Trump lied about not accepting presidential salary

The law says he will receive a salary, to my knowledge that law hasn't changed.

What value is someone's word anyway? How often in your life do you defend a flat out lie? When it benefits you or just a common practice.

Was it a lie, or was it mistakenly thinking he could do something he couldn't do?

If you have to rely on semantics I think you know you've lost.

Sorry child, facts aren't semantics. It's a simple fact that Trump made that statement before he found how the system actually works. Of course that doesn't lend well to your partisan propaganda, like I've said before, bum a quarter and call someone who might care about your propaganda, no one here except your fellow regressives are buying your shit. But feel free to keep showing everyone how pathetically petty you are, it will do wonders for your side come 2018.
You guys realize that a reporter called out Trump on making a donation to charity and showed he never made it... then Trump made the donation after he was exposed. Trump is a fraud, when will you guys ever learn?
Not really the reporter was using a timeline not given in Trumps statement. Trump did not say when he was donating to the charity. But when he was asked about it he took the time to do it then. IN FACT the charity that he was going to donate to asked him long before the great reporter did, and it was already in the works when the great expose came out dumbass
The law says he will receive a salary, to my knowledge that law hasn't changed.

What value is someone's word anyway? How often in your life do you defend a flat out lie? When it benefits you or just a common practice.

Was it a lie, or was it mistakenly thinking he could do something he couldn't do?

If you have to rely on semantics I think you know you've lost.

Sorry child, facts aren't semantics. It's a simple fact that Trump made that statement before he found how the system actually works. Of course that doesn't lend well to your partisan propaganda, like I've said before, bum a quarter and call someone who might care about your propaganda, no one here except your fellow regressives are buying your shit. But feel free to keep showing everyone how pathetically petty you are, it will do wonders for your side come 2018.

You haven't provided one fact to why Trump had to lie and is forced to take money. You know why? Because you can't its fucking silly to claim he has to take money by law against hi's will.
You guys realize that a reporter called out Trump on making a donation to charity and showed he never made it... then Trump made the donation after he was exposed. Trump is a fraud, when will you guys ever learn?
Not really the reporter was using a timeline not given in Trumps statement. Trump did not say when he was donating to the charity. But when he was asked about it he took the time to do it then. IN FACT the charity that he was going to donate to asked him long before the great reporter did, and it was already in the works when the great expose came out dumbass

You didn't read the full report and are full of shit sir. Trump lied about the total donated, then tried to blame other donors for backing out, and come to find out he was one of the reasons the total was as far off as it was, because he hadn't donated the million he pledged. You need to get your facts together.
The law says he will receive a salary, to my knowledge that law hasn't changed.

What value is someone's word anyway? How often in your life do you defend a flat out lie? When it benefits you or just a common practice.

Was it a lie, or was it mistakenly thinking he could do something he couldn't do?

If you have to rely on semantics I think you know you've lost.

Sorry child, facts aren't semantics. It's a simple fact that Trump made that statement before he found how the system actually works. Of course that doesn't lend well to your partisan propaganda, like I've said before, bum a quarter and call someone who might care about your propaganda, no one here except your fellow regressives are buying your shit. But feel free to keep showing everyone how pathetically petty you are, it will do wonders for your side come 2018.

You haven't provided one fact to why Trump had to lie and is forced to take money. You know why? Because you can't its fucking silly to claim he has to take money by law against hi's will.

What's silly is you fucking regressives trying to make a federal case of this. You should worry about lies that matter, how's that $2500 savings in heath insurance going for you?
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What value is someone's word anyway? How often in your life do you defend a flat out lie? When it benefits you or just a common practice.

Was it a lie, or was it mistakenly thinking he could do something he couldn't do?

If you have to rely on semantics I think you know you've lost.

Sorry child, facts aren't semantics. It's a simple fact that Trump made that statement before he found how the system actually works. Of course that doesn't lend well to your partisan propaganda, like I've said before, bum a quarter and call someone who might care about your propaganda, no one here except your fellow regressives are buying your shit. But feel free to keep showing everyone how pathetically petty you are, it will do wonders for your side come 2018.

You haven't provided one fact to why Trump had to lie and is forced to take money. You know why? Because you can't its fucking silly to claim he has to take money by law against hi's will.

What silly is you fucking regressives trying to make a federal case of this. You should worry about lies that matter, how's that $2500 savings in heath insurance going for you?

How do you determine what lies "matter"? Additionally it's good to see you stop denying it was a lie but since you did you just revealed yourself to be a boring hack.

Thanks tho!
Was it a lie, or was it mistakenly thinking he could do something he couldn't do?

If you have to rely on semantics I think you know you've lost.

