Trump Lies and Stupid Misinformation Tweets & Comments - 2017

This is what you get when you elect a man whose main credentials are showmanship and the ability to sell things to the lower educated rubes .

When you sell things, you are focused on what gets the rubes in the door, with their wallets open.

This is what Trump did, he sold a product by any means necessary.

Now he is going to try and polish the turd that was this election. Good luck
/------ Trump -- Making Liberals Irevalant Again.
grow up.jpg
This is what you get when you elect a man whose main credentials are showmanship and the ability to sell things to the lower educated rubes .

When you sell things, you are focused on what gets the rubes in the door, with their wallets open.

This is what Trump did, he sold a product by any means necessary.

Now he is going to try and polish the turd that was this election. Good luck
Despite what your Obama told you,,Trump did build this....:lol:

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What does that have to do with Trump lying or saying stupid stuff in 2017 you stupid douche bag. Are really this dumb?
We see Santa didn't bring you the reading ability you asked for....:lol:
You evaded answering the question loser. Looks like you are the one who needs reading ability or are just a coward, otherwise you could or would answer the question that was given to you.
Smoke blow suck, deflect troll lie, smoke gag....lather, rinse....repeat.
C'mon folks, we are 10 1/2 hours into 2017. Has Trump actually gone that long a period without saying something stupid or telling a lie?
Just think we will soon have a president that doesn't rely on a teleprompter! Obama is a train wreck without one. Talked to elementary students, used a teleprompter lol. He isn't smart enough to talk to kids. I wonder when he gave his daughters I want you to get an abortion speech, did he use a teleprompter?
It will be amazing, and maybe a good sign if the Donald can go the whole first day of the year without saying something stupid, although some may interpret his New Year Eve tweet wishing his enemies a Happy New Year kind of stupid. Guess there is room to debate whether that is his first stupid comment or not.
C'mon folks, we are 10 1/2 hours into 2017. Has Trump actually gone that long a period without saying something stupid or telling a lie?

We don't know, most of us normal people have a hangover and don't hump on Trumps leg 24/7 like you do.

This is what you get when you elect a man whose main credentials are showmanship and the ability to sell things to the lower educated rubes .

When you sell things, you are focused on what gets the rubes in the door, with their wallets open.

This is what Trump did, he sold a product by any means necessary.

Now he is going to try and polish the turd that was this election. Good luck
Despite what your Obama told you,,Trump did build this....:lol:

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What does that have to do with Trump lying or saying stupid stuff in 2017 you stupid douche bag. Are really this dumb?
We see Santa didn't bring you the reading ability you asked for....:lol:
You evaded answering the question loser. Looks like you are the one who needs reading ability or are just a coward, otherwise you could or would answer the question that was given to you.
Let me know when you give me one....:lol:
It will be amazing, and maybe a good sign if the Donald can go the whole first day of the year without saying something stupid, although some may interpret his New Year Eve tweet wishing his enemies a Happy New Year kind of stupid. Guess there is room to debate whether that is his first stupid comment or not.
Wonder if Obama won't come out and whine that his legacy will soon be a memory?
It will be amazing, and maybe a good sign if the Donald can go the whole first day of the year without saying something stupid, although some may interpret his New Year Eve tweet wishing his enemies a Happy New Year kind of stupid. Guess there is room to debate whether that is his first stupid comment or not.
Perhaps you can give him lessons?
This is what you get when you elect a man whose main credentials are showmanship and the ability to sell things to the lower educated rubes .

When you sell things, you are focused on what gets the rubes in the door, with their wallets open.

This is what Trump did, he sold a product by any means necessary.

Now he is going to try and polish the turd that was this election. Good luck
When will the chump crook show the tax returns he promised to show?
This is what you get when you elect a man whose main credentials are showmanship and the ability to sell things to the lower educated rubes .

When you sell things, you are focused on what gets the rubes in the door, with their wallets open.

This is what Trump did, he sold a product by any means necessary.

