So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
Reported so on CBS NEWS Pablo Gussman reported with video...

Donald Trump's 9/11 Claims -- CBS Report Used as Evidence | [site:name] | National Review
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.
Trump said he SAW thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11

That is a LIE
From the archives: What Trump said about some cheering 9/11

First this says Trump lied, but you know what I doesn't say?
rooftops, so you must be lying.....

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

nothing about rooftops

We looked back at the record to see what we could find about American Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11. While we found widely broadcast video of people in the Palestinian territories celebrating, we found no evidence to back up Trump’s description of events on American soil.

So Muslims were cheering.....but they couldn't find any in America....maybe they were next to Hilary's emails.....maybe Russia can find them.....oh wait, I'll be under investigation for election tampering....impeach me you fucks. (the point of this paragraph is the media only finds what it wants too......don't believe me?
When urban areas need funding, we all hear about the crime, but when it's not about funding to bring up crime is considered racist...hmmmmmm)

I saw it

He lied
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
In Pakistan.
Queens; don’t tell me what I saw.

In that case.....
Bullshit, CBS had no such footage

You are as big a liar as Trump
Fuck you, asshole.
It was that heavy set Black anchorman.
You are one post from Ignore.

No network has been able to find such footage
If something as offensive as that were to happen, don’t you think it would be posted on YouTube?
YouTube is extremely politically correct.
In fact, they are considering only hosting professional videos so most people’s videos will be removed.
YT also allows Islamic terrorists to post videos while they ban anti-terrorist videos.

THOUSANDS of Muslims celebrating the worst attack in US history and nobody has video of it?

Oh.....I know....must be a government conspiracy
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.
Trump said he SAW thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11

That is a LIE
From the archives: What Trump said about some cheering 9/11

First this says Trump lied, but you know what I doesn't say?
rooftops, so you must be lying.....

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

nothing about rooftops

We looked back at the record to see what we could find about American Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11. While we found widely broadcast video of people in the Palestinian territories celebrating, we found no evidence to back up Trump’s description of events on American soil.

So Muslims were cheering.....but they couldn't find any in America....maybe they were next to Hilary's emails.....maybe Russia can find them.....oh wait, I'll be under investigation for election tampering....impeach me you fucks. (the point of this paragraph is the media only finds what it wants too......don't believe me?
When urban areas need funding, we all hear about the crime, but when it's not about funding to bring up crime is considered racist...hmmmmmm)

I saw it

He lied
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.
Trump said he SAW thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11

That is a LIE
From the archives: What Trump said about some cheering 9/11

First this says Trump lied, but you know what I doesn't say?
rooftops, so you must be lying.....

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

nothing about rooftops

We looked back at the record to see what we could find about American Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11. While we found widely broadcast video of people in the Palestinian territories celebrating, we found no evidence to back up Trump’s description of events on American soil.

So Muslims were cheering.....but they couldn't find any in America....maybe they were next to Hilary's emails.....maybe Russia can find them.....oh wait, I'll be under investigation for election tampering....impeach me you fucks. (the point of this paragraph is the media only finds what it wants too......don't believe me?
When urban areas need funding, we all hear about the crime, but when it's not about funding to bring up crime is considered racist...hmmmmmm)

I saw it

He lied
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.
Trump said he would release his taxes.
How'd that impact your life?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
A lie is only a lie when it affects your life?
What's more, people in high places do impact general social conditions by their actions. The example of clearly prevaricating on the part of a President has an effect on the impressionable, especially the young. How is a mother to respond to her child being corrected for lying when she is told, "Well, the President does it!"?
Trump said he SAW thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11

That is a LIE
From the archives: What Trump said about some cheering 9/11

First this says Trump lied, but you know what I doesn't say?
rooftops, so you must be lying.....

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

nothing about rooftops

We looked back at the record to see what we could find about American Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11. While we found widely broadcast video of people in the Palestinian territories celebrating, we found no evidence to back up Trump’s description of events on American soil.

