Trump Made A Mistake

Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.

And your opinion is based from what?
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.

Why does he need to speak Ukrainian if he is a board member?
He doesn’t need to mix chemicals.

Do you know how board members work truck driver?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.

I never said that's the kind of experience he didn't have. But anybody sitting on a board likely has a lot of experience in the field of work in other ways.

Look at it logically. If you owned a company, and were going to pay somebody big bucks to sit on a board, wouldn't you want the best you could get for that money? Why would you choose a drug addict from another country, who had no experience in that field, and didn't even speak your language unless he had important connections you wanted to take advantage of?

So what we had here was Hunter mysteriously getting this job, Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was looking into that company, the testimony from the prosecutor that he was indeed looking into Hunter's activity, and Trump is just supposed to ignore it and hand over big US bucks to the country without question. And again.....he only asked Zelensky to look into it, not launch a Ukrainian investigation.

No you don’t need a lot of experience to be a board member.
A name in the board member will mean a lot.
What made you think Hunter was drug addict when he joined Burisma?

Do you know how low you are trying to justify this piece shit president?
How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.

I never said that's the kind of experience he didn't have. But anybody sitting on a board likely has a lot of experience in the field of work in other ways.

Look at it logically. If you owned a company, and were going to pay somebody big bucks to sit on a board, wouldn't you want the best you could get for that money? Why would you choose a drug addict from another country, who had no experience in that field, and didn't even speak your language unless he had important connections you wanted to take advantage of?

So what we had here was Hunter mysteriously getting this job, Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was looking into that company, the testimony from the prosecutor that he was indeed looking into Hunter's activity, and Trump is just supposed to ignore it and hand over big US bucks to the country without question. And again.....he only asked Zelensky to look into it, not launch a Ukrainian investigation.
Lying con tool, Shokin was not looking into Burisma when he was fired...

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

It’s unbelievable that these people are bunch of LIARS.
Why did the President use his campaign lawyer Giuliani, and the two goon crooks, instead of the DOJ, AG Barr and the FBI / Treasury Foreign corruption units to run the show?

These are just bunch of gangsters running around creating their own conspiracy crap working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Then weak Americans Trump followers just swallow it whatever they came up without any proof.

Why? These is mafia style.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.

Tramp is so very scared of J. Biden.

Of course he is. He doesn't need to be on the debate stage with Joe, sneaking up behind him to sniff his hair.

Of course he is so scared of Biden. The evidence is also showed all over including you.
Biden is the only chance we can kick that boy president out of WH.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...
(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.

Comey testified ?????

You have to be kidding.

That's a valid argument ?

He also testified she wasn't smart enough to know security protocols.

I am not sure what I believe from that moron.
I heard some buzz about Comey. Just about everything he says is untruthful when he is speaking about Trump. He's deep state Democrat, and his job made him feel he was entitled to lie.

Your inane boasting is still meaningless since, again, no one knows who's gonna win. Not even you know.
Just think because of Pelosi and Schiff we will get a conservative supreme court!


Maybe not.

Do you even know you don't possess fortune telling skills?
Lol, all Trump needs to remind the American people.
Adults running around in pussy hats and yelling at the sky. Because they lost the election.
Russian collusion hoax.
The Kavanaugh fiasco.
The made up impeachment fiasco.
If Biden does get the nomination. Trump needs to asks him why is he there? I mean you did worse to Ukraine than what I got impeached for.
Trump won't take your crap the way all other conservatives has in the past. He will remind Americans how Looney you people are.

They are making an impeachment case out of this because they claim Trump did it for political advantage. Okay, but what if Joe doesn't make it? Are they going to take the impeachment back?
I know, they just gave Trump the presidency. They been working months on this. Instead of working for Americans. They impeached him, but it actually means nothing. The house won't remove him. So they did nothing for Americans. Except waste millions of our money.

He attacked a 16 year old girl.
He attacked a dead congressman.
Called people human scum.

Tell me what decent americans think of this dude behind closed doors?

All these chaos and discombobulations going on in this country from trade to domestic to foreign policies all pure garbage created by this MORON.

Why should we elect another 4 years of chaos? Americans deserve better than a laughing stock all over the world.

There are pro impeachment rallies all over US cities night before the impeachment. Thought you may want to know that.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.

Tramp is so very scared of J. Biden.

Of course he is. He doesn't need to be on the debate stage with Joe, sneaking up behind him to sniff his hair.

Of course he is so scared of Biden. The evidence is also showed all over including you.
Biden is the only chance we can kick that boy president out of WH.

The funny thing is, I bet you don't even realize how pathetic that statement is. :1041:
How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.

I never said that's the kind of experience he didn't have. But anybody sitting on a board likely has a lot of experience in the field of work in other ways.

Look at it logically. If you owned a company, and were going to pay somebody big bucks to sit on a board, wouldn't you want the best you could get for that money? Why would you choose a drug addict from another country, who had no experience in that field, and didn't even speak your language unless he had important connections you wanted to take advantage of?

