Trump Lies Challenge.

When Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey streets on television he was demonizing American Muslims making his lie malicious in nature. His lie caused harm for many Americans who happened to be Muslim.

I don't believe he said "thousands" but he saw some....want a link, twink?
Those "Muslims" turned out to be ISRAELIS, but you knew that already!

Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks
Shortly after 8:46 a.m. on the day of the attacks, just minutes after the first plane struck the World Trade Center, five men — later revealed to be Israeli nationals — had positioned themselves in the parking lot of the Doric Apartment Complex in Union City, New Jersey, where they were seen taking pictures and filming the attacks while also celebrating the destruction of the towers and “high fiving” each other. At least one eyewitness interviewed by the FBI had seen the Israelis’ van in the parking lot as early as 8:00 a.m. that day, more than 40 minutes prior to the attack. The story received coverage in U.S. mainstream media at the time but has since been largely forgotten.

The men — Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Yaron Shimuel and Omar Marmari — were subsequently apprehended by law enforcement and claimed to be Israeli tourists on a “working holiday” in the United States where they were employed by a moving company, Urban Moving Systems. Upon his arrest, Sivan Kurzberg told the arresting officer, “We are Israeli; we are not your problem. Your problems are our problems, The Palestinians are the problem.”
doesn't make what trump said wrong.
5 Israeli's are thousands of Muslims only to scum like Tramp and the scum that eats his shit!
Here's a list, not one documents lie has ever been proved to be bogus. Not by Trump, his surrogates or his supporters.
The fact that Trump lies so much is detrimental to your country. Look at the state of mind of Little Trumpsters. Tens of millions of Little Trumpsters hang on every word Trump says, that is not healthy for the country.
huh? what lie?
What lie? You obviously neglected to go to the link for for the list of lies/miss-statements, complete with verification of each lie/miss-statement.
but those aren't lies. I keep telling you all that. pick one, I'll show you! I'm gonna give you that privilege.

Here you go:
“We have the cleanest air in the world in the United States, and it’s gotten better since I’m president.” Trump-Jun 04 2019

The United States actually ranks 27th in the world, according to the authoritative Environmental Performance Index, a project of Yale and Columbia universities. It ranks 10th for air quality — but 88th on exposure to particulate matter, an indication of the health effects from pollution — and 29th for water and sanitation. The U.S. is tied for first place — with nine other countries — for the quality of drinking water.
On Feb 18th 2017 Trump said “we are going to be submitting, in a couple of weeks, a great healthcare plan. “

That was a lie. It still has not happened.

Sent from my iPhone using

Got a link bed wetter? Lets say he did submit it, would it have gone anywhere? How did this "lie" effect you? You won't support any plan he comes up with anyway.


Here is a video of his words. Trump: ObamaCare replacement coming in 'a couple of weeks'

This lie effects me because I am married to a floor Nurse and anything that effects her, effects me. ObamaCare fucked over hospitals, driving many small ones out of business totally and forcing other ones to sell their independence to a corporation to stay afloat. On high patient acuity floors nurses have gone from 3 to 4 patients per nurse to 7 to 8, which is dangerous to the patients and for the nurses. This has happened as hospital try and cut cost anywhere they can to be able to afford all the dumb shit that ObamaCare forced on them.

While all you sheep were focused on the "mandate' the real damage was being done behind the scenes, and it still is thanks to this lie.
There goes the great libertarian attacking Trump again, and defending the fake news media.
Here's a list, not one documents lie has ever been proved to be bogus. Not by Trump, his surrogates or his supporters.
The fact that Trump lies so much is detrimental to your country. Look at the state of mind of Little Trumpsters. Tens of millions of Little Trumpsters hang on every word Trump says, that is not healthy for the country.
huh? what lie?
What lie? You obviously neglected to go to the link for for the list of lies/miss-statements, complete with verification of each lie/miss-statement.
but those aren't lies. I keep telling you all that. pick one, I'll show you! I'm gonna give you that privilege.

