Trump lied about not accepting presidential salary

Your post has NOTHING to do with the topic.
Actually, I posted the relevant statute. What else do you want? Then idiots decided to parade. Just messing with the dumb asses. I still am confused on one thing. The bed wetters are claiming the Russians scare them and we are too close. What is your proposal?

Your post has NOTHING do with Trump's salary nor Trump's lies about donating to charities. Nothing. You are babbling about Democrats, Muslim IT specialist, and Russia. That has NOTHING to do with the topic. It just goes to show you've got NOTHING to defend Trump with.
But the statute I posted does. Pay attention kid.

You didn't post anything about a statute in any piece of that quote chain. :lmao:
One last attempt for the slow one.

Forbes posted an article about this topic.

"What we do know is that the President's official salary is set by statute:

The President shall receive in full for his services during the term for which he shall have been elected compensation in the aggregate amount of $400,000 a year, to be paid monthly, and in addition an expense allowance of $50,000 to assist in defraying expenses relating to or resulting from the discharge of his official duties. Any unused amount of such expense allowance shall revert to the Treasury pursuant to section 1552 of title 31, United States Code. No amount of such expense allowance shall be included in the gross income of the President. He shall be entitled also to the use of the furniture and other effects belonging to the United States and kept in the Executive Residence at the White House.

Since compensation is set by statute, Trump can't actually refuse to take it - just like George Washington, who reportedly tried to refuse a salary but got paid anyway, at $25,000 per year.

That said, Trump could opt to donate his salary to charity..."

Dumbass, you didn't post this in the quote chain that I quoted. Why is this so difficult for you to understand? You started talking about dumb shit that has NOTHING to do with this thread... Democrats, Muslim IT specialists, and Russians. And you call me the slow one? Holy shit bro... I'm surprised even a Trumpbot would not kick you out of the nest for being an embarrassing runt.
Your post has NOTHING to do with the topic.
Actually, I posted the relevant statute. What else do you want? Then idiots decided to parade. Just messing with the dumb asses. I still am confused on one thing. The bed wetters are claiming the Russians scare them and we are too close. What is your proposal?

Your post has NOTHING do with Trump's salary nor Trump's lies about donating to charities. Nothing. You are babbling about Democrats, Muslim IT specialist, and Russia. That has NOTHING to do with the topic. It just goes to show you've got NOTHING to defend Trump with.
But the statute I posted does. Pay attention kid.

You didn't post anything about a statute in any piece of that quote chain. :lmao:
One last attempt for the slow one.

Forbes posted an article about this topic.

"What we do know is that the President's official salary is set by statute:

The President shall receive in full for his services during the term for which he shall have been elected compensation in the aggregate amount of $400,000 a year, to be paid monthly, and in addition an expense allowance of $50,000 to assist in defraying expenses relating to or resulting from the discharge of his official duties. Any unused amount of such expense allowance shall revert to the Treasury pursuant to section 1552 of title 31, United States Code. No amount of such expense allowance shall be included in the gross income of the President. He shall be entitled also to the use of the furniture and other effects belonging to the United States and kept in the Executive Residence at the White House.

Since compensation is set by statute, Trump can't actually refuse to take it - just like George Washington, who reportedly tried to refuse a salary but got paid anyway, at $25,000 per year.

That said, Trump could opt to donate his salary to charity..."

Trump could return his salary to the Treasury. Why do you just keep lying? Why don't you include this section from your OP link?

That said, Trump could opt to donate his salary to charity or return it to the Treasury: he wouldn't be the first President to do so. When John F. Kennedy was President, he donated his salary to charity, a practice he continued from his days serving in Congress. Herbert Hoover, a self-made millionaire, donated his salary to charity, too. And in 2013, Barack Obama, who famously announced that he had just finished paying off his student loans a few years before he took office, agreed to return 5% of his salary to the Treasury after the government shutdown affected the pay of federal workers.

Trump Says No To Presidential Salary: Could You Decline Your Pay & Cut Your Tax Bill? - Forbes
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
He only gets the tax deduction if he actually donates the money to charity, so your math is a bit off there, Einstein.

Also, a tax deduction is not a "loss to the treasury" unless you subscribe to the theory that your net income is a gift from the government.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
Trump lies robotically.
Trump is abnormal and he will do not good for the American people. He is a deranged nutcase.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

Lawrence O'Donnell?? WOW guess we'll give that lefty loon all the attention he deserves. 000
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

Lawrence O'Donnell?? WOW guess we'll give that lefty loon all the attention he deserves. 000
Cite lies from O'Donnell.
It is amazing that there are trump cultists that still attempt to defend trump's pathological and serial lying. He will almost certainly lie today the way he lies every day. Today he will be lying about health care and the promises he made during his campaign. He is however, showing his coward stripes, so he may just rely on sending out one or more of his dorks to lie for him.
Smart move by Trump

Why not get a tax break from not taking a salary
It is amazing that there are trump cultists that still attempt to defend trump's pathological and serial lying. He will almost certainly lie today the way he lies every day. Today he will be lying about health care and the promises he made during his campaign. He is however, showing his coward stripes, so he may just rely on sending out one or more of his dorks to lie for him.
To Trump followers.......the truth is overrated
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?
Do you believe anything O'donnell says ?

Yes. What has he ever lied about? Please quote credible proof.
He is a full blown partisan hack masquerading as a journalist, regardless you wouldn't accept proof from any other source but the msm and they won't call out one of their own.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

the loss is NOT the entire tax deduction only the amount of tax that would have been paid on the amount deducted

it seems you don't understand income taxes very well
Only a snowflake would complain about a charitable donation

when was the last time a democrat president donated his salary to charity?
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?

So, you want to make a bet ?

As much as I don't like Trump, I still see you as a left wing cancer on this country.

If what Hannity reported does happen, what would you be willing to do ?

Let's see you put your money where your oversized Cherokee mouth is.
Both Trump and Hannity have long histories of lying. Its gotten to the point where even if they try to tell the truth, no one will believe them
Only a snowflake would complain about a charitable donation

when was the last time a democrat president donated his salary to charity?
If Trump wants to donate to charity, why doesn't he just do it ?

Why run a scam where he gets a write off for not accepting salary?

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