So what we had here was Hunter mysteriously getting this job, Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was looking into that company, the testimony from the prosecutor that he was indeed looking into Hunter's activity, and Trump is just supposed to ignore it and hand over big US bucks to the country without question. And again.....he only asked Zelensky to look into it, not launch a Ukrainian investigation.

No you don’t need a lot of experience to be a board member.
A name in the board member will mean a lot.
What made you think Hunter was drug addict when he joined Burisma?

Do you know how low you are trying to justify this piece shit president?

For crying out loud, the guy was kicked out of the US military for drug usage; he attended rehab at least three times. Name recognition? Yeah.....his fathers name--not his.

You need experience in the industry to be a board member. You want people in there that at least have knowledge and experience in that line of work. Hunter had none--zero.

Burisma hired him to keep the US government from pressuring and looking into their company. He served no other purpose. And apparently, their investment paid off when Biden made the threat of withholding US aid.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.

And your opinion is based from what?

From Shokin himself. I'll be glad to post the interview for you.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.

Dude....... like I blasted you several times. Asking a favor from a foreign leader to dig dirt against his political rival is totally corrupt POTUS and not acceptable.
You can roll however you want Trump proved himself a piece of shit.

Like I said many times Hunter Biden has nothing to do with Trump corruption and conduct.
Biden is a lawyer from Yale a board members of prestigious companies including Amtrak before joining Burisma in 2014.
So part of your ignorance don’t you understand?

You leftists are more than evil, you're hypocrites.

Hillary and the DNC paid a company to GET DIRT on Donald Trump. The company they hired used a retired foreign agent, who got his information from the Russian government, but that was oaky because she's with the commie party. But Trump asking a favor??? that's unacceptable and he needs to be impeached for that.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...
(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.

Comey testified ?????

You have to be kidding.

That's a valid argument ?

He also testified she wasn't smart enough to know security protocols.

I am not sure what I believe from that moron.
I heard some buzz about Comey. Just about everything he says is untruthful when he is speaking about Trump. He's deep state Democrat, and his job made him feel he was entitled to lie.
FYI Beau
If there were such a thing as the deep state, comey would be a deep state REPUBLICAN.... He has been a Republican, his entire govt career.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.

I never said that's the kind of experience he didn't have. But anybody sitting on a board likely has a lot of experience in the field of work in other ways.

Look at it logically. If you owned a company, and were going to pay somebody big bucks to sit on a board, wouldn't you want the best you could get for that money? Why would you choose a drug addict from another country, who had no experience in that field, and didn't even speak your language unless he had important connections you wanted to take advantage of?

So what we had here was Hunter mysteriously getting this job, Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was looking into that company, the testimony from the prosecutor that he was indeed looking into Hunter's activity, and Trump is just supposed to ignore it and hand over big US bucks to the country without question. And again.....he only asked Zelensky to look into it, not launch a Ukrainian investigation.

No you don’t need a lot of experience to be a board member.
A name in the board member will mean a lot.
What made you think Hunter was drug addict when he joined Burisma?

Do you know how low you are trying to justify this piece shit president?

For crying out loud, the guy was kicked out of the US military for drug usage; he attended rehab at least three times. Name recognition? Yeah.....his fathers name--not his.

You need experience in the industry to be a board member. You want people in there that at least have knowledge and experience in that line of work. Hunter had none--zero.

Burisma hired him to keep the US government from pressuring and looking into their company. He served no other purpose. And apparently, their investment paid off when Biden made the threat of withholding US aid.

So... What is that has anything to do with Trump corrupted conduct?

How do you even know how Hunter work at Burisma?

Like I said many times. No you don’t need to have an experience to be a board member.
But a name means a lot to be a board member.
Kusher suddenly became a diplomat without any experience and that is far complicated than a board member.

What part of your ignorance don’t you understand?
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.

Would he have been hired if his last name wasn't Biden? Hunter himself said no.
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.

And your opinion is based from what?

From Shokin himself. I'll be glad to post the interview for you.

From Shokin. Really? No wonder. You are loser. A well known corrupted prosecutor general is your bible?
Why are you promoting a corrupted foreigner?
From Shokin. Really? No wonder. You are loser. A well known corrupted prosecutor general is your bible?
Why are you promoting a corrupted foreigner?

And who labeled Shokin corrupt? That's right Biden!!! Nice trick, use your high office to spread shit about and get rid of the prosecutor going after your son. Talk about 'high crimes.'
How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.

And your opinion is based from what?

From Shokin himself. I'll be glad to post the interview for you.

From Shokin. Really? No wonder. You are loser. A well known corrupted prosecutor general is your bible?
Why are you promoting a corrupted foreigner?

Let's see....who do I trust, a corrupt prosecutor, or the Democrats. Sorry, I have to go with the corrupt prosecutor. At least he has some integrity.

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