Here you go:
“We have the cleanest air in the world in the United States, and it’s gotten better since I’m president.” Trump-Jun 04 2019

The United States actually ranks 27th in the world, according to the authoritative Environmental Performance Index, a project of Yale and Columbia universities. It ranks 10th for air quality — but 88th on exposure to particulate matter, an indication of the health effects from pollution — and 29th for water and sanitation. The U.S. is tied for first place — with nine other countries — for the quality of drinking water.
Who says they're "authoritative," some other leftwing authority?
Here's a list, not one documents lie has ever been proved to be bogus. Not by Trump, his surrogates or his supporters.
The fact that Trump lies so much is detrimental to your country. Look at the state of mind of Little Trumpsters. Tens of millions of Little Trumpsters hang on every word Trump says, that is not healthy for the country.
huh? what lie?
What lie? You obviously neglected to go to the link for for the list of lies/miss-statements, complete with verification of each lie/miss-statement.
but those aren't lies. I keep telling you all that. pick one, I'll show you! I'm gonna give you that privilege.

Here you go:
“We have the cleanest air in the world in the United States, and it’s gotten better since I’m president.” Trump-Jun 04 2019

The United States actually ranks 27th in the world, according to the authoritative Environmental Performance Index, a project of Yale and Columbia universities. It ranks 10th for air quality — but 88th on exposure to particulate matter, an indication of the health effects from pollution — and 29th for water and sanitation. The U.S. is tied for first place — with nine other countries — for the quality of drinking water.

So what? Did that make our air any less clean?
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Here's one bullshit example:

"Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before."

A senior administration official told PolitiFact that Trump arrived at the $91 billion figure by combining the roughly $41 billion already allocated with additional estimated future FEMA costs of $50 billion. (The Washington Post’s Fact Checker wrote that the $50 billion was a high end estimate of what would need to be committed under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988.)

In other words, Trump didn't lie. He used the high end estimate, which is a reasonable thing to do in the case of the federal government.
An idiot who does not know the difference between "GOT" and "WILL GET."
BTW, you left this part out from your OWN link: "In a tweet, the president claimed “Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars.” That’s simply false. As explained above, this is a 20-year estimate subject to change. The island so far has only received about $11 billion."
You're quibbling about semantics. That hardly classifies as a "lie." That characterizes most of what you douchebags call "lies."
On Feb 18th 2017 Trump said “we are going to be submitting, in a couple of weeks, a great healthcare plan. “

That was a lie. It still has not happened.

Sent from my iPhone using

Got a link bed wetter? Lets say he did submit it, would it have gone anywhere? How did this "lie" effect you? You won't support any plan he comes up with anyway.


Here is a video of his words. Trump: ObamaCare replacement coming in 'a couple of weeks'

This lie effects me because I am married to a floor Nurse and anything that effects her, effects me. ObamaCare fucked over hospitals, driving many small ones out of business totally and forcing other ones to sell their independence to a corporation to stay afloat. On high patient acuity floors nurses have gone from 3 to 4 patients per nurse to 7 to 8, which is dangerous to the patients and for the nurses. This has happened as hospital try and cut cost anywhere they can to be able to afford all the dumb shit that ObamaCare forced on them.

While all you sheep were focused on the "mandate' the real damage was being done behind the scenes, and it still is thanks to this lie.
There goes the great libertarian attacking Trump again, and defending the fake news media.

It was requested we provide a lie Trump told. I did so.

How is that defending the media? You are just not a very smart person.

Sent from my iPhone using
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Here's one bullshit example:

"Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before."

A senior administration official told PolitiFact that Trump arrived at the $91 billion figure by combining the roughly $41 billion already allocated with additional estimated future FEMA costs of $50 billion. (The Washington Post’s Fact Checker wrote that the $50 billion was a high end estimate of what would need to be committed under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988.)

In other words, Trump didn't lie. He used the high end estimate, which is a reasonable thing to do in the case of the federal government.
An idiot who does not know the difference between "GOT" and "WILL GET."
BTW, you left this part out from your OWN link: "In a tweet, the president claimed “Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars.” That’s simply false. As explained above, this is a 20-year estimate subject to change. The island so far has only received about $11 billion."
You're quibbling about semantics. That hardly classifies as a "lie." That characterizes most of what you douchebags call "lies."
It isn't quibbling for a stable genius with all the best words to get the tense right
But they didn't GET $91 billion so it IS a lie!
They got $11 billion.
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact


"When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it."

— PolitiFact National on Friday, June 21st, 2019

The meat puppet faggot's regime wasn't separating kids? Everyone knows THAT's BULLSHIT, except bed wetters like you.

A former Obama administration official turned CNN analyst said her administration’s policy of separating children from their families at the border was done “for their protection,” while decrying the same policy under President Trump as “inhumane treatment.”

