I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

There exists stuff that is copyrighted and isn’t available on the web.
You actually think CBS wants anyone to see this footage?
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

There exists stuff that is copyrighted and isn’t available on the web.
You actually think CBS wants anyone to see this footage?

That is ridiculous. Are you ridiculous?
London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

There exists stuff that is copyrighted and isn’t available on the web.
You actually think CBS wants anyone to see this footage?

That is ridiculous. Are you ridiculous?
Are you ridiculous?
Do you remember Rudy becoming the mayor of NYC?
In Pakistan.

London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

There exists stuff that is copyrighted and isn’t available on the web.
You actually think CBS wants anyone to see this footage?

You CAN'T "copyright" the news, Einstein.

SMH -- holy SHIT that was desperate.
London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

There exists stuff that is copyrighted and isn’t available on the web.
You actually think CBS wants anyone to see this footage?

That is ridiculous. Are you ridiculous?
Are you ridiculous?
London. I know, impossible to tell the difference these days.

Please link to that footage.
Please provide a Link to Rudy saying Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion.
Some stuff is too honest to host.

There exists stuff that is copyrighted and isn’t available on the web.
You actually think CBS wants anyone to see this footage?

You CAN'T "copyright" the news, Einstein.

SMH -- holy SHIT that was desperate.
“News” how about Fake News?
How many nutbags who “support our troops” agree that Traumatic Brain Injuries are just headaches and are not serious injuries?
He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.

Not at all sure what a "religious font" is (Gothic?) but no, they don't blow people up under their guise os religion.

Tim McVeigh didn't either.

Muslims dont blow people up under the guise of their religion? Are you ignorant or just whitewashing history like you guys usually do.

So why do the blow people up?

"Why do the blow people up?" :wtf:

>> Along with the resonant redundancies, almost every paragraph exhibits some bizarre image or some bit of grammatical whimsy. White wields the English language like an elderly gardener using his 9-iron as a weed wacker:

Nationalism is young and strong, and has already run into bad trouble. [As opposed to "good trouble"?] We take pains to educate our children at an early age in the rituals and mysteries of the nation, infusing national feeling into them in place of the universal feeling which is their birthright; but lately the most conspicuous activity of nations has been the blowing of each other up, and an observant child might reasonably ask whether he is pledging allegiance to a flag or to a shroud.

"The blowing of each other up"? Cool, I thought to myself as I drifted off, but is that actually English? I was reminded of the time a four-year-old of my acquaintance referred to the remains of a local fire as the "the burned house down". White's phrase is less eccentric, but it still rates a boggle. And "pledging allegiance to a flag or to a shroud"? Strong stuff, but has it really ever occurred to any child to ask that? << -- The blowing of Strunk and White's rules off
E.B. White was a wanker.

Oh the quote upstairs? You brought it up, I just agreed with it.

what Nationalism??? LOLOLOL omfg, where have you been for 50 years......they don't shout Praise for Iran when they kill people. you will lose this hard, I suggest, accepting facts and history, before you really look foolish.

:lmao: :laugh2::laughing0301:

ANOTHER one sails over your head.
Nope the facts disagree
Member this epic?

"I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan"

Turns out he didn't even get more EVs in that same election. His VP Pence got more.

Yep we do, he was wrong. But then again he won when Clinton was a 97% favorite, so he overcame the biggest odds
This thread is a shining example of how Trombies and other nutbags rationalize the FACT that they support the most prolific liar to ever become president.

They talk about other president’s failed campaign promises.

Desperate fools.
He kept a bunch and if it were not for Democrats alplot more. And hes not close to Obama and Clinton as the biggest liar
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.
Trump said he SAW thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11

That is a LIE
From the archives: What Trump said about some cheering 9/11

First this says Trump lied, but you know what I doesn't say?
rooftops, so you must be lying.....

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

nothing about rooftops

We looked back at the record to see what we could find about American Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11. While we found widely broadcast video of people in the Palestinian territories celebrating, we found no evidence to back up Trump’s description of events on American soil.

So Muslims were cheering.....but they couldn't find any in America....maybe they were next to Hilary's emails.....maybe Russia can find them.....oh wait, I'll be under investigation for election tampering....impeach me you fucks. (the point of this paragraph is the media only finds what it wants too......don't believe me?
When urban areas need funding, we all hear about the crime, but when it's not about funding to bring up crime is considered racist...hmmmmmm)

I saw it

He lied

They did cheer, maybe not in the US but there are no plenty of videos showing them dancing on rooftops
It doesn’t fit your agenda.

Find me Rudy Giuliani’s remark...
“Al Sharpton is not welcome at Gracie Mansion”.
Yep...Rudy said it and it made all the headlines.
Find it.

One obscure quote does not equate to the lack of physical evidence of multiple thousands dancing on 9-11


Was it a harmless fib?

No, it was an attempt to rile his base and generate hatred against America’s Muslim community
Now we all know you only accept “the narrative”.
I can handle anyone saying or doing something stupid.
You can’t handle anything out of your ideology.
Tell us true....

Do you believe there were actually thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in Jersey City?
Dozens perhaps; not thousands.
Every group has nuts.
And yet, there is not even evidence of dozens

The fact is most American Muslims were horrified at what had happened and feared possible retribution.

But Trump wanted to spread the hate and fear that American Muslims hate America and celebrate the senseless slaughter of thousands

So you dont think thousands did? I bet Omar and Talib doubt at all
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

"Article II allows me to do whatever I want,” Trump

"Then I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,”

Of course the Constitution doesn't say that.

Why this matters- Trump is describing a dictatorship not a President whose powers are defined in the Constitution. And Trump has acted accordingly:
a) Breaking the law and withholding funds allocated by Congress to Ukraine
b) Taking money appropriated by Congress for the military to build his wall(again- not paid for by Mexico)
c) Asked a foreign government to announce an investigation into his political rival for his personal political benefit.

A) All Presidents do that.....move on
B) Congres spends mlm kneh it doesn't have, ALL the time and the military signed off n o. it, so it's not illegal or wrong

C) So when the Clinton campaign commissioned a british spy to investigate a political rival, that was wrong?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.

No- American taxpayers are paying for it. I am paying for it. Our military is paying for it.
So your taxes went up? Or did you donate directly?

I see you don't want to actually discuss Trump's lies and just have your head firmly up his ass.

No real big surprise.
After you had 8 years of you head up Obama's ass, we thought it looked fun
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Trump lied to God when he took three wives and divorced two of them...

You asked me if he committed any bigger lie and lying to God about Death until they part is a big damn lie...

( As Grandfather get ready to write back just note I am just answering your question and know Trump lies and so does every man when asked by their wife " Honey am I still beautiful " ... )

ok so you cant divorce? Uh then what about homos? Gods not a big fan.....cant wait for this pretzel
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
The Left don’t really care about those “exaggeration lies”. What really pisses the left off are his truth bombs, exposing the hypocrisy and corruption of the Dems. President Trump tells it like it is, that’s why normal people love him, and the abnormals can’t stand him.

The Dems will do anything to stay in power in order to fill their pockets, like the Bidens. They can’t stand it when President Trump exposes that truth.

Trump has the same relationship with Truth as Putin does.

Meanwhile the Trump family continues to line fill their pockets from the dividends of Trump being President.

Funny how you dont care when Democrats do it. Atleast Trump has a real business and jot making millions off of "consulting" aka knowing the right people

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