The Left don’t really care about those “exaggeration lies”. What really pisses the left off are his truth bombs, exposing the hypocrisy and corruption of the Dems. President Trump tells it like it is, that’s why normal people love him, and the abnormals can’t stand him.

The Dems will do anything to stay in power in order to fill their pockets, like the Bidens. They can’t stand it when President Trump exposes that truth.

Trump has the same relationship with Truth as Putin does.

Meanwhile the Trump family continues to line fill their pockets from the dividends of Trump being President.

Funny how you dont care when Democrats do it. Atleast Trump has a real business and jot making millions off of "consulting" aka knowing the right people

Actually I am against any of them lying- Democrats or Republicans.

Trump has taken lying to a whole new level in America- and his base just accepts that what their Dear Leader tells them is the truth- even when of course it isn't.

How did Donald Jr. and Eric Trump get their jobs? Oh right- 'knowing the right people'.

So do I think that Hunter Biden 'earned' his salary? Probably not- probably got his job because of his name- just like Eric and Donnie Jr. did. But Hunter would have been a fool to turn $500K a year down if it was legal- and so far no one has shown any evidence that his job was not legal.

"yeah they did, it was a private business and it's no secret. Biden got his through government cotracts...that's way worse, he did nothing.....atleast Jr and Eric have their asses on the line and if they fuck up the company fails, what is at stake for Hunter Biden? if he fails, we taxpayers get fucked...… you guys are seriously stupid.

We don't know exactly how Biden got his- but the best evidence is that it is because his last name is Biden. Burisma is a private business just as is the Trump organization.
If Burisma fails, Hunter is screwed, but doesn't cost American taxpayers a thing.

No- we 'guys' just haven't imbibed in your Dear Leader's propaganda koolaid. Remember- you Trumpskies still haven't provided any evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine other than cashing in on his name- which is essentially what Eric and Donnie Jr. did when their Dad hired them.
First don't play that game, you were always a has nothing to do with Trump, you were up Obama's ass.
Second, Hunter Biden's company did use taxpayer money

Kent says he'd 'love to see' Ukraine gas company Burisma investigated

I think since U.S. taxpayer dollars were wasted, I would love to see the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office find out who the corrupt prosecutor was and who took the bribe, and how much was paid, and that’s what I told the deputy prosecutor general on February 3, 2015,” Kent replied.

Wow back in the Obama admin and way before Trump declared...….tisk tisk….
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

"Article II allows me to do whatever I want,” Trump

"Then I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,”

Of course the Constitution doesn't say that.

Why this matters- Trump is describing a dictatorship not a President whose powers are defined in the Constitution. And Trump has acted accordingly:
a) Breaking the law and withholding funds allocated by Congress to Ukraine
b) Taking money appropriated by Congress for the military to build his wall(again- not paid for by Mexico)
c) Asked a foreign government to announce an investigation into his political rival for his personal political benefit.

A) All Presidents do that.....move on
B) Congres spends mlm kneh it doesn't have, ALL the time and the military signed off n o. it, so it's not illegal or wrong

C) So when the Clinton campaign commissioned a british spy to investigate a political rival, that was wrong?

a) No all Presidents don't do that.
b) I can't manage to translate through your typos- no idea what you meant to say
c) The Clinton campaign was not the President asking a foreign nation to publicly announce an investigation into a political rival for his own personal political benefit.

a) yes they do, don't be naive
b) He took military funds and used it for the wall...he outsmarted your morons in congress and the military was ok with it, because Trump got them even more money.
c) Uh the Clinton campaign was using resources from the FBI and it was orchestrated by the executive branch, so fuck you, the worked hand in hand to spy on an American candidate and it's fact, not the unproven lunacy you speak of.

a) Prove it
b) Trump took fund appropriated by Congress for one thing and used it for another thing. That by the way- resulted in the military not being able to spend those funds for other things
These Are The Military Projects Losing Funding To Trump's Border Wall
I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.

