Trump: Looking Into Declaring ANTIFA A Terrorist Organization

Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America

I take it you have no issue with antifa attacking journalists as well as anyone carrying an American flag. Why do you supportracist, political violence?

You take it wrong. Shall I repeat what I have said before? Antifa is a disorganized mob of hooligans. They assault people, disrupt peaceful events, and property. Never said otherwise.

That is not equivalent to murder.
Oh look another lame ass distraction from his complete failure as president.

Trump is a fucking bozo.
Oh looky! Another sock puppet!
Project much?
Hilarious watching you Leftards gasp in desperation post Mueller.
Why? Mueller pretty much confirmed Trump committed a crime.
Was this before or after he said his work was not impeded or obstructed?
Which has what to with what I just said?

Yes please!

Declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization! :clap2:
They are a terrorist organization. This is long overdue. Thank you Mr. President.


Trumps about to execute a white supremacist, while trying to free a black rapper from jail, as he pushes prison reform that directly benefits families of black men, while calling out a city where minorities are victims of crime & blight. if Trumps a racist, he sucks at it.

1:44 PM - Jul 27, 2019
Oh looky! Another sock puppet!
Project much?
Hilarious watching you Leftards gasp in desperation post Mueller.
Why? Mueller pretty much confirmed Trump committed a crime.
Was this before or after he said his work was not impeded or obstructed?
Which has what to with what I just said?
Mueller said a lot of things.

People still heard what they wanted to before he even said a word.


Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US
Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US

New York Times

BERLIN — An influential website linked to violence at the Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg last month has been ordered to shut down, in the first such move against left-wing extremists in the country, the authorities in Germany said on Friday.

Thomas de Maizière, the interior minister, said that the unrest in Hamburg, during which more than 20,000 police officers were deployed and more than 400 people arrested or detained, had been stirred up on the website and showed the “serious consequences” of left-wing extremism.

“The prelude to the G-20 summit in Hamburg was not the only time that violent actions and attacks on infrastructural facilities were mobilized on linksunten.indymedia,” he said, referring to the website.

The order on Friday was the latest move in a long battle against extremism in Germany. It comes in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., this month and amid worries about “antifa” factions that use violence to combat the far-right in the United States.

The Interior Ministry said the website was the “most influential online platform for vicious left-wing extremists in Germany,” and noted that it had been used for years to spread criminal content and to incite violence.

Charlottesville...where Unite the Right came prepared to incite and commit violence. And murdered one woman and severely injured more.

Antifa seems more of a problem in Europe than in the US.

So why demand Antifa be called a terrorist organization but not white supremacist groups? Is it because they support Trump?
Project much?
Hilarious watching you Leftards gasp in desperation post Mueller.
Why? Mueller pretty much confirmed Trump committed a crime.
Was this before or after he said his work was not impeded or obstructed?
Which has what to with what I just said?
Mueller said a lot of things.

People still heard what they wanted to before he even said a word.
Yup. On that I agree.


Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US
Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US

New York Times

BERLIN — An influential website linked to violence at the Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg last month has been ordered to shut down, in the first such move against left-wing extremists in the country, the authorities in Germany said on Friday.

Thomas de Maizière, the interior minister, said that the unrest in Hamburg, during which more than 20,000 police officers were deployed and more than 400 people arrested or detained, had been stirred up on the website and showed the “serious consequences” of left-wing extremism.

“The prelude to the G-20 summit in Hamburg was not the only time that violent actions and attacks on infrastructural facilities were mobilized on linksunten.indymedia,” he said, referring to the website.

The order on Friday was the latest move in a long battle against extremism in Germany. It comes in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., this month and amid worries about “antifa” factions that use violence to combat the far-right in the United States.

The Interior Ministry said the website was the “most influential online platform for vicious left-wing extremists in Germany,” and noted that it had been used for years to spread criminal content and to incite violence.

Charlottesville...where Unite the Right came prepared to incite and commit violence. And murdered one woman and severely injured more.

Antifa seems more of a problem in Europe than in the US.

