftard thread
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

Another butthurt Leftard thread
Is it that difficult to know that Trump has lied to you again?
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?

So, you want to make a bet ?

As much as I don't like Trump, I still see you as a left wing cancer on this country.

If what Hannity reported does happen, what would you be willing to do ?

Let's see you put your money where your oversized Cherokee mouth is.
So you are working on dehumanizing people who do not agree with you politically. Wonder when that's been done before.........

Does he take the bet and back up his claims ?

Or stick his tail between his legs and run ?

What does he need you for ? His mommy not around to protect him ?
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?

So, you want to make a bet ?

As much as I don't like Trump, I still see you as a left wing cancer on this country.

If what Hannity reported does happen, what would you be willing to do ?

Let's see you put your money where your oversized Cherokee mouth is.
Both Trump and Hannity have long histories of lying. Its gotten to the point where even if they try to tell the truth, no one will believe them

Does he take the bet or does he not ?

That simple.

You walkbackers are way to funny.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

Another butthurt Leftard thread
You need an update. The Leftards are having a wonderful time mocking the trump fool, categorizing his lies, listing all the stupid stuff he and his staff says, and basically trampling on his credibility while they see how he turns victory at the elections into defeat at governing.
Where are Trump's tax returns? We have a right to see them!

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