No- American taxpayers are paying for it. I am paying for it. Our military is paying for it.
So your taxes went up? Or did you donate directly?

I see you don't want to actually discuss Trump's lies and just have your head firmly up his ass.

No real big surprise.
After you had 8 years of you head up Obama's ass, we thought it looked fun

So you like having your head up Trump's ass?


I love it up there...….Trump is way better than I thought when I voted for him....easily the best vote I've ever cast......and the way he tortures the left and makes them look like Charlie brown after he pulls the football, every single time.....priceless......

Why am I not surprised that you love having your head up Trump's ass?
Trump has the same relationship with Truth as Putin does.

Meanwhile the Trump family continues to line fill their pockets from the dividends of Trump being President.

Funny how you dont care when Democrats do it. Atleast Trump has a real business and jot making millions off of "consulting" aka knowing the right people

Actually I am against any of them lying- Democrats or Republicans.

Trump has taken lying to a whole new level in America- and his base just accepts that what their Dear Leader tells them is the truth- even when of course it isn't.

How did Donald Jr. and Eric Trump get their jobs? Oh right- 'knowing the right people'.

So do I think that Hunter Biden 'earned' his salary? Probably not- probably got his job because of his name- just like Eric and Donnie Jr. did. But Hunter would have been a fool to turn $500K a year down if it was legal- and so far no one has shown any evidence that his job was not legal.

"yeah they did, it was a private business and it's no secret. Biden got his through government cotracts...that's way worse, he did nothing.....atleast Jr and Eric have their asses on the line and if they fuck up the company fails, what is at stake for Hunter Biden? if he fails, we taxpayers get fucked...… you guys are seriously stupid.

We don't know exactly how Biden got his- but the best evidence is that it is because his last name is Biden. Burisma is a private business just as is the Trump organization.
If Burisma fails, Hunter is screwed, but doesn't cost American taxpayers a thing.

No- we 'guys' just haven't imbibed in your Dear Leader's propaganda koolaid. Remember- you Trumpskies still haven't provided any evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine other than cashing in on his name- which is essentially what Eric and Donnie Jr. did when their Dad hired them.
First don't play that game, you were always a has nothing to do with Trump, you were up Obama's ass.
Second, Hunter Biden's company did use taxpayer money

Kent says he'd 'love to see' Ukraine gas company Burisma investigated

I think since U.S. taxpayer dollars were wasted, I would love to see the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office find out who the corrupt prosecutor was and who took the bribe, and how much was paid, and that’s what I told the deputy prosecutor general on February 3, 2015,” Kent replied.

Wow back in the Obama admin and way before Trump declared...….tisk tisk….

While I was and am- an Obama supporter- I never had a problem with anyone pointing out an outright lie made by Obama- and I never pretended that Obama's lies were instead the Sermon on the Mount, like you Trumpsters do.

Thanks for the reminder of Kent's testimony- I haven't been able to find any further corroboration of what he said- but he seems credible:
Kent Says Joe Biden Did Nothing Improper in Ukraine
The central allegation is that Mr. Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin from his job as prosecutor general of Ukraine in order to shield the energy company Burisma from scrutiny. Mr. Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was a board member of Burisma at the time.

Asked if there is any truth Mr. Trump’s theory that Mr. Biden asked to protect his son’s interests, Mr. Kent replied: "None whatsoever."

Mr. Biden did push for Mr. Shokin's removal. However, that was broadly in line with the policy of the United States and its international partners, who saw Mr. Shokin as insufficiently aggressive on corruption.

Asked if Mr. Biden acted in the interests of the United States in pursuing policies in Ukraine, Mr. Kent replied: "He did."
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

So you support Muslims and can provide examples of how you have helped them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.
It is exasperating that America chooses its leader so haphazardly. Eisenhower was probably the last even nearly qualified President. Since then, we have suffered though probably the worst in history, and the prospects for improvement are indeed dim.
Does Trump lie?

Is the bear Catholic?

