Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

This is how stupid you are.
You should learn something about LLC’s. They can be owned and operated anonymously making them useful for those looking to shield their transactions and identities.

You should have learned that in finance 101.
Again: I voted against Trumpism because it is an ignorant, manipulated cult surrounding a mentally ill con man. Run someone else, and I'll be thrilled to go back to voting third party.

This disaster is literally a threat to the stability of the country. As we are seeing. As many conservatives agree.
Then you put your personal dislike for a man ahead of what is best for the country - and instead voted for someone OPPOSED to your policy preferences. And because of that, we now have illegals swarming the border, crime skyrocketing, and dependence on foreign adversaries for our energy.

That makes you a fool.
You should learn something about LLC’s. They can be owned and operated anonymously making them useful for those looking to shield their identities.

You should have learned that in finance 101.
Tell your fellow cultic cretin

Shell company=LLC
Then you put your personal dislike for a man ahead of what is best for the country - and instead voted for someone OPPOSED to your policy preferences. And because of that, we now have illegals swarming the border, crime skyrocketing, and dependence on foreign adversaries for our energy.

That makes you a fool.
Then you put your personal dislike for a man ahead of what is best for the country
If Grifty is "good for the country", why do his appointees think he is a moron?
Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office. The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns.

After Trump was elected president, he made the unprecedented decision not to divest from his business interests, and remained very much involved in the Trump Organization, creating an endless number of conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between the government and his businesses. The profiteering paid off, and