Trump lost 10 GOP health care votes after personally visiting Congress for ‘hard sell’

The Senate won't support anything the Freedom Caucus will support, and the Freedom Caucus won't support anything the Senate will support.

So there you are.
OP FAKE NEWS and the carp all gulp it down.....

Head in the (AZ) sand is no help.

I lived in AZ for more than 25 years. Loved the desert flora and fauna, did many years of wildlife rehab there. What it needs is to get rid of the damn RWNJs/tee potties.
I lived in AZ for more than 25 years. Loved the desert flora and fauna, did many years of wildlife rehab there. What it needs is to get rid of the damn RWNJs/tee potties.

Your border-jumpers have TRASHED the Sonoran Desert with litter and dead bodies.
Not true.
If you remember LyinRyan and McConnell have been telling us they have a better replacement. Gee whiz, that's all we've heard from them for more than 6 years.
Thank you for proving my point. Trump, listening to the Washington Establishment BS artists (Ryan/ McConnell, etc) Trump declared his intention to immediately repeal and replace the ACA. It may have been his mistake for trusting them to have a plan ready to go, but it was not under Trump's control to have one ready. The accusation that Trump lied, therefore, is just snowflake spin and BS. Again, some snowlfakes need a refresher on the 'Separation of powers Act'. Just because Obama spent 8 years by-passing Congress to do whatever the hell he wanted does not mean Trump can / will.
Not true.
If you remember LyinRyan and McConnell have been telling us they have a better replacement. Gee whiz, that's all we've heard from them for more than 6 years.
Thank you for proving my point. Trump, listening to the Washington Establishment BS artists (Ryan/ McConnell, etc) Trump declared his intention to immediately repeal and replace the ACA. It may have been his mistake for trusting them to have a plan ready to go, but it was not under Trump's control to have one ready. The accusation that Trump lied, therefore, is just snowflake spin and BS. Again, some snowlfakes need a refresher on the 'Separation of powers Act'. Just because Obama spent 8 years by-passing Congress to do whatever the hell he wanted does not mean Trump can / will.

Trump had no healthcare plan AT ALL.
Trump had no healthcare plan AT ALL.
Prove it.

Actually, I agree with you that I do not think he had an entire plan, I think he had some ideas, but not an entire plan.
I think he trusted Ryan who lied about having a plan 'everyone' was on-board with.
Conservatives don't want RINOcare any more than we wanted Obamacare. Obamacare needs to be repealed and then FULL STOP, not replaced.

Instead, deregulate the health insurance industry and allow the free market to reduce costs.
We had a free market before Obamacare and the insurance companies phyucked over everyone

No we did not. The Insurance Companies petitioned Congress to regulate the hell out of the industry to prevent free market competition. If you actually think we did have a free market then, you are pitifully uneducated in the subject.
Conservatives don't want RINOcare any more than we wanted Obamacare. Obamacare needs to be repealed and then FULL STOP, not replaced.

Instead, deregulate the health insurance industry and allow the free market to reduce costs.

Yeah, like that has ever worked, here or any place else.

Like I said, LyinRyan has been telling us for 6+ years that his plan is better.

So? Where is it?

It's never been tried anywhere else or here. Learn SOMETHING would ya?

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