Trump lied: US soldiers were wounded in Iranian attack: US Military

Trump cannot even tell the truth when asked what is 1+1. The US military said, several were wounded in the Iranian attack.

Iran missile attack: US troops were injured despite Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties - CNNPolitics

say it aint so,,,

DAYS after the attack, they showed symptoms.

Now that you are a verified liar, are you hoping the President retaliates now?
11 injuries, 11 concussions, that doesn´t sound very credible, either.

All have the same injury.
Trump cannot even tell the truth when asked what is 1+1. The US military said, several were wounded in the Iranian attack.

Iran missile attack: US troops were injured despite Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties - CNNPolitics

They don't qualify for a Purple Heart, so no, he didn't lie.

Wrong. If the injury is documented, they can receive a Purple Heart since 2011.

Army clarifies award of Purple Heart for concussion

Trump cannot even tell the truth when asked what is 1+1. The US military said, several were wounded in the Iranian attack.

Iran missile attack: US troops were injured despite Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties - CNNPolitics

say it aint so,,,

DAYS after the attack, they showed symptoms.

Now that you are a verified liar, are you hoping the President retaliates now?
11 injuries, 11 concussions, that doesn´t sound very credible, either.

All have the same injury.


Did you ever consider they may have all been together?

You have obviously never been in combat, so why not STFU and let the experts handle the thinking, since you are not qualified.
By not keeping his promises. Bring troops home, repair infrastructure, make companies produce in the US, ect. Nothing of that is actually taking place.
well he has no authority on the two later ones and he just hasnt gotten enough support to pull troops since dems attack him for going to take a piss,,,

and I'm not sure youre aware that most politicians dont follow through on promises,,,
The Syria withdrawal began despite dems going nuts, you know.
And yes, many politicians don´t care for their promises but that is no reason for me to like Trump.
You're not an American. Your opinion of Trump is utterly worthless.

We should just take Canada....

I like Canada. It's a good country saddled with morons running it.

That is kind of like California too!

say it aint so,,,

DAYS after the attack, they showed symptoms.

Now that you are a verified liar, are you hoping the President retaliates now?
11 injuries, 11 concussions, that doesn´t sound very credible, either.

All have the same injury.


Did you ever consider they may have all been together?

You have obviously never been in combat, so why not STFU and let the experts handle the thinking, since you are not qualified.
So there was some kind of bowling or what does the expert say?
DAYS after the attack, they showed symptoms.

Now that you are a verified liar, are you hoping the President retaliates now?
11 injuries, 11 concussions, that doesn´t sound very credible, either.

All have the same injury.


Did you ever consider they may have all been together?

You have obviously never been in combat, so why not STFU and let the experts handle the thinking, since you are not qualified.
So there was some kind of bowling or what does the expert say?

Bowling? WTF are you prattling about?

They have been in Iraq since 2003!
You still don´t get it? He campaigned with bringing the troops home. You don´t know that?

So did Obama, and guess what?

Both lied!

Troops are never coming home and still you claimed Trumps lies caused the Troops to be there which is a lie on your part!

George W. Bush caused the mess in the Middle East we are dealing with and Obama did not fix it and neither will Trump!

The Military Complex will not allow any President to end a war that could cut their budget!
It takes Trump one simple order.

It takes more than that and remember when Trump pulled troops from Syria how fast the GOP turned on him, so as you try to troll me I know for damn sure it take more than one man to do what you believe Trump should do!
Again, Trump ordered it and the troops did it.
Again you are a fuck head.
You still don´t get it? He campaigned with bringing the troops home. You don´t know that?

So did Obama, and guess what?

Both lied!

Troops are never coming home and still you claimed Trumps lies caused the Troops to be there which is a lie on your part!

George W. Bush caused the mess in the Middle East we are dealing with and Obama did not fix it and neither will Trump!

The Military Complex will not allow any President to end a war that could cut their budget!
It takes Trump one simple order.

It takes more than that and remember when Trump pulled troops from Syria how fast the GOP turned on him, so as you try to troll me I know for damn sure it take more than one man to do what you believe Trump should do!
Again, Trump ordered it and the troops did it.
Again you are a fuck head.

He's a socialist, kraut, blockhead. What do you expect?
Trump cannot even tell the truth when asked what is 1+1. The US military said, several were wounded in the Iranian attack.

Iran missile attack: US troops were injured despite Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties - CNNPolitics

Well, however he handled it, we avoided a larger war so I'm giving him a B+ . Maybe you would have preferred to ramp up the situation? send in a few cruise missiles to Tehran?
Did he lie? or was the initial report that we had no casualties? Whatever he did, we can see that his intentions were to keep things in control afterwards and that WAS accomplished.
Actually, he was provoking the tensions and even war. But when he realized he put thousands of Americans deployed around Iran in acute danger, he withdraw from his plans.

who? and what "provocations"?
Consult a 2020 historian. He can tell you.

capt blei stumped again
You can tell this guy is an idiot he has a self portrait as his avatar.
He doesn't understand what he is posting. Just posting stuff that he thinks proves Trump is bad and mean. After all he hurt his little feelers and made him pee his diapers.
If Trump wasn´t a big liar, the soldiers would not have been in Iraq in the first place!


They have been in Iraq since 2003!
You still don´t get it? He campaigned with bringing the troops home. You don´t know that?

