Trump lost.....Why are Republicans still afraid of him?

trump is Spineless....He has now turned the entire GOP into Invertebrates.....Yup, just a who herd of spineless sheep wallowing in the excrement of The Don....
the democrats are the herd of spineless sheep in the other pasture.....wallowing in their own excrement....
Trump has always been a pugilist. this time, he's punching American Democracy

Well you have to say the entire Republican party is punching democracy in the gut! Trump is being humored while he deals with this loss! Still no concession or release of funds for a transition of power so the country will be in serious danger; sorta like after 2000 when 911 was being planned and perpetrated soon afterwards! I just can't believe the party of Nat'l Sec. is allowing this charade to go on! It probably won't stop them from pointing fingers at Clinton or Obama for some other piece of BS! They just can't help themselves! It's sad! :dunno:
To put it simply.......MAGA

MAGA still controls the GOP and Trump calls the shots.
So if Trump spouts ridiculous theories of voter fraud in both Democratically and Republican led states.......MAGA takes it as gospel.

So Republicans who want to run in two years still fear MAGA. If Trump turns MAGA against them....they lose.

Trump is still planning on running again in 2024. He will continue his rallies and continue to claim he was cheated.

Nothing Republicans can do about it.

Because without him the numbers only get worse?

What the fuck is there not to understand? lol

Without corona or had he gotten another proper stimulus done he'd probably have won very easily. And he did it while expanding into demos Republicans haven't in my lifetime outside latinos and the bushes.
To put it simply.......MAGA

MAGA still controls the GOP and Trump calls the shots.
So if Trump spouts ridiculous theories of voter fraud in both Democratically and Republican led states.......MAGA takes it as gospel.

So Republicans who want to run in two years still fear MAGA. If Trump turns MAGA against them....they lose.

Trump is still planning on running again in 2024. He will continue his rallies and continue to claim he was cheated.

Nothing Republicans can do about it.
Biden won and and it’s still Russia and trump
i see you came back and farted again eddie.lOL
in your face
you are such a stupid fuck you tell your lies that there was no voting fraud ignoring facts that poll watchers approved to watch over the counting were turned away,that experts have said so many voting irregularities took place,that americans are fleeing the dem party left and right because of their corruption,but more importantly,how trumps lawyers and postal workers have had death threats issued to their familys a few of the postal workers beat up seriously and in the hospital

and then you also prove what a stupid fuck you are to the entire board ignoring the virus hoax taking the word of the media when i have made a thread of MANY very credible doctors that have said the same things about it as i do, you end up with shit on your face everyday with almost the entire board laughing at what a sad sick of garbage you are.
To put it simply.......MAGA

MAGA still controls the GOP and Trump calls the shots.
So if Trump spouts ridiculous theories of voter fraud in both Democratically and Republican led states.......MAGA takes it as gospel.

So Republicans who want to run in two years still fear MAGA. If Trump turns MAGA against them....they lose.

Trump is still planning on running again in 2024. He will continue his rallies and continue to claim he was cheated.

Nothing Republicans can do about it.

Because without him the numbers only get worse?

What the fuck is there not to understand? lol

Without corona or had he gotten another proper stimulus done he'd probably have won very easily. And he did it while expanding into demos Republicans haven't in my lifetime outside latinos and the bushes.
this troll is a shill from langley,dont wasted your breath on him.
LA is this a lie too???
Jared Kushner funneled $617M of the $1.26B Inaugural Fund into a "Shell Company" so the money couldn't be monitored {and they worry about Hunter's "chump change."_The Trump Crime Syndicate. {EOM}

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