CNN analyst said Obama's child separation policy was done 'for their protection', slams policy under Trump

Put that in your pipe and smoke it turd.

The United Kingdom is "our largest (trading) partner."

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

This is a "lie"?
Yes, that’s an outright LIE.
Trump says shit off the top of his head; he rarely checks facts or even reads his top advisers’ briefs beyond first page.

Did you miss this, or are you also a lazy reader?
Immigration experts have told us that family separations were relatively rare under Obama and other past administrations. They did not happen at nearly the scale that they did under the Trump administration.”
View attachment 266190
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact


"When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it."

— PolitiFact National on Friday, June 21st, 2019

The meat puppet faggot's regime wasn't separating kids? Everyone knows THAT's BULLSHIT, except bed wetters like you.

A former Obama administration official turned CNN analyst said her administration’s policy of separating children from their families at the border was done “for their protection,” while decrying the same policy under President Trump as “inhumane treatment.”

CNN analyst said Obama's child separation policy was done 'for their protection', slams policy under Trump

Put that in your pipe and smoke it turd.

The United Kingdom is "our largest (trading) partner."

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

This is a "lie"?
Yes, that’s an outright LIE.
Trump says shit off the top of his head; he rarely checks facts or even reads his top advisers’ briefs beyond first page.

Did you miss this, or are you also a lazy reader?
Immigration experts have told us that family separations were relatively rare under Obama and other past administrations. They did not happen at nearly the scale that they did under the Trump administration.”

And, Trump has the power!
And power begets power.

If you wanna keep WINNING!, repeat after me Muppets....4 more years....4 more years!
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact


"When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it."

— PolitiFact National on Friday, June 21st, 2019

The meat puppet faggot's regime wasn't separating kids? Everyone knows THAT's BULLSHIT, except bed wetters like you.

A former Obama administration official turned CNN analyst said her administration’s policy of separating children from their families at the border was done “for their protection,” while decrying the same policy under President Trump as “inhumane treatment.”

CNN analyst said Obama's child separation policy was done 'for their protection', slams policy under Trump

Put that in your pipe and smoke it turd.

The United Kingdom is "our largest (trading) partner."

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

This is a "lie"? Glad I didn't hear him say it or I might have invested money in some Limey stocks or bonds. Idiot, that's just some stupid shit he spouted off with. It's no more of a "lie" than when Biden claimed FDR was on TV in 1929 as president calming the country over the market crash.

So I scrolled down the whole list, and it's increasingly more asinine and less than credible. Nothing in that link makes a reference to a specific egregious lie, something that was deliberately untrue, and intended to mislead the public into supporting a regulation or policy with significant effects on American lives.

Then again, you're a bed wetter, you don't know what a lie even is.

Everybody get that? "It's not a lie, it's just some stupid shit he spouted off with".

When "they" do it it's a lie; when "we" do it it's "just some stupid shit they spouted off with".

Here ya go wankjob OP, you want lies? One of my favourites, right here.

how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Here's one bullshit example:

"Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before."

A senior administration official told PolitiFact that Trump arrived at the $91 billion figure by combining the roughly $41 billion already allocated with additional estimated future FEMA costs of $50 billion. (The Washington Post’s Fact Checker wrote that the $50 billion was a high end estimate of what would need to be committed under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988.)

In other words, Trump didn't lie. He used the high end estimate, which is a reasonable thing to do in the case of the federal government.
An idiot who does not know the difference between "GOT" and "WILL GET."
BTW, you left this part out from your OWN link: "In a tweet, the president claimed “Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars.” That’s simply false. As explained above, this is a 20-year estimate subject to change. The island so far has only received about $11 billion."
You're quibbling about semantics. That hardly classifies as a "lie." That characterizes most of what you douchebags call "lies."

The Orange Virus is a semi literate boob. A part of his job includes public speaking, yet he's really shitty at this particular job. He's been proving it every day. You know who I believe supports him at this point? Other semi literate boobs. Take a bow.
how much time do you have - 12 fucking pages !

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact


"When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it."

— PolitiFact National on Friday, June 21st, 2019

The meat puppet faggot's regime wasn't separating kids? Everyone knows THAT's BULLSHIT, except bed wetters like you.

A former Obama administration official turned CNN analyst said her administration’s policy of separating children from their families at the border was done “for their protection,” while decrying the same policy under President Trump as “inhumane treatment.”