Now he is going to try and polish the turd that was this election. Good luck
You're mistaken, that sounds like the load of shit that is "hope and change"... :lmao:
It is a new year and hence, a good time to put all the lies and stupid misinformation from Donald "President Tweet" Trump in the past and give the pathological liar and hopelessly misinformed buffoon a chance at redemption; No more rehashing of the old lies and stupid stuff. Today should be the day we clear the slate and start over. Unless he repeats one of his lies or stupid tweets or comments, please leave it out of this thread. If he repeats and promotes something from the past, it can be counted in the 2017 list, otherwise, please do not bring it up. If the guy doesn't mention seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11, it doesn't belong in this thread.
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First he bashes the media ,next the CIA followed by the FBI who is next ? This chump POS will be investigated more thoroughly than any president or politician before him Folks will even know which hand he uses to wipe himself or if he's making a nickle as a result of his presidency
It is a new year and hence, a good time to put all the lies and stupid misinformation from Donald "President Tweet" Trump in the past and give the pathological liar and hopelessly misinformed buffoon a chance at redemption; No more rehashing of the old lies and stupid stuff. Today should be the day we clear the slate and start over. Unless he repeats one of his lies or stupid tweets or comments, please leave it out of this thread. If he repeats and promotes something from the past, it can be counted in the 2017 list, otherwise, please do not bring it up. If the guy doesn't mention seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11, it doesn't belong in this thread.
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First he bashes the media ,next the CIA followed by the FBI who is next ? This chump POS will be investigated more thoroughly than any president or politician before him Folks will even know which hand he uses to wipe himself or if he's making a nickle as a result of his presidency
The media has already investigated and attacked him with all they got, and he still kicked their ass.
It is a new year and hence, a good time to put all the lies and stupid misinformation from Donald "President Tweet" Trump in the past and give the pathological liar and hopelessly misinformed buffoon a chance at redemption; No more rehashing of the old lies and stupid stuff. Today should be the day we clear the slate and start over. Unless he repeats one of his lies or stupid tweets or comments, please leave it out of this thread. If he repeats and promotes something from the past, it can be counted in the 2017 list, otherwise, please do not bring it up. If the guy doesn't mention seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11, it doesn't belong in this thread.
View attachment 104721
First he bashes the media ,next the CIA followed by the FBI who is next ? This chump POS will be investigated more thoroughly than any president or politician before him Folks will even know which hand he uses to wipe himself or if he's making a nickle as a result of his presidency
The media has already investigated and attacked him with all they got, and he still kicked their ass.
It is a new year and hence, a good time to put all the lies and stupid misinformation from Donald "President Tweet" Trump in the past and give the pathological liar and hopelessly misinformed buffoon a chance at redemption; No more rehashing of the old lies and stupid stuff. Today should be the day we clear the slate and start over. Unless he repeats one of his lies or stupid tweets or comments, please leave it out of this thread. If he repeats and promotes something from the past, it can be counted in the 2017 list, otherwise, please do not bring it up. If the guy doesn't mention seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11, it doesn't belong in this thread.
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First he bashes the media ,next the CIA followed by the FBI who is next ? This chump POS will be investigated more thoroughly than any president or politician before him Folks will even know which hand he uses to wipe himself or if he's making a nickle as a result of his presidency
The media has already investigated and attacked him with all they got, and he still kicked their ass.
You ain't seen nothing yet People will be on his ass every day for his hopefully 4 year or less presidency
It is a new year and hence, a good time to put all the lies and stupid misinformation from Donald "President Tweet" Trump in the past and give the pathological liar and hopelessly misinformed buffoon a chance at redemption; No more rehashing of the old lies and stupid stuff. Today should be the day we clear the slate and start over. Unless he repeats one of his lies or stupid tweets or comments, please leave it out of this thread. If he repeats and promotes something from the past, it can be counted in the 2017 list, otherwise, please do not bring it up. If the guy doesn't mention seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11, it doesn't belong in this thread.
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First he bashes the media ,next the CIA followed by the FBI who is next ? This chump POS will be investigated more thoroughly than any president or politician before him Folks will even know which hand he uses to wipe himself or if he's making a nickle as a result of his presidency
It is a new year and hence, a good time to put all the lies and stupid misinformation from Donald "President Tweet" Trump in the past and give the pathological liar and hopelessly misinformed buffoon a chance at redemption; No more rehashing of the old lies and stupid stuff. Today should be the day we clear the slate and start over. Unless he repeats one of his lies or stupid tweets or comments, please leave it out of this thread. If he repeats and promotes something from the past, it can be counted in the 2017 list, otherwise, please do not bring it up. If the guy doesn't mention seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11, it doesn't belong in this thread.
View attachment 104721
First he bashes the media ,next the CIA followed by the FBI who is next ? This chump POS will be investigated more thoroughly than any president or politician before him Folks will even know which hand he uses to wipe himself or if he's making a nickle as a result of his presidency
AND his kids and son in law crook better keep their noses clean too This is going to be beautiful....He's going to get double what you gave Obama

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