Sorry child, facts aren't semantics. It's a simple fact that Trump made that statement before he found how the system actually works. Of course that doesn't lend well to your partisan propaganda, like I've said before, bum a quarter and call someone who might care about your propaganda, no one here except your fellow regressives are buying your shit. But feel free to keep showing everyone how pathetically petty you are, it will do wonders for your side come 2018.

You haven't provided one fact to why Trump had to lie and is forced to take money. You know why? Because you can't its fucking silly to claim he has to take money by law against hi's will.

What silly is you fucking regressives trying to make a federal case of this. You should worry about lies that matter, how's that $2500 savings in heath insurance going for you?

How do you determine what lies "matter"? Additionally it's good to see you stop denying it was a lie but since you did you just revealed yourself to be a boring hack.

Thanks tho!

Child you opinion is meaningless to me, but you didn't answer my question.
If you have to rely on semantics I think you know you've lost.

Sorry child, facts aren't semantics. It's a simple fact that Trump made that statement before he found how the system actually works. Of course that doesn't lend well to your partisan propaganda, like I've said before, bum a quarter and call someone who might care about your propaganda, no one here except your fellow regressives are buying your shit. But feel free to keep showing everyone how pathetically petty you are, it will do wonders for your side come 2018.

You haven't provided one fact to why Trump had to lie and is forced to take money. You know why? Because you can't its fucking silly to claim he has to take money by law against hi's will.

What silly is you fucking regressives trying to make a federal case of this. You should worry about lies that matter, how's that $2500 savings in heath insurance going for you?

How do you determine what lies "matter"? Additionally it's good to see you stop denying it was a lie but since you did you just revealed yourself to be a boring hack.

Thanks tho!

Child you opinion is meaningless to me, but you didn't answer my question.

It's not my opinion. You said yourself it was a lie after asking "is it a lie?"

Own your opinion pal.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

the loss is NOT the entire tax deduction only the amount of tax that would have been paid on the amount deducted

it seems you don't understand income taxes very well

I agree. The only Shittingbull understand is Trumphate. LOL

Trumphate was created by Trump himself because of his never ending lies.
When are you people start realizing that Trump is just a piece of shit.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)

Another butthurt Leftard thread
Is it that difficult to know that Trump has lied to you again?

They don't understand the truth and reality because of populism.
What the hell is the desperate left up to now? They call the President a liar because, according to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "he has a poor reputation for following through on his proclaimed donations". Think about this stuff folks. Doesn't it fall into the category of fake news?
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
Donald Trump is a pathological liar.

And Obama wasn't ?
Hannity just announced that Trump was going to allow the media to name the charity.

Do you believe anything Hannity says?

As opposed to Dan Rather and Brian Williams?
Dan Rather hasn't lied, and as to Brian Williams, there was only one instance. Can you say there is only one instance of Hannity lying?

Dan Rather presented false documents as fact. That is lying. When did Hannity lie?

Are you kidding me? Dan Rather didn't do it for a living. Hannity is Trump puppet or vice versa and both lie for a living.
Here are some of the list of lies that came from Hannity. It's quite disgusting. I cannot imagine what kind of people watching this kind of garbage from Hannity.

Here's A List Of 36 Of The Biggest Lies Hillary Has Told So Far | The Sean Hannity Show

10 Examples Of Sean Hannity Saying Things That Aren't True

How a lie takes flight on Fox News’s ‘Hannity’
What the hell is the desperate left up to now? They call the President a liar because, according to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "he has a poor reputation for following through on his proclaimed donations". Think about this stuff folks. Doesn't it fall into the category of fake news?
Trump is a liar because we can document over 100 lies just since he took office
What the hell is the desperate left up to now? They call the President a liar because, according to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "he has a poor reputation for following through on his proclaimed donations". Think about this stuff folks. Doesn't it fall into the category of fake news?
Trump is a liar because we can document over 100 lies just since he took office

Yeah, I remember when he said we could keep our doctor if we liked him, that we'd see 2,500 saving in health care savings, and how a video caused the Benghazi deaths.

You guys realize that a reporter called out Trump on making a donation to charity and showed he never made it... then Trump made the donation after he was exposed. Trump is a fraud, when will you guys ever learn?

Maybe when the Democrats learn to tell the truth more often than the Republicans.

No, I'm not holding my breath.

They already do tell the truth more than Republicans.
Just reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC as follows:

According to Trump, he is going to accept his presidential salary and then donate it to charity at the end of the year. Problem is - Trump has a poor history of following through on his proclaimed donations. In addition, this will allow Trump a rather huge tax deduction of $158,400. This means that a total of $558,400 will not be returned to the Treasury (taxpayers). This all assumes that Trump will "actually" donate his salary to charity at the end of the year.

$400,000 Presidential Salary
$158,400 Trump Tax Deduction
$558,400 Total Loss To Treasury (Taxpayers)
If he gives the money away, he's not lying. Constitutionally, he has to draw his salary.

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