Trump Lies Challenge.

I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.

Just what I needed. And all-day project that, once it was done, would already be out of date.

Perhaps I'll be back eventually but whatever I post, don't read it out loud. The sound of that gives you cancer.

See? There's one already.
So you're saying you can't name any lies.
How about 10 lies.

You can't name any????

You want me to "name" them? Like children?

How 'bout "John Baron"? How 'bout "John Miller"?

How 'bout "DJ and CJ"? How 'bout Tim Apple? Or Marilyn Lockheed?

How 'bout Andy, Mandy, Candy, Randy, Sandy, Brandy and Elmo?
I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.

Just what I needed. And all-day project that, once it was done, would already be out of date.

Perhaps I'll be back eventually but whatever I post, don't read it out loud. The sound of that gives you cancer.

See? There's one already.
So you're saying you can't name any lies.
How about 10 lies.

You can't name any????

You want me to "name" them? Like children?

How 'bout "John Baron"? How 'bout "John Miller"?

How 'bout "DJ and CJ"? How 'bout Tim Apple? Or Marilyn Lockheed?

How 'bout Andy, Mandy, Candy, Randy, Sandy, Brandy and Elmo?

Cool entry for Non Sequtur Post of the Day bruh.
Trump in front of Putin: "My people came to me. Dan Coats came to me and some others said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this - I don't see any reason why it would be. I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

Trump later: "I realize that there's a need for some clarification. It should have been obvious, I thought it would be obvious. But I would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. In a key sentence in my remarks, I said 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'. The sentence should have been 'I don't see see any reason why I wouldn't' or 'why it wouldn't be Russia'...sort of a double negative."

I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.

Just what I needed. And all-day project that, once it was done, would already be out of date.

Perhaps I'll be back eventually but whatever I post, don't read it out loud. The sound of that gives you cancer.

See? There's one already.
So you're saying you can't name any lies.
How about 10 lies.

You can't name any????

You want me to "name" them? Like children?

How 'bout "John Baron"? How 'bout "John Miller"?

How 'bout "DJ and CJ"? How 'bout Tim Apple? Or Marilyn Lockheed?

How 'bout Andy, Mandy, Candy, Randy, Sandy, Brandy and Elmo?

Cool entry for Non Sequtur Post of the Day bruh.
A non sequtur post in answer to your non sequtur.
Just what I needed. And all-day project that, once it was done, would already be out of date.

Perhaps I'll be back eventually but whatever I post, don't read it out loud. The sound of that gives you cancer.

See? There's one already.
So you're saying you can't name any lies.
How about 10 lies.

You can't name any????

You want me to "name" them? Like children?

How 'bout "John Baron"? How 'bout "John Miller"?

How 'bout "DJ and CJ"? How 'bout Tim Apple? Or Marilyn Lockheed?

How 'bout Andy, Mandy, Candy, Randy, Sandy, Brandy and Elmo?

Cool entry for Non Sequtur Post of the Day bruh.
A non sequtur post in answer to your non sequtur.

Hey, you wanted names, I gave you names. I even left out Rump's imaginary friend --- what was his name? "Steve"? "Jim"?
Trump in front of Putin: "My people came to me. Dan Coats came to me and some others said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this - I don't see any reason why it would be. I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

Trump later: "I realize that there's a need for some clarification. It should have been obvious, I thought it would be obvious. But I would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. In a key sentence in my remarks, I said 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'. The sentence should have been 'I don't see see any reason why I wouldn't' or 'why it wouldn't be Russia'...sort of a double negative."


.That's one of the most egregious.

"War is Peace". "Freedom is Slavery". "Ignorance is Strength". "Would is wouldn't".

And his yes-bots just go "we're good either way".
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why? It was already posted and you said it wasn't. so if i post it you'll say it's faked. Why would I waste my time over and over for such a schmuck as you?
You do not have a video. You are lying and making excuses for why you will not post your video. Just post it and stop being such a dork.
sure there is. go look.
No, there is not. You are a liar. What would you search for on Google to find your fantasy delusional video?
Kerik: Trump Correct, New York Area Muslims Were Celebrating After 9/11

He watched thousands of people cheering while the WTC building came down. He saw it. It was widely covered at the time.

It didn't happen.

Trumpybear can't admitted it
And yet cops said it did! Go figure eh?
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Here's one bullshit example:

"Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before."

A senior administration official told PolitiFact that Trump arrived at the $91 billion figure by combining the roughly $41 billion already allocated with additional estimated future FEMA costs of $50 billion. (The Washington Post’s Fact Checker wrote that the $50 billion was a high end estimate of what would need to be committed under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988.)

In other words, Trump didn't lie. He used the high end estimate, which is a reasonable thing to do in the case of the federal government.
An idiot who does not know the difference between "GOT" and "WILL GET."
BTW, you left this part out from your OWN link: "In a tweet, the president claimed “Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars.” That’s simply false. As explained above, this is a 20-year estimate subject to change. The island so far has only received about $11 billion."
but they did. They got awarded 91 billion. you're still wrong.
Awarded and "GOT" are two different things. They "GOT" only $11 billion so far.
What’s the difference?
I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.