Does the Pope $hit in the woods?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.
He also swallowed a sunspot....

So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.

Trump ate Jupiter.

So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.

Trump ate Jupiter.

Is that her stripper name?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.

Trump ate Jupiter.

Is that her stripper name?

Trump emptied the oceans.

So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
What makes Trump lies different than any other president is numbers, about 20,000. As Donald Trump has explained, saying something that is not true to illustrate a point is not lying, sounds like something one of my grand kids would come up with.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Trumps stream of falsehoods on every topic is corroding democracy as it normalizes lies coming from the nations highest office.

Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office.

In the beginning trump made 5 false claims a day.

He has made nearly 1000 false claims about the coronavirus alone.

Trump ate Jupiter.

Is that her stripper name?

Trump emptied the oceans.

I talked to two smart 18 year old yesterday. Both really smart men. They smell your bullshit. I’m so excited for this election. They understand Bernie Sanders isn’t a socialist. They understand the difference between what he’s pushing for and socialism.

The one is more prone to fall for trump and republican bullshit. Gays, racism. I mean he is a spoiled rich white kid. I asked him if he was just saying he’s voting for biden but then might be duped into voting for trump by listening to anything he has to say.

Trump has done or said something wrong every week of his presidency. Some say it’s on purpose. He’s relying on whites. He’s butting all his eggs in that basket.

Im counting on liberal whites, women, gays, pro science and choice people, muslims and Mexicans. People who believe in evolution and science.

I think you’re going to find out women, youth, blacks, mexicans, Muslims and liberals are going to take over.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
What makes Trump lies different than any other president is numbers, about 20,000. As Donald Trump has explained, saying something that is not true to illustrate a point is not lying, sounds like something one of my grand kids would come up with.

be specific, quote his "lies". stop with the stupid dem/lib talking points and see if you can post some facts to support those dem lies.

seems like you have been watching CNN too much, thats a real source of lies.

how about these?

I never had sexual relations with that woman
We landed under sniper fire
I never had classified data on my server
it was about a video
if you like your plan you can keep it

Those were real lies. hyperbole is not lying, calling out corrupt dems is not lying, calling hillary a crook is not lying, calling Nancy crazy is not lying, calling Biden sleepy is not lying, calling Kamala a ho is not lying.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
What makes Trump lies different than any other president is numbers, about 20,000. As Donald Trump has explained, saying something that is not true to illustrate a point is not lying, sounds like something one of my grand kids would come up with.

what makes the 20,000 different than other numbers is the fact that liberals take a mispronounced word and categorize it as a lie.

So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.

Entire nations celebrated ..
Iranians actually had a national feast day. The left is just dead wrong on this and most people know it.

If Trump has 90% more lies racked up against him than the average politician, it is because 90% of the Media is in the hip pocket of the Democratic/Socialist Party.

Every Trumpian Bombast is called a lie by every ass-clown in the New York controlled Pravda-like Media.

And the Bolsheviks are totally incapable of seeing the Shoe On the Other Foot.

If Trump had been Vice-President and put in charge of Money going to Ukraine---and right about then, his son---not the upstanding ones he actually has--but a theoretical crack-pipe smoking prostitute-chasing low-life numb-skull who had just got kicked out of the Navy--if that son suddenly got hired to be on the board of a Ukrainian Oil company....knowing nothing about Ukraine or Oil, either...for $50,000 to $83,000 per MONTH....if that had happened....the Media and ALL cocksucking Democrats would be screaming Bloody Murder.

Nevermind if Trump then got on a Video and claimed he held up a billion dollars until Ukraine fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company his son worked for.

Hypocrisy---thy name is Democrat.

And massively desperate deflection thy name is..........

oh and you owe me a nickel. Pogo's Law yanno. :deal:

The most massive of all deflections is the pretense that Trump behaves in any way different than any other president.
Most people understand this..... the ones that hate Trump will never understand and they will never vote for him. They didn't vote for him in 2016 and they are not going to vote for him in 2020.

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