Trump Made A Mistake

Because McConnell and Graham have admitted they have no intention of honoring the OATH they have to swear before the trial can begin and they need to be recused in order for the trial has any chance to be fair. Until then it is nothing more than a kangaroo court.
You do realize Trump could possibly be elected for a third time. Because of your stupidity?

Only if his third term is in Ukraine.
I hope he can pull it off. Just so you would go out of what little mind you have.
Exactly how embarrassed by your source of this nonsense are you that you refuse to say where you heard it?

And no, he cannot be elected a third time.

Amendment XXII

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice...
Not if the first 4 years were in limbo over false accusations. Like I said I've been looking into it for a couple of weeks. I think it was Cruz who also has brought this up.
I don't see that in the Constitution... point it out...
Because McConnell and Graham have admitted they have no intention of honoring the OATH they have to swear before the trial can begin and they need to be recused in order for the trial has any chance to be fair. Until then it is nothing more than a kangaroo court.
You do realize Trump could possibly be elected for a third time. Because of your stupidity?

Only if his third term is in Ukraine.
I hope he can pull it off. Just so you would go out of what little mind you have.
Exactly how embarrassed by your source of this nonsense are you that you refuse to say where you heard it?

And no, he cannot be elected a third time.

Amendment XXII

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice...
Not if the first 4 years were in limbo over false accusations. Like I said I've been looking into it for a couple of weeks. I think it was Cruz who also has brought this up.
Cruz, whose father helped kill Kennedy according to Impeached Tramp, is an :asshole: just like you.
It’s NBA basketball season traveling to LA and SF to watch live games.
And also ski season traveling to mammoth mountain and Big Bear.

Finding time to post here is that easy during time of the year.

I mean to say.
Finding time to post here is NOT that easy during this time of the year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What integrity Dude? Shokin name was dead and buried in the mud since 2016 no one is talking to him. Because he is a well known corrupted prosecutor general in Ukraine.
Till Goouliani and Trump resurrects his name. Which are also both corrupt.

Trump is known world wide as corrupt. Even in Ukraine knows Trump proved himself to be corrupt POTUS.

You must be blind as a bat. Why do you think the Democrats went into Defcon one mode when they found out that Trump was asking about Joe and Hunter? They sprang into action to try and stop any discovery of corruption by the Biden's from being found out. I mean really........the first impeachment ever to take place without a real crime involved. Give me a break.........

Give you a break?
Who created all these chaos and discombobulations? Trump corruptness.

Discovery of corruption? Trump just paid $2 millions because of Trump fraud foundation. You are talking about fucking corrupt. You are a good example of a ignorant hypocrite.

Let me repeat it again. You have no single iotas of evidence that Biden and his son committed any wrongdoing except fabricated by Trump and liars like you.
Get that straight with your ignorance.

To update your ignorance. Read my link on post #513..... Where Republicans are involved in firing Shokin.

We do have evidence, it's just that showing a liberal evidence is like showing Dracula the cross. We have the actual person in question recorded stating that Joe and Hunter were the corruption in Ukraine, and he has evidence to prove it.

You on the other hand get your information from the commie party and CNN that support them. Shokin is corrupt? The entire country and players are corrupt, but that's why Joe got Hunter a job there. Birds of a feather.

Now the only question is which corrupt person is telling the truth.

Evidence of what? Read the link #513 why and who are involved in firing Shokin...... read again don’t stare at it.
I rely more on well known media than an unknown media. And I also get my information from my friends in Kiev.

I know I’m telling the truth.

You are here spreading your propaganda coming from a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin. Means based from lies.......... Shokin name is buried and stepped on in the mud in Ukraine till Guilliani and Trump start kissing him.

What difference does it make if some Republicans said he was corrupt? I'm not saying he is and I'm not saying he isn't. What I did say is that he is telling his side of the story which must be taken into consideration. A doped up dishonorably discharged nobody getting a job for 83K a month in a corrupt country is what smells of corruption given the the involvement of his father.

Let me repeat it again.... In Ukraine Shokin name is like Madoof burried and in the mud working for Firtash wanted by the US government till Trump and his gangster start kissing his ass.

You are displaying your dishonest and lies.
All your information are based coming from corrupted people like Trump, Giuliani and Shokin.
Let me repeat it again.
What is Hunter has anything to do with with Trump corruption and conduct?