So Muslims were cheering.....but they couldn't find any in America....maybe they were next to Hilary's emails.....maybe Russia can find them.....oh wait, I'll be under investigation for election tampering....impeach me you fucks. (the point of this paragraph is the media only finds what it wants too......don't believe me?
When urban areas need funding, we all hear about the crime, but when it's not about funding to bring up crime is considered racist...hmmmmmm)

I saw it

He lied
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
From the archives: What Trump said about some cheering 9/11

First this says Trump lied, but you know what I doesn't say?
rooftops, so you must be lying.....

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

nothing about rooftops

We looked back at the record to see what we could find about American Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11. While we found widely broadcast video of people in the Palestinian territories celebrating, we found no evidence to back up Trump’s description of events on American soil.

So Muslims were cheering.....but they couldn't find any in America....maybe they were next to Hilary's emails.....maybe Russia can find them.....oh wait, I'll be under investigation for election tampering....impeach me you fucks. (the point of this paragraph is the media only finds what it wants too......don't believe me?
When urban areas need funding, we all hear about the crime, but when it's not about funding to bring up crime is considered racist...hmmmmmm)

I saw it

He lied
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
I saw it

He lied
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
Tell us true....

Do you believe there were actually thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in Jersey City?
Then when do you know when a story is true?
When the story fits your ideology?
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
Tell us true....

Do you believe there were actually thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in Jersey City?
Dozens perhaps; not thousands.
Every group has nuts.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Lying, the norm for politicians?

Of course. You won't get any argument here.

But ------------ lying about where your father was born, or what the word "would" means or claiming it's not your voice on the tape? That's a special case.

How about Obama lying where he was conceived?

Okay, you owe me TWO nickels for that one. One for the obvious deflection attempt and the other for suggesting that anyone could remember their own birth.

I'm not even sure what fallacy to call that. Outrightimum Stupidium?
He said he was conceived at Selma look it up. Another Obama lie.

I don't need to "look up" an assertion I didn't make. This planet doesn't work that way, chump.
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
Tell us true....

Do you believe there were actually thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in Jersey City?
Dozens perhaps; not thousands.
Every group has nuts.

"Thousands and thousands" is a minimum 4000 people.

Which is greater -- 4000, or "five"?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Lying, the norm for politicians?

Of course. You won't get any argument here.

But ------------ lying about where your father was born, or what the word "would" means or claiming it's not your voice on the tape? That's a special case.

How about Obama lying where he was conceived?

Okay, you owe me TWO nickels for that one. One for the obvious deflection attempt and the other for suggesting that anyone could remember their own birth.

I'm not even sure what fallacy to call that. Outrightimum Stupidium?
He said he was conceived at Selma look it up. Another Obama lie.

I don't need to "look up" an assertion I didn't make. This planet doesn't work that way, chump.
Yep another Obama lie.
He did not see it because he was not in Jersey City and no networks covered THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS celebrating.

You think networks did not archive their 9-11 coverage?

Trump LIED

Even worse, when provided with the facts, he repeated his LIE
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
Tell us true....

Do you believe there were actually thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in Jersey City?
Dozens perhaps; not thousands.
Every group has nuts.
And yet, there is not even evidence of dozens

The fact is most American Muslims were horrified at what had happened and feared possible retribution.

But Trump wanted to spread the hate and fear that American Muslims hate America and celebrate the senseless slaughter of thousands
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
Tell us true....

Do you believe there were actually thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in Jersey City?
Dozens perhaps; not thousands.
Every group has nuts.
And yet, there is not even evidence of dozens

The fact is most American Muslims were horrified at what had happened and feared possible retribution.

But Trump wanted to spread the hate and fear that American Muslims hate America and celebrate the senseless slaughter of thousands
Sorry, guy.
I sent you the Link to a suppressed video that I saw.

Now use YouTube to prove there was a Civil War.
Perhaps a Revolutionary War.

how about Farrakhan calling Jesus a Hoodie?
Yep...Farrakhan hates Jesus also.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.

No- American taxpayers are paying for it. I am paying for it. Our military is paying for it.

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