So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

All is well in Iraq...remember that lie? The parents of those who were injured do. I’m sure you think that was harmless.
Yes, the ttroglocrats took Saddam's side and lost.
Democrats are attracted to evil.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.
Queens; don’t tell me what I saw.

Queens ----- isn't that a very wonderful place in Germany?

Oh wait, that's the Bronx. I got my Rump lies confuserated. Must be the sound of the windmills.
How many heads do you have compared to the US?
Aust: 25 mill
NZ: 5 Mill
US: 350 Mill...we pay a lot more.

I thought the US population was 330 million?
Who knows?
We have Open Borders and probably millions of Legal Citizens who, because of the Liberal media, probably think they’re Illegals.
It’s a shame how many Hispanic Americans don’t speak English.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.
Queens; don’t tell me what I saw.

Queens ----- isn't that a very wonderful place in Germany?

Oh wait, that's the Bronx. I got my Rump lies confuserated. Must be the sound of the windmills.
Mexico paid for those windmills
Anyone mention bone spurs in this thread yet? All you veterans don’t mind that the asshole dodged the draft and did not serve when called?
I work with veterans and they love Trump because he has no rules when it comes to killing an enemy of the US.
Anyone mention bone spurs in this thread yet? All you veterans don’t mind that the asshole dodged the draft and did not serve when called?
I work with veterans and they love Trump because he has no rules when it comes to killing an enemy of the US.

WHAT? You're telling us Rump is suicidal? :eek:

Better get that info to the "astonishingly excellent" doctor right away.
It’s a shame how many Hispanic Americans don’t speak English.

Or how many non-Hispanic Americans don't speak Spanish.
Getting back to the original points, are you saying that the US pays more in aid?
Why do you think every other nation is crapping in their diapers?

Australia sends a few thousand troops every now and then.

Per head of population, Australia pays more.

Yes, NZ and Australia do send troops every now and then. That is because the NZ and Australian public are more discerning. We don't believe the govt bullshit that they try and feed us. If you are going to send our sons and daughters into harms way it better be for a greater reason than oil. There is data/polls that support if the 2004 Aussie election was solely based on Australia helping out with the invasion of Iraq, John Howard would have lost. Fortunately the economy was going gangbusters at the time and that got him over the line. Conservative Americans are lemmings. They seem to like going to war.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
It’s a shame how many Hispanic Americans don’t speak English.

Or how many non-Hispanic Americans don't speak Spanish.
Getting back to the original points, are you saying that the US pays more in aid?
Why do you think every other nation is crapping in their diapers?

Australia sends a few thousand troops every now and then.

Per head of population, Australia pays more.

Yes, NZ and Australia do send troops every now and then. That is because the NZ and Australian public are more discerning. We don't believe the govt bullshit that they try and feed us. If you are going to send our sons and daughters into harms way it better be for a greater reason than oil. There is data/polls that support if the 2004 Aussie election was solely based on Australia helping out with the invasion of Iraq, John Howard would have lost. Fortunately the economy was going gangbusters at the time and that got him over the line. Conservative Americans are lemmings. They seem to like going to war.
Provide the totals for each.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
The link CareAll provided is London.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.


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