Trump made a fool of himself here.

This whole idea that getting along with the other side is a terrible thing escapes me? Isn't that what got us into this fucking mess in the first place? Whats wrong with getting together and doing whats right for the country and American's? How the hell would any company/corporation thrive if they encouraged half the office to oppose the other half of the office in everything they were trying to accomplish AND then chastising them if they tried to work with the other side for the benefit of the company/corporation?

It's irrational and makes no fucking sense. Do the sheep who call themselves conservatives want to elect a fucking asshole who won't give the Dems a voice in anything. Tells them to go fuck themselves? Who suffers because of that stupid attitude? I'll tell you who.......US. Fucking conservatives need to pull their heads out their collective ass and realize their way doesn't work and won't work. It's time to drop some of their archaic views of things and adopt to the fucking 21st century. Plenty of Republican's/Conservatives are not hell bent on banning gay marriage and taking away a woman's right to chose (even though they abhor the thought of abortion). Nobody can say that though because they'll be labeled a liberal.

This is whats wrong with conservatives, either you walk lock step and think like a fucking caveman or you get cast aside and called 'not conservative' Who the fuck dermnines who's conservative or not? Is there some fucking guidebook? Is their a checklist? Must you ascribe to a certain % of things in the check list before gaining the label conservative?

Tired of the nonsense from 'conservatives'. No wonder liberals think you are all a bunch of fucking dumbshits....

This whole idea that getting along with the other side is a terrible thing escapes me? Isn't that what got us into this fucking mess in the first place? Whats wrong with getting together and doing whats right for the country and American's? How the hell would any company/corporation thrive if they encouraged half the office to oppose the other half of the office in everything they were trying to accomplish AND then chastising them if they tried to work with the other side for the benefit of the company/corporation?

It's irrational and makes no fucking sense. Do the sheep who call themselves conservatives want to elect a fucking asshole who won't give the Dems a voice in anything. Tells them to go fuck themselves? Who suffers because of that stupid attitude? I'll tell you who.......US. Fucking conservatives need to pull their heads out their collective ass and realize their way doesn't work and won't work. It's time to drop some of their archaic views of things and adopt to the fucking 21st century. Plenty of Republican's/Conservatives are not hell bent on banning gay marriage and taking away a woman's right to chose (even though they abhor the thought of abortion). Nobody can say that though because they'll be labeled a liberal.

This is whats wrong with conservatives, either you walk lock step and think like a fucking caveman or you get cast aside and called 'not conservative' Who the fuck dermnines who's conservative or not? Is there some fucking guidebook? Is their a checklist? Must you ascribe to a certain % of things in the check list before gaining the label conservative?

Tired of the nonsense from 'conservatives'. No wonder liberals think you are all a bunch of fucking dumbshits....

I agree with you with the following caveat, I believe both parties have buried their feet into the ground that no movement can be made to make laws for the country instead of their party. Sure, Republicans are guilty, but Democrats are equally to blame. The fighting between the sides on this board demonstrates that more objectivity has to be used by both sides.
Did the Dems ever compromise when they pushed their core principals?
They also shut down the government many times and got what they wanted for abortion rights.

The Conservatives are angry at the Republicans for not doing the same thing.
Fight for their principals. Repubs cave in all the time.
Just watch McConnell is going to cave on this thing with Supreme Court, they always do.
I will be shocked if they actually take a stand.
But with this day and age you never know. :)
This whole idea that getting along with the other side is a terrible thing escapes me? Isn't that what got us into this fucking mess in the first place? Whats wrong with getting together and doing whats right for the country and American's? How the hell would any company/corporation thrive if they encouraged half the office to oppose the other half of the office in everything they were trying to accomplish AND then chastising them if they tried to work with the other side for the benefit of the company/corporation?

It's irrational and makes no fucking sense. Do the sheep who call themselves conservatives want to elect a fucking asshole who won't give the Dems a voice in anything. Tells them to go fuck themselves? Who suffers because of that stupid attitude? I'll tell you who.......US. Fucking conservatives need to pull their heads out their collective ass and realize their way doesn't work and won't work. It's time to drop some of their archaic views of things and adopt to the fucking 21st century. Plenty of Republican's/Conservatives are not hell bent on banning gay marriage and taking away a woman's right to chose (even though they abhor the thought of abortion). Nobody can say that though because they'll be labeled a liberal.

This is whats wrong with conservatives, either you walk lock step and think like a fucking caveman or you get cast aside and called 'not conservative' Who the fuck dermnines who's conservative or not? Is there some fucking guidebook? Is their a checklist? Must you ascribe to a certain % of things in the check list before gaining the label conservative?

Tired of the nonsense from 'conservatives'. No wonder liberals think you are all a bunch of fucking dumbshits....