Just what I needed. And all-day project that, once it was done, would already be out of date.

Perhaps I'll be back eventually but whatever I post, don't read it out loud. The sound of that gives you cancer.

See? There's one already.
So you're saying you can't name any lies.
How about 10 lies.

You can't name any????

You want me to "name" them? Like children?

How 'bout "John Baron"? How 'bout "John Miller"?

How 'bout "DJ and CJ"? How 'bout Tim Apple? Or Marilyn Lockheed?

How 'bout Andy, Mandy, Candy, Randy, Sandy, Brandy and Elmo?
Mother fk is that great
Trump in front of Putin: "My people came to me. Dan Coats came to me and some others said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this - I don't see any reason why it would be. I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

Trump later: "I realize that there's a need for some clarification. It should have been obvious, I thought it would be obvious. But I would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. In a key sentence in my remarks, I said 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'. The sentence should have been 'I don't see see any reason why I wouldn't' or 'why it wouldn't be Russia'...sort of a double negative."

You are lying. Trump's lie has never been disproven. A television recording has never been found and no one has ever produced a video of thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey. You don't have one so you will never be able to post one. You are as dorky as Donald Dork.
except it has. you merely saying it wasn't proves nothing. the video was provided in the forum years ago.
Liar, there is no such video showing "thousands and thousands" of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey.
Can you name who's lives were destroyed by an exaggeration like this?
It's not like Obama's lies about Benghazi, about keeping our doctors, about how Iran is our friends and even though they're chanting Death To America....we shouldn't worry about them getting nukes, or how about needing to find our foreign policy in the 80s cuz Russia ain't no threat. How about his claim he's not a Muslim.....or that he's straight. How about naming some Trump lies that have caused the deaths of Americans like Obama's have.

A lie not need destroy anyone's lives to be a lie.

Yet you act as if they matter.
You ignore all of the lies from Obama and Hillary, lies that have destroyed lives, cost us billions and trillions, lies that have caused the death of Americans. Lies that will cause the death of thousands more.
Lies that have brought thousands here risking their lives at our expense.
Lies that may end up killing you or me.
Lies that have changed our economic futures irreparably

Trump sometimes exaggerates. He sometimes tells jokes you take literally....and sometimes the media lies about what he says and claims it's real.
Hillary and Obama lie with a purpose to kill and destroy.
Frankly,.......What right have you to complain about anyone stretching the truth....when you ignore every hoax and every lie that the Democrats pull on you. I'm wise to it. You're still a gullible fool.
Of course they matter. And how deranged are you to call spending 5 years claiming Obama wasn't born in the U.S., a "joke?"
I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.

I've never used ignore, what's the point?

When Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey streets on television he was demonizing American Muslims making his lie malicious in nature. His lie caused harm for many Americans who happened to be Muslim.

I don't believe he said "thousands" but he saw some....want a link, twink?
B'lieve it, he said it....

Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

WillPower turns out to be just another sycophant. He marks a post educating his error as 'funny.'
except it has. you merely saying it wasn't proves nothing. the video was provided in the forum years ago.
Liar, there is no such video showing "thousands and thousands" of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey.
Can you name who's lives were destroyed by an exaggeration like this?
It's not like Obama's lies about Benghazi, about keeping our doctors, about how Iran is our friends and even though they're chanting Death To America....we shouldn't worry about them getting nukes, or how about needing to find our foreign policy in the 80s cuz Russia ain't no threat. How about his claim he's not a Muslim.....or that he's straight. How about naming some Trump lies that have caused the deaths of Americans like Obama's have.

A lie not need destroy anyone's lives to be a lie.

Yet you act as if they matter.
You ignore all of the lies from Obama and Hillary, lies that have destroyed lives, cost us billions and trillions, lies that have caused the death of Americans. Lies that will cause the death of thousands more.
Lies that have brought thousands here risking their lives at our expense.
Lies that may end up killing you or me.
Lies that have changed our economic futures irreparably

Trump sometimes exaggerates. He sometimes tells jokes you take literally....and sometimes the media lies about what he says and claims it's real.
Hillary and Obama lie with a purpose to kill and destroy.
Frankly,.......What right have you to complain about anyone stretching the truth....when you ignore every hoax and every lie that the Democrats pull on you. I'm wise to it. You're still a gullible fool.
Of course they matter. And how deranged are you to call spending 5 years claiming Obama wasn't born in the U.S., a "joke?"
Trump asked to see his birth certificate. Where is the damage to society for asking your president to prove he's an American when he doesn't act like one?
I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.

Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
Liar, there is no such video showing "thousands and thousands" of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey.
Can you name who's lives were destroyed by an exaggeration like this?
It's not like Obama's lies about Benghazi, about keeping our doctors, about how Iran is our friends and even though they're chanting Death To America....we shouldn't worry about them getting nukes, or how about needing to find our foreign policy in the 80s cuz Russia ain't no threat. How about his claim he's not a Muslim.....or that he's straight. How about naming some Trump lies that have caused the deaths of Americans like Obama's have.

A lie not need destroy anyone's lives to be a lie.

Yet you act as if they matter.
You ignore all of the lies from Obama and Hillary, lies that have destroyed lives, cost us billions and trillions, lies that have caused the death of Americans. Lies that will cause the death of thousands more.
Lies that have brought thousands here risking their lives at our expense.
Lies that may end up killing you or me.
Lies that have changed our economic futures irreparably

Trump sometimes exaggerates. He sometimes tells jokes you take literally....and sometimes the media lies about what he says and claims it's real.
Hillary and Obama lie with a purpose to kill and destroy.
Frankly,.......What right have you to complain about anyone stretching the truth....when you ignore every hoax and every lie that the Democrats pull on you. I'm wise to it. You're still a gullible fool.
Of course they matter. And how deranged are you to call spending 5 years claiming Obama wasn't born in the U.S., a "joke?"
Trump asked to see his birth certificate. Where is the damage to society for asking your president to prove he's an American when he doesn't act like one?

In that case, where is Trump’s?
Trump's non-stop litany of child-like hyperbole and demonstrable lies is like nothing we've seen from a national politician, ever, and it's not close.

Even a supporter of his had to lower herself to tell us to "take him seriously, not literally" (Taking Trump Seriously, Not Literally)

But providing examples is a waste of time. The willfully blind will refuse to look, and then claim victory that they didn't "see" it.

The question at this point is, how dangerous is this situation for the country?
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Trump's non-stop litany of child-like hyperbole and demonstrable lies is like nothing we've seen from a national politician, ever, and it's not close.

Even a supporter of his had to lower herself to tell us to "take him seriously, not literally" (Taking Trump Seriously, Not Literally)

But providing examples is a waste of time. The willfully blind will refuse to look, and then claim victory that they didn't "see" it.

The question at this point is, how dangerous is this situation for the country?
Our country is much safer than it ever was under Obama.
I see what Trump does in public. The way he acts.
All you have to bitch about is his responses on Twitter to constant insults from the left.
They trash him inappropriately and he responds to them like anyone else would.
Yet I don't see Trump using the IRS to attack his critics and I don't see him sending armies of lawyers to media outlets the moment they say something critical of him.
We saw this all of the time when Obama was president.

I think the problem is your sense of right and wrong is warped by your irrational hatred for Trump.
Trump's non-stop litany of child-like hyperbole and demonstrable lies is like nothing we've seen from a national politician, ever, and it's not close.

Even a supporter of his had to lower herself to tell us to "take him seriously, not literally" (Taking Trump Seriously, Not Literally)

But providing examples is a waste of time. The willfully blind will refuse to look, and then claim victory that they didn't "see" it.

The question at this point is, how dangerous is this situation for the country?
Our country is much safer than it ever was under Obama.
I see what Trump does in public. The way he acts.
All you have to bitch about is his responses on Twitter to constant insults from the left.
They trash him inappropriately and he responds to them like anyone else would.
Yet I don't see Trump using the IRS to attack his critics and I don't see him sending armies of lawyers to media outlets the moment they say something critical of him.
We saw this all of the time when Obama was president.

I think the problem is your sense of right and wrong is warped by your irrational hatred for Trump.
I know that you think that. That's what you're trained to believe.
Trump's non-stop litany of child-like hyperbole and demonstrable lies is like nothing we've seen from a national politician, ever, and it's not close.

Even a supporter of his had to lower herself to tell us to "take him seriously, not literally" (Taking Trump Seriously, Not Literally)

But providing examples is a waste of time. The willfully blind will refuse to look, and then claim victory that they didn't "see" it.

The question at this point is, how dangerous is this situation for the country?
Our country is much safer than it ever was under Obama.
I see what Trump does in public. The way he acts.
All you have to bitch about is his responses on Twitter to constant insults from the left.
They trash him inappropriately and he responds to them like anyone else would.
Yet I don't see Trump using the IRS to attack his critics and I don't see him sending armies of lawyers to media outlets the moment they say something critical of him.
We saw this all of the time when Obama was president.

I think the problem is your sense of right and wrong is warped by your irrational hatred for Trump.
I know that you think that. That's what you're trained to believe.
You expect some fag in Hollywood saying he wants to murder Trump to get a series of love letters from him?
Most of the time you totally ignore what caused the response from Trump.
Who cares that they've been trying to stop him from taking office once he won, and have been trying to get him booted out since before he swore the oath.

Frankly I'm growing tired of the constant insane attacks that they're throwing at him.
Very little of it is based on honesty, only on hatred for what he represents.
Bush, Trump, Romney......doesn't matter.
They all get the same shitstorm.
But your biggest beef is he calls them losers.

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