Trump lies, people suffer, more people support him

Many peoples truth.
If you are stupid, you will never realize you are stupid because you are stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does.
What MAGA 'does' is stupid.
There you go.

You calling me stupid doesn't make it so. And your logic is flawed because it's based on your insane opinion of political support equaling an indication of stupidity.
Trump lies, people suffer, and people love him more
The most recent example is Springfield where Trump lies and grade schools and local commissioners are threatened.

Who are the people who love Trump more, when he does despicable things.

I thought our country was better than that.

Hopefully 2024 will be the year where the US regains it's moral compass.

Until you can PROVE who sent "bomb threats", all you have is yet another bullshit NARRATIVE.
You and the mayor can go POUND SAND!!!!
You have drug yourself down to whatever level you occupy. What you can't comprehend is that Trump has won the battle between your common sense and whatever current mental state you now occupy.
Trump is the biggest loser in American political history. He has lost elections, court cases, both civil and criminal, he has lost many of his followers, his own cabinet members and staff.
Trump will be lose the 2024 election. He can then spend his time defending himself in multiple criminal proceedings. He will lose there and spend time in jail.
Trump built his movement on the backs of losers. This was bound to happen.
Trump is the biggest loser in American political history. He has lost elections, court cases, both civil and criminal, he has lost many of his followers, his own cabinet members and staff.
Trump will be lose the 2024 election. He can then spend his time defending himself in multiple criminal proceedings. He will lose there and spend time in jail.
Trump built his movement on the backs of losers. This was bound to happen.

Opinion, all NYC developers lose court cases, criminal ones are bullshit made up crap, so what, so what.

He's got a good chance of winning, despite or more ironically because of all the lawfare thrown at him as well as the hate driven assassination attempts.

You calling me a loser is fucking comical. You are the 2nd biggest TDS moron on this board behind G5000.

More worthless opinion.
Trump lies, people suffer, and people love him more
The most recent example is Springfield where Trump lies and grade schools and local commissioners are threatened.

Who are the people who love Trump more, when he does despicable things.

I thought our country was better than that.

Hopefully 2024 will be the year where the US regains it's moral compass.

Democrats lie, and incite crazies to try to kill Trump.
Until you can PROVE who sent "bomb threats", all you have is yet another bullshit NARRATIVE.
You and the mayor can go POUND SAND!!!!
The MAGA mantra- What we do is right even if a majority of people don't like it.
That is not how a democracy works. That is how a dictatorship works.
There is plenty of European countries that spend money changing society with higher ranking of freedom.

Read the General Welfare clause..

A GOP President has only won one popular vote in America in ove 30 years.

Even now the majority of US voters could be rejected... If Harris wins by only 1.5 - 2% she has a 25% chance of winning.

The majority have rights, they are sometimes being ruled by the minority to the point 6 out of 9 SC justices were appointed by a party that only won popular vote in America in over 30 years. That is a super majority from the minority view of Americans.

The reason America is tearing itself apart is the ending of the Fairness Doctrine... Americas are not singing from the hymn sheet, they have there own bubbles which has breed tribalism.

America has been weakened by not being to able to find the middle. I am sorry but if it is the MAGAs and denigrating the RINOS or Progressives denigrating Machin, they are both wrong.
Let me say IMHO the Right wing here has bigger problems, they are far more vindictive at rooting out any moderate candidates compared to Democrats. Not that Democrats are any shining beacon either.
Yeah. I didn't figure I'd get very far. But that last bit of my post sums up what I'm seeing. So much so I decided to make it my siggy. If we don't get over it, we're going to go down in flames bickering over bathroom ettiquette.
Opinion, all NYC developers lose court cases, criminal ones are bullshit made up crap, so what, so what.

He's got a good chance of winning, despite or more ironically because of all the lawfare thrown at him as well as the hate driven assassination attempts.

You calling me a loser is fucking comical. You are the 2nd biggest TDS moron on this board behind G5000.

More worthless opinion.
You have no idea what a true good business man is. Please name me a successful businessman who has been involved in 4000 law suits and 6 bankruptcies.
That is only a good business person if you are an idiot.
He is a good con man. A very good con man.
You have no idea what a true good business man is. Please name me a successful businessman who has been involved in 4000 law suits and 6 bankruptcies.
That is only a good business person if you are an idiot.
He is a good con man. A very good con man.

Please name another businessman who has been singled out and researched as much as Trump has.

There is no comparison point because no one has had their life stripped down and analyzed as much as his has been.
Please name another businessman who has been singled out and researched as much as Trump has.

There is no comparison point because no one has had their life stripped down and analyzed as much as his has been.
You are clueless when it comes to business.
A good business person has a good understanding and sense of the economic requirements to be successful in today's economy.
The second and most important quality of a good businessman is a moral compass he applies to his business.

It is easier to be successful in making money the more unethical and immoral you are. A person can have a lot of money but not be a good business person nor a good citizen. Example, Al Capone and Donald Trump.
You are clueless when it comes to business.
A good business person has a good understanding and sense of the economic requirements to be successful in today's economy.
The second and most important quality of a good businessman is a moral compass he applies to his business.

It is easier to be successful in making money the more unethical and immoral you are. A person can have a lot of money but not be a good business person nor a good citizen. Example, Al Capone and Donald Trump.

You are biased when it comes to Trump.

Those are made up qualifications on your part just to GET TAH TRUMPZAH

Are you really comparing a Mobster to Trump just to make a point in your addled head?

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