So did Obama, and guess what?

Both lied!

Troops are never coming home and still you claimed Trumps lies caused the Troops to be there which is a lie on your part!

George W. Bush caused the mess in the Middle East we are dealing with and Obama did not fix it and neither will Trump!

The Military Complex will not allow any President to end a war that could cut their budget!
To his credit, Bush ended the heinous regime of Saddam Hussein who had a history of evil deeds against families and women in his own country, sarin-type gassing of Kurdish villages of people who couldn't defend themselves from this type of death, men, women, children, guests, old and young.

All were dumped into mass graves located in or near the 30 or more villages our troops found deserted and graves with bones of infants and their mothers, elderly grandmothers and grandfathers, and every known evil done them before and after death. All of these people were Iraqui citizens, and our troops who went in looking for bodies found a high count of villagers. If anyone survived, they were hunted down, tortured, gassed, bodies dismembered and thrown wherever. Anyone who criticized any Iraqui official in Saddam's nefarious family was butchered right after he watched troops rape his family's women repeatedly, tortured to death, and hung up on tall fences permanently. Sorry, I no longer have photos of the killing fields, because I gave my brother my old computer about 7 or 8 years ago. I also followed State Department stuff during both the Clinton and the George W. Bush administrations, in particular all the war crimes of Saddam Hussein. He had a 25+ year history of blood trails, killed his own people, harassed and decimated Kuwait for around a year, and deaths known about amounted to at least a million starting with his murder of 167 (my memory is hazy) of Iraq's Representatives who did not agree with his policies by vote on his first day as strongman of Iraq, and constantly killed people in Iran over a 25-square mile area on the gulf, as I recollect, which never became his property in all those years of warfare with Iran. It's too bad Barry Hussein Obama jerked our troops out of the area, because I just saw about 50 you tubes

I found his purge of people he considered troublemakers to him
Saddam Hussein: How a deadly purge of opponents set up his ruthless dictatorship

But the youtubes of his reign of terror are not readily available at youtube anymore, but I found only one here:

Sorry for not saving all my info on the old computer, but I didn't know how to do save stuff to the new computer. I thought you could always find old stuff, but nope. People save it in their little sticks you plug in to your computer to keep it free of too much information, some probably would never care to look at all that death in and around Iraq. I think Saddam was so ticked off he got defeated that he set all his oilfields on fire so any enemy of his could never get it. I think we called Texan Red Adair to clean it up, and they left one burning the last time I heard, likely 10 or 15 years ago.

History repeating itself for the Kurds in Northern Iraq, 2016:
I guess American troops were withdrawn before this repeat of ISIL's hate for Kurdish Iraquis.
Sorry for the double posting of the same video. I may have put the wrong one, so I traded places with the videos. I'm not sure which is which now. Some of that stuff is tedious, but I have grown to like the approach of treading softly in the Middle East unless they start in on American citizens who are living and working there.​
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US soldiers were wounded in Iranian attack

Right. A few guys got a headache from the concussive force of the explosion. Turned out to be a concussion. They'll recover. Probably already back on duty. It wasn't even a "wound" in the strict sense. Certainly not a "casualty" in the normal sense.

THIS is a casualty. This one's not coming back. He's been "ventilated," American-style. Allah Akbar.

Image Removed
To his credit, Bush ended the heinous regime of Saddam Hussein .
And what was our excuse for having him as an ally when we helped
him kill a million Iranians in the 80's ? ( when Poppy Bush was VP and ex CIA director involved in Iran Contra ...)
To his credit, Bush ended the heinous regime of Saddam Hussein .
And what was our excuse for having him as an ally when we helped
him kill a million Iranians in the 80's ? ( when Poppy Bush was VP and ex CIA director involved in Iran Contra ...)

That's cold. Saddam Hussein tried to Assassinate Bush I when he went to the Arabian region to receive an award from one of the countries in the Middle East. I was still raising children on the Bush I watch and didn't start following politics at all until around the middle of the Clinton era and was wondering why Clinton was re-elected after all that mischief he got himself into on the first term. I wasn't the least bit interested in the politics, I just wanted to know why my fellow Americans re-elected him. It was that simple. Since I'm not that much of a history buff before BushII, why don't you answer the question you asked and already know the answer to?
well he has no authority on the two later ones and he just hasnt gotten enough support to pull troops since dems attack him for going to take a piss,,,

and I'm not sure youre aware that most politicians dont follow through on promises,,,
The Syria withdrawal began despite dems going nuts, you know.
And yes, many politicians don´t care for their promises but that is no reason for me to like Trump.
You're not an American. Your opinion of Trump is utterly worthless.

We should just take Canada....

I like Canada. It's a good country saddled with morons running it.

All the more reason to annex it.

No war for maple syrup!
OMG they showed symptoms days after the attack.
That dude lies all the time. Why join him and lie about this?
Don´t play it down. Brain concussions are a serious matter.
They can be, but weren’t even considered until recently. But it is a reality in training the military, as well as in fighting a war. And the effects can be noticed days after, as here. Or possibly the medical field agents of war now routinely check for signs of, after close proximity to a blast.
Yes the do routinely check for signs and symptoms of a concussion if they are in close proximity to a blast. This is known as an Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE).

After the evaluation the physician may choose to send them for medical imaging, usually a CAT scan.

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