Trump logic

Obama did nothing about the hoax of Russian hacking to influence our election.
He supposedly knew about it and did nothing. He refused to take action to protect the United States and the integrity of our election process, our national security...which is exactly what a President is tasked to do - Protect and defend the Constitution/United States.

So you are excusing Obama's failure - inaction?

Russians engaging in illegal activity. Obama takes no action.

Trump NOT engaging in illegal activity. Obama and his administration illegally share classified info, illegally unmask Americans, and facilitate Felony Espionage.

Typical from radicalized snowflakes...

So, Obama never met with our intel agencies to see how best to deal with it or set programs in motion to stop it/retaliate?

You don't know shit. Of course you don't know shit because you support an ignorant man who claimed for 6 months that the whole thong was a hoax. Wow, Trump is siooooooooo smart. His campaign met in csecret with the Russians & he lied about it
It's hard to get handle on left wing logic. Maybe lefties just troll the left wing blogs for a smarmy comment they can use without the intellectual burden of having to think about it. Barry Hussein was in charge and he did nothing when Benghazi was being attacked and the heroic defenders ran out of ammo and he did nothing about the Russian hacking. Trump was just a civilian and had no power, It was Hussein's responsibility and he did nothing. The intelligence sources say there was no effect on elections and there was no Trump/Russian connection but the left continues their pathetic fantasy.
OMG Not Benghazi again.

There was no help available. Quit pissing on the graves of those4 dead Americans. The Intel agencies never said there was no effect on the elections. WTF is wrong with you people that you are incapable of telling the truth? Are you that embarrassed you elected a dumbass, orange, business cheat, & fraud?
There were no collusion between the Russians and the Trump's administration. Hillary and her constituents cannot admit that prayers really works. Well, the Christian's prayers, but not Hillary's chants.


The Russian hacking was real but the influence was a hoax. Either way Hussein did nothing usual.

The release of the hacks had an effect. It was the only way El Cheeto could win. I guess I should have aid El Cheato.

Since the election, Trump has been working on reversing Obama's sanctions on Russia. Why is that? Was that the deal he made with Vlad?
Relax snowflake you will get over your loss to President Trump, in time, after you have suffered long and hard.

Are you kidding, I haven't had this much fun since Nancy Reagan was running the country back in the 80s.......LOL
Since the election, Trump has been working on reversing Obama's sanctions on Russia. Why is that? Was that the deal he made with Vlad?

Heck THAT was part of the GOPers PLATFORM written by Manafort and Flynn and fully paid by the Kremlin.....
No dipshit, Trump being elected proves America isn't completely insane. Have you figured out which bathroom to use?

LOL......has YOUR orange clown figured out that walking around claiming to the fuck-head tradition of grabbing pussies, is a no-no.???
He talked about it. Your daddy Clinton stuck a cigar in one. Anyway Trump got his travel ban. It's great to be a winner! Something you lacked with obama.[/QUOTE

Clinton had permission asswipe. Its called consensual. Your orange buddy doesn't ask, he just gropes.

Trump got a watered down version on a temporary basis.

So why did he need this ban? Trump said he needed a 90 day ban to work out vetting details. Its been over 90 days so you are saying Trump is too stupid to to come up with a vetting plan?
Trump groped no one, he was just running his mouth.

Says who? Does Trump lie?
Not as much as Obama lie of the year.
Trump groped no one, he was just running his mouth.

How "true".....just like his promises to morons (like you) during his campaign??? LOL
After swallowing Obama's lies for all the years you have no credibility. Trump is making Obama's legacy, just a bad memory. So Trump is doing great.
What lies?
Obama lied about where he was conceived. You make Gruber proud.
LOL......has YOUR orange clown figured out that walking around claiming to the fuck-head tradition of grabbing pussies, is a no-no.???
He talked about it. Your daddy Clinton stuck a cigar in one. Anyway Trump got his travel ban. It's great to be a winner! Something you lacked with obama.[/QUOTE

Clinton had permission asswipe. Its called consensual. Your orange buddy doesn't ask, he just gropes.

Trump got a watered down version on a temporary basis.

So why did he need this ban? Trump said he needed a 90 day ban to work out vetting details. Its been over 90 days so you are saying Trump is too stupid to to come up with a vetting plan?
Trump groped no one, he was just running his mouth.

Says who? Does Trump lie?
Not as much as Obama lie of the year.
I have news. The ACA had a grandfather clause that said any policy in effect at the time the bill was signed could be continued.

If you lost your plan, blame the insurance companies. The ACA had a path to continue that policy.
Trump groped no one, he was just running his mouth.

How "true".....just like his promises to morons (like you) during his campaign??? LOL
After swallowing Obama's lies for all the years you have no credibility. Trump is making Obama's legacy, just a bad memory. So Trump is doing great.
What lies?
hell, lets start with an easy one.

40% of gun sales are illegal.

Guns Acquired Without Background Checks -
He talked about it. Your daddy Clinton stuck a cigar in one. Anyway Trump got his travel ban. It's great to be a winner! Something you lacked with obama.[/QUOTE

Clinton had permission asswipe. Its called consensual. Your orange buddy doesn't ask, he just gropes.

Trump got a watered down version on a temporary basis.

So why did he need this ban? Trump said he needed a 90 day ban to work out vetting details. Its been over 90 days so you are saying Trump is too stupid to to come up with a vetting plan?
Trump groped no one, he was just running his mouth.

Says who? Does Trump lie?
Not as much as Obama lie of the year.
I have news. The ACA had a grandfather clause that said any policy in effect at the time the bill was signed could be continued.

If you lost your plan, blame the insurance companies. The ACA had a path to continue that policy.
Yeah, go ahead and believe that. I got some ocean front land in greenville South Carolina I'll sell you. Obama approved land.

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