IMO liberals are WRONG about everything regarding economic matters, they're "right" about ending the drug war, but I question their motives. Other social issues are of less importance, but I don't think a nihilistic approach benefits society.

I don't care what liberals "think". It has become quite clear to me that they're unable to.

Not all "conservatives" walk in lock step either. They have different opinions on drug regulation, interventionism, abortion, and even the RKBA.

The left wing has embraced a collectivist agenda that has been established by the sworn enemies of capitalism. If there were people in a corporation that were dedicated to bankrupting it, would you be upset by people who wanted them fired?

That is how I view liberals. The average moonbat is just too stupid to comprehend the consequences of collectivist globalism, the political whores they elect have no illusions however. They're happy to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of the people.

This whole idea that getting along with the other side is a terrible thing escapes me? Isn't that what got us into this fucking mess in the first place? Whats wrong with getting together and doing whats right for the country and American's? How the hell would any company/corporation thrive if they encouraged half the office to oppose the other half of the office in everything they were trying to accomplish AND then chastising them if they tried to work with the other side for the benefit of the company/corporation?

It's irrational and makes no fucking sense. Do the sheep who call themselves conservatives want to elect a fucking asshole who won't give the Dems a voice in anything. Tells them to go fuck themselves? Who suffers because of that stupid attitude? I'll tell you who.......US. Fucking conservatives need to pull their heads out their collective ass and realize their way doesn't work and won't work. It's time to drop some of their archaic views of things and adopt to the fucking 21st century. Plenty of Republican's/Conservatives are not hell bent on banning gay marriage and taking away a woman's right to chose (even though they abhor the thought of abortion). Nobody can say that though because they'll be labeled a liberal.

This is whats wrong with conservatives, either you walk lock step and think like a fucking caveman or you get cast aside and called 'not conservative' Who the fuck dermnines who's conservative or not? Is there some fucking guidebook? Is their a checklist? Must you ascribe to a certain % of things in the check list before gaining the label conservative?

Tired of the nonsense from 'conservatives'. No wonder liberals think you are all a bunch of fucking dumbshits....


IMO liberals are WRONG about everything regarding economic matters, they're "right" about ending the drug war, but I question their motives. Other social issues are of less importance, but I don't think a nihilistic approach benefits society.

I don't care what liberals "think". It has become quite clear to me that they're unable to.

Not all "conservatives" walk in lock step either. They have different opinions on drug regulation, interventionism, abortion, and even the RKBA.

The left wing has embraced a collectivist agenda that has been established by the sworn enemies of capitalism. If there were people in a corporation that were dedicated to bankrupting it, would you be upset by people who wanted them fired?

That is how I view liberals. The average moonbat is just too stupid to comprehend the consequences of collectivist globalism, the political whores they elect have no illusions however. They're happy to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of the people.

As a supporter of Trump I care nothing about liberals. They have their own problems they need to deal with.
Indeed, trump is far from a conservative. IMO, there was only one conservative on that stage; Paul.

I was disappointed he didn't do better. I still prefer Cruz, but I think they would make a great ticket together. Rand would temper Cruz's hawkishness.

Paul was the only person from either party I would have voted for. I think he would have destroyed Hillary in a debate. He was the only Republican running with any sort of crossover appeal. In my opinion Cruz's more hardline conservative stances will doom him in the general election. Especially his socially conservative views.
As a supporter of Trump I care nothing about liberals. They have their own problems they need to deal with.

I find him less appealing as time goes on, but I'm not totally opposed to him. I want my guy to beat him. If Trump's the nominee I'll vote for him. Reluctantly of course, but I will not vote Bush, period.

Paul was the only person from either party I would have voted for. I think he would have destroyed Hillary in a debate. He was the only Republican running with any sort of crossover appeal. In my opinion Cruz's more hardline conservative stances will doom him in the general election. Especially his socially conservative views.

My only response is to hope you're wrong, and I do want to point out that on many social issues Cruz has said he supports states making up their own laws.

Texas can restrict abortion and gay marriage, and in Taxachusettes they can make butt-piracy and abortions mandatory for all I care.

I believe if he makes that case, in much different terms of course, on the national stage while exposing hitlery for the babbling fool she is that the perception of him as a "hard line" social conservative will be diminished.

MSNBC Anchor Asks Donald Trump Slick Trick Question — See How He Answers

“The candidate is considered a political outsider by all the pundits. He’s tapping into the anger of the voters, delivers a populist message. He believes everyone in the country should have healthcare, he advocates for hedge fund managers to pay higher taxes, he’s drawing thousands of people at his rallies, and bringing in a lot of new voters to the political process. And he’s not beholden to any super PAC. Who am I describing?” Brzezinski asked.

Without missing a beat, Trump added that he is not beholden to any special interests or donors, before confidently asserting, “You’re describing Donald Trump.”