You have nothing else to pick on to defend a piece of corrupted piece of shit Trump.
Your ignorance is just unbelievable.
Was he on drug when he was a board member at Burisma? Was he on drug when he is founder of a company or board member of Amtrak?
Did you read his Wikipedia? On top of that he is making $50k not $83,000 that you keep posting LIES.

Duce.... You are embarrassing yourself.
So... What is that has anything to do with Trump corrupted conduct?

How do you even know how Hunter work at Burisma?

Like I said many times. No you don’t need to have an experience to be a board member.
But a name means a lot to be a board member.
Kusher suddenly became a diplomat without any experience and that is far complicated than a board member.

What part of your ignorance don’t you understand?

Only a leftist could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him.

You people are really something. This is as plain as the nose on your face, yet you support corruption within the Democrat party because you put the palms of your hands against your ears and sing allowed whenever somebody points it out to you.

Hunter is no genius, he's a drug addict loser with a father in a very high position. That's why he got the job. It's why they uncovered email to the state department from Burusima trying to set up meetings, specifically using Hunters name to try and get in.

If not for his father, Hunter would be an ambulance chaser for a living.

You don’t have a fucking evidence Biden was corrupt or did anything wrong. Your only proof are fabricated by corrupted people like Shokin, Giuliani and Trump. You don’t have NOTHING but pure lies.
You are also a LIAR.

Let me repeat it again. Hunter was a board member of prestigious companies like Amtrak before joining Burisma. A lawyer from Yale.

Hunter has NOTHING to do with the conduct and corrupt of Trump.

How do you even know he is an ambulance chaser for a living? Did you check his Wikipedia?

What part of your miserable ignorance don’t you understand about facts and reality?

Oh please, Amtrak? Amtrak was owned by the government. Plenty of ties there.

Of course there is no evidence of Joe's corruption because it was never investigated. Now it is, but not by a government agency. Rudy is digging up a lot of secrets there and I hope Durham follows. We'll see in the end.

As for Hunter, he's a below average attorney at best. He would be nothing without his father today, and he sure as hell wouldn't even know who Burisma was without his fathers connections.

What is Hunter has anything to do with with Trump conduct and corruption?

So Amtrak is a fake company? Did you read Hunter Wikipedia? I’m sure you didn’t. I gave you this link to update your ignorance.

Guilliani is digging up dirt for the sake of Trumpy against his political rival. Information coming from corrupted Ukrainian like Shokin and pro Russian Ukrainian parliament members? Absolutely.
Guilliani is going to jail.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

Yeah, I know, they're all going to jail. Whatever gets you to sleep at night. I didn't say Amtrak was a fake company, I said Amtrak was owned by the government at one time, so Joe likely had connections there like with Burisma.

Rudy is digging up hidden information for the defense of his client, and possibly to shine light on the real corruption that took place in Ukraine.

Guilliani is nothing but a corrupted lawyer. He is going to jail.

Sen. Graham sent Guilliani a letter an invitation to spell out all his findings in Ukraine in front of his committee. He went on national television saying all bullshit.
We are all waiting for his response.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.

He should have learned by now
You must be blind as a bat. Why do you think the Democrats went into Defcon one mode when they found out that Trump was asking about Joe and Hunter? They sprang into action to try and stop any discovery of corruption by the Biden's from being found out. I mean really........the first impeachment ever to take place without a real crime involved. Give me a break.........

Give you a break?
Who created all these chaos and discombobulations? Trump corruptness.

Discovery of corruption? Trump just paid $2 millions because of Trump fraud foundation. You are talking about fucking corrupt. You are a good example of a ignorant hypocrite.

Let me repeat it again. You have no single iotas of evidence that Biden and his son committed any wrongdoing except fabricated by Trump and liars like you.
Get that straight with your ignorance.

To update your ignorance. Read my link on post #513..... Where Republicans are involved in firing Shokin.

We do have evidence, it's just that showing a liberal evidence is like showing Dracula the cross. We have the actual person in question recorded stating that Joe and Hunter were the corruption in Ukraine, and he has evidence to prove it.

You on the other hand get your information from the commie party and CNN that support them. Shokin is corrupt? The entire country and players are corrupt, but that's why Joe got Hunter a job there. Birds of a feather.

Now the only question is which corrupt person is telling the truth.

Evidence of what? Read the link #513 why and who are involved in firing Shokin...... read again don’t stare at it.
I rely more on well known media than an unknown media. And I also get my information from my friends in Kiev.

I know I’m telling the truth.