So why demand Antifa be called a terrorist organization but not white supremacist groups? Is it because they support Trump?
If they are out there stopping free speech and attacking people, tag em a terrorist group n deal with them. You do the crime, you get the law on you. Don't really give a shit who's on what side anymore.
View attachment 271478

If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?


Only if I was cocked and loaded and ready to go to prison for busting their leftist melons. If LEOS refuse to do anything soon, I will. They will not intimidate me. I'm for a free speech America, if they start stifling that, they have to go.
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America
You're right Coyote. Punching people around is against the law regardless of party affiliation. The trouble with Antifa I've noticed is they don't believe in free speech for their opposition. I'm not acquainted with Vanguard A and Incel. After going online, seems Incels tend to be mysogynistic due to past bad experiences. Vanguards America seem to be men who want to have exclusive white relationships that produce Aryan type babies--blue eyes and blonde, red, or brown hair, and black hair if eyes are blue enough. I'm not fond of anti-Semitism, however, due to my study of what happened to Jewish people after Germany exterminated their kinfolk like bugs several decades ago. It's not against the law to say you want a blonde child or a blue-eyed child. But it severely limits one to a phenotype rather than a family that accepts others, especially a child. Even so, being a person who believes in freedom, other people can choose what course they want their family life to be.

Edit: scrubbed "years" because I meant "decades" lol
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Charlottesville...where Unite the Right came prepared to incite and commit violence. And murdered one woman and severely injured more.

They marched on a Friday night with torches and there was no violence. The violence began after antifa arrived. The Democratic mayor and governor ordered police to ''stand down'' and then rioting, destruction and violence ensued. One of the white supremacist idiots decided to ram his car into the ''counter protesters''. Aside from that, what other ''terrorist acts'' has Unite the Right engaged in as I'm not sure that one act alone qualifies an organization as a terrorist group.
Trump looks into all sorts of things just to find he does not have the authority to do it.
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America
You're right Coyote. Punching people around is against the law regardless of party affiliation. The trouble with Antifa I've noticed is they don't believe in free speech for their opposition. I'm not acquainted with Vanguard A and Incel. After going online, seems Incels tend to be mysogynistic due to past bad experiences. Vanguards America seem to be men who want to have exclusive white relationships that produce Aryan type babies--blue eyes and blonde, red, or brown hair, and black hair if eyes are blue enough. I'm not fond of anti-Semitism, however, due to my study of what happened to Jewish people after Germany exterminated their kinfolk like bugs several decades ago. It's not against the law to say you want a blonde child or a blue-eyed child. But it severely limits one to a phenotype rather than a family that accepts others, especially a child. Even so, being a person who believes in freedom, other people can choose what course they want their family life to be.

Edit: scrubbed "years" because I meant "decades" lol
Oh I agree, they don’t believe in free speech. Or, to be more exact free speech they don’t like. They don’t subscribe to the view of “I may not like what you have to say but I will fight like hell to support your right to say it!”.
Charlottesville...where Unite the Right came prepared to incite and commit violence. And murdered one woman and severely injured more.

They marched on a Friday night with torches and there was no violence. The violence began after antifa arrived. The Democratic mayor and governor ordered police to ''stand down'' and then rioting, destruction and violence ensued. One of the white supremacist idiots decided to ram his car into the ''counter protesters''. Aside from that, what other ''terrorist acts'' has Unite the Right engaged in as I'm not sure that one act alone qualifies an organization as a terrorist group.
They came prepared to incite violence and participate. This was in the planning of at least some of the groups involved so don’t try to minimize what they intended. They were not promoting peace.

Four white supremacists arrested in connection with violent Charlottesville rallies

Those counter protesters had a legitimate license to be there too. That “one idiot” had supporters helping him to escape.

There is no evidence of a stand down order either, that appears to have been made up: Charlottesville Stand-Down Order? -

I do agree though that the police were badly prepared to handle demonstrations of this magnitude.
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America

So you are backing off your claim that they have "actually killed people"?
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America

So you are backing off your claim that they have "actually killed people"?
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America

So you are backing off your claim that they have "actually killed people"?

Then name these right wing groups killing people.

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