There was only one problem: she wasn’t. Instead, Brzezinski told the billionaire businessman that she was describing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed Democratic socialist.

“Actually, I was describing Bernie Sanders,” the MSNBC host said with a smirk, as the audience began to awkwardly laugh.

If Trump can't tell the difference between himself and Batshit Bernie, no wonder I can't seem to sometimes either.

Ted Cruz 2016.

*snip winger meme*

it wasn't a "trick" question and joe and mika have been far more receptive to him than they should have.

as for "bats**" that better describes your wingers. I just disagree with Bernie. cruz and trump are nuts.

as for nuts, is there some reason you post in blue?
This whole idea that getting along with the other side is a terrible thing escapes me? Isn't that what got us into this fucking mess in the first place? Whats wrong with getting together and doing whats right for the country and American's? How the hell would any company/corporation thrive if they encouraged half the office to oppose the other half of the office in everything they were trying to accomplish AND then chastising them if they tried to work with the other side for the benefit of the company/corporation?

It's irrational and makes no fucking sense. Do the sheep who call themselves conservatives want to elect a fucking asshole who won't give the Dems a voice in anything. Tells them to go fuck themselves? Who suffers because of that stupid attitude? I'll tell you who.......US. Fucking conservatives need to pull their heads out their collective ass and realize their way doesn't work and won't work. It's time to drop some of their archaic views of things and adopt to the fucking 21st century. Plenty of Republican's/Conservatives are not hell bent on banning gay marriage and taking away a woman's right to chose (even though they abhor the thought of abortion). Nobody can say that though because they'll be labeled a liberal.

This is whats wrong with conservatives, either you walk lock step and think like a fucking caveman or you get cast aside and called 'not conservative' Who the fuck dermnines who's conservative or not? Is there some fucking guidebook? Is their a checklist? Must you ascribe to a certain % of things in the check list before gaining the label conservative?

Tired of the nonsense from 'conservatives'. No wonder liberals think you are all a bunch of fucking dumbshits....


IMO liberals are WRONG about everything regarding economic matters, they're "right" about ending the drug war, but I question their motives. Other social issues are of less importance, but I don't think a nihilistic approach benefits society.

I don't care what liberals "think". It has become quite clear to me that they're unable to.

Not all "conservatives" walk in lock step either. They have different opinions on drug regulation, interventionism, abortion, and even the RKBA.

The left wing has embraced a collectivist agenda that has been established by the sworn enemies of capitalism. If there were people in a corporation that were dedicated to bankrupting it, would you be upset by people who wanted them fired?

That is how I view liberals. The average moonbat is just too stupid to comprehend the consequences of collectivist globalism, the political whores they elect have no illusions however. They're happy to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of the people.

From what I am seeing is, they seem to deal with the issues and ideas one at a time without being able to put the whole big picture together in order to come to conclusions or solutions. They add extremes when challenged. Like no government or no regulations and confuse or don't know that State Government (Fire, Police, Teachers) is different from Federal Government.
Collective thinking gets you the philosophy of" it's all one man".
They defiantly lack commons sense.

Right now I don't think that there is anyone left or right in D.C. that has any common sense any longer.
MSNBC Anchor Asks Donald Trump Slick Trick Question — See How He Answers

“The candidate is considered a political outsider by all the pundits. He’s tapping into the anger of the voters, delivers a populist message. He believes everyone in the country should have healthcare, he advocates for hedge fund managers to pay higher taxes, he’s drawing thousands of people at his rallies, and bringing in a lot of new voters to the political process. And he’s not beholden to any super PAC. Who am I describing?” Brzezinski asked.

Without missing a beat, Trump added that he is not beholden to any special interests or donors, before confidently asserting, “You’re describing Donald Trump.”

There was only one problem: she wasn’t. Instead, Brzezinski told the billionaire businessman that she was describing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed Democratic socialist.

“Actually, I was describing Bernie Sanders,” the MSNBC host said with a smirk, as the audience began to awkwardly laugh.

If Trump can't tell the difference between himself and Batshit Bernie, no wonder I can't seem to sometimes either.

Ted Cruz 2016.

*snip winger meme*

it wasn't a "trick" question and joe and mika have been far more receptive to him than they should have.

as for "bats**" that better describes your wingers. I just disagree with Bernie. cruz and trump are nuts.

as for nuts, is there some reason you post in blue?

They are not being receptive to him.
Joe and Mika are just fascinated by him and the people who are supporting him and bring him on to try and understand what is really going on with his popularity.

How many times has both of them said that?
Quite a few.
They are not being receptive to him.
Joe and Mika are just fascinated by him and the people who are supporting him and bring him on to try and understand what is really going on with his popularity.

How many times has both of them said that?
Quite a few.

They were clearly trying to make a fool of him, and IMO they did. Joe and Mika are democrook apparatchiks, nothing more.


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