You are here spreading your propaganda coming from a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin. Means based from lies.......... Shokin name is buried and stepped on in the mud in Ukraine till Guilliani and Trump start kissing him.

What difference does it make if some Republicans said he was corrupt? I'm not saying he is and I'm not saying he isn't. What I did say is that he is telling his side of the story which must be taken into consideration. A doped up dishonorably discharged nobody getting a job for 83K a month in a corrupt country is what smells of corruption given the the involvement of his father.

Let me repeat it again.... In Ukraine Shokin name is like Madoof burried and in the mud working for Firtash wanted by the US government till Trump and his gangster start kissing his ass.

You are displaying your dishonest and lies.
All your information are based coming from corrupted people like Trump, Giuliani and Shokin.
Let me repeat it again.
What is Hunter has anything to do with with Trump corruption and conduct?

You have nothing else to pick on to defend a piece of corrupted piece of shit Trump.
Your ignorance is just unbelievable.
Was he on drug when he was a board member at Burisma? Was he on drug when he is founder of a company or board member of Amtrak?
Did you read his Wikipedia? On top of that he is making $50k not $83,000 that you keep posting LIES.

Duce.... You are embarrassing yourself.

Shokin may be corrupt, but he's a piker compared to the Democrat party.

Was Hunter on drugs? Likely, at least according to statistics about people with serious drug issues, but he seldom went to do his supposed job in Ukraine, so how would we know? It's not like the military where they drug test you.

Hunter's corruption had to do with Trump asking Zelensky to look into it. If not for Hunter, Trump would have likely never made such a request. He's the center of this problem.
Give you a break?
Who created all these chaos and discombobulations? Trump corruptness.

Discovery of corruption? Trump just paid $2 millions because of Trump fraud foundation. You are talking about fucking corrupt. You are a good example of a ignorant hypocrite.

Let me repeat it again. You have no single iotas of evidence that Biden and his son committed any wrongdoing except fabricated by Trump and liars like you.
Get that straight with your ignorance.

To update your ignorance. Read my link on post #513..... Where Republicans are involved in firing Shokin.

We do have evidence, it's just that showing a liberal evidence is like showing Dracula the cross. We have the actual person in question recorded stating that Joe and Hunter were the corruption in Ukraine, and he has evidence to prove it.

You on the other hand get your information from the commie party and CNN that support them. Shokin is corrupt? The entire country and players are corrupt, but that's why Joe got Hunter a job there. Birds of a feather.

Now the only question is which corrupt person is telling the truth.

Evidence of what? Read the link #513 why and who are involved in firing Shokin...... read again don’t stare at it.
I rely more on well known media than an unknown media. And I also get my information from my friends in Kiev.

I know I’m telling the truth.

You are here spreading your propaganda coming from a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin. Means based from lies.......... Shokin name is buried and stepped on in the mud in Ukraine till Guilliani and Trump start kissing him.

What difference does it make if some Republicans said he was corrupt? I'm not saying he is and I'm not saying he isn't. What I did say is that he is telling his side of the story which must be taken into consideration. A doped up dishonorably discharged nobody getting a job for 83K a month in a corrupt country is what smells of corruption given the the involvement of his father.

Let me repeat it again.... In Ukraine Shokin name is like Madoof burried and in the mud working for Firtash wanted by the US government till Trump and his gangster start kissing his ass.

You are displaying your dishonest and lies.
All your information are based coming from corrupted people like Trump, Giuliani and Shokin.
Let me repeat it again.
What is Hunter has anything to do with with Trump corruption and conduct?

You have nothing else to pick on to defend a piece of corrupted piece of shit Trump.
Your ignorance is just unbelievable.
Was he on drug when he was a board member at Burisma? Was he on drug when he is founder of a company or board member of Amtrak?
Did you read his Wikipedia? On top of that he is making $50k not $83,000 that you keep posting LIES.

Duce.... You are embarrassing yourself.

Shokin may be corrupt, but he's a piker compared to the Democrat party.

Was Hunter on drugs? Likely, at least according to statistics about people with serious drug issues, but he seldom went to do his supposed job in Ukraine, so how would we know? It's not like the military where they drug test you.

Hunter's corruption had to do with Trump asking Zelensky to look into it. If not for Hunter, Trump would have likely never made such a request. He's the center of this problem.
Stop lying. Impeached Trump asked Zelensky, a foreign national, to investigate Joe Biden, a political rival.

What's more, had Obama done what Impeached Trump did, the 112th Republican-led House would have impeached him for it.

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