CNN analyst said Obama's child separation policy was done 'for their protection', slams policy under Trump

Put that in your pipe and smoke it turd.

The United Kingdom is "our largest (trading) partner."

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

This is a "lie"? Glad I didn't hear him say it or I might have invested money in some Limey stocks or bonds. Idiot, that's just some stupid shit he spouted off with. It's no more of a "lie" than when Biden claimed FDR was on TV in 1929 as president calming the country over the market crash.

So I scrolled down the whole list, and it's increasingly more asinine and less than credible. Nothing in that link makes a reference to a specific egregious lie, something that was deliberately untrue, and intended to mislead the public into supporting a regulation or policy with significant effects on American lives.

Then again, you're a bed wetter, you don't know what a lie even is.

Everybody get that? "It's not a lie, it's just some stupid shit he spouted off with".

When "they" do it it's a lie; when "we" do it it's "just some stupid shit they spouted off with".

Here ya go wankjob OP, you want lies? One of my favourites, right here.

Want another one? Here ya go. "What am I saying?"

"My father was German --- RIGHT?"

No I'm afraid that's not right. It's yet another lie.
Did OP-boi run away? When he comes back maybe he can essplain this.


This is like a "greatest shits" thread.
I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.
Do you concede that Trump has, at best, a casual acquaintance with truth or, at worst, is a congenital liar?

Whoops. I see now why the OP ran away.

Damn you Nosmo. Beat me to it. :crybaby:
On Feb 18th 2017 Trump said “we are going to be submitting, in a couple of weeks, a great healthcare plan. “

That was a lie. It still has not happened.

Sent from my iPhone using

Got a link bed wetter? Lets say he did submit it, would it have gone anywhere? How did this "lie" effect you? You won't support any plan he comes up with anyway.


I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.
Do you concede that Trump has, at best, a casual acquaintance with truth or, at worst, is a congenital liar?

Whoops. I see now why the OP ran away.

Damn you Nosmo. Beat me to it. :crybaby:

He is on line, posted 4 minutes ago and yet lacks the balls to come back to his own threads.

I gave him a video of a lie and and explanation of how it effected me..and still he hides
I keep most of the forum's moonbats on ignore, since they're mostly posting bots or drones that parrot the same asinine shit with a federal redundancy it cleans the board up for faster scrolling. I have about 5% of the liberals available to read so that I run across some of it.

What I have yet to see are some actual examples of LIES specifically told to the public, that had a detrimental effect on the country. So, I'll unmask the bed wetters if any of them respond and see if they can list Trump's most egregious lies, with links, and explain how I've been fucked out of healthcare or information I should have.

So here you are turds.... Make your case about all of Trump's lies. I don't care about the meat puppet faggot's lies. I can easily pretend that 8 years didn't exist at this point. Most of his damage has been undone as much as it can be.
Do you concede that Trump has, at best, a casual acquaintance with truth or, at worst, is a congenital liar?

Whoops. I see now why the OP ran away.

Damn you Nosmo. Beat me to it. :crybaby:

He is on line, posted 4 minutes ago and yet lacks the balls to come back to his own threads.

I gave him a video of a lie and and explanation of how it effected me..and still he hides

OP be all like...
On Feb 18th 2017 Trump said “we are going to be submitting, in a couple of weeks, a great healthcare plan. “

That was a lie. It still has not happened.

Sent from my iPhone using

Got a link bed wetter? Lets say he did submit it, would it have gone anywhere? How did this "lie" effect you? You won't support any plan he comes up with anyway.


Here is a video of his words. Trump: ObamaCare replacement coming in 'a couple of weeks'

This lie effects me because I am married to a floor Nurse and anything that effects her, effects me. ObamaCare fucked over hospitals, driving many small ones out of business totally and forcing other ones to sell their independence to a corporation to stay afloat. On high patient acuity floors nurses have gone from 3 to 4 patients per nurse to 7 to 8, which is dangerous to the patients and for the nurses. This has happened as hospital try and cut cost anywhere they can to be able to afford all the dumb shit that ObamaCare forced on them.

While all you sheep were focused on the "mandate' the real damage was being done behind the scenes, and it still is thanks to this lie.
There goes the great libertarian attacking Trump again, and defending the fake news media.

It was requested we provide a lie Trump told. I did so.

How is that defending the media? You are just not a very smart person.

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Only the Trump haters were expected to post a Trump lie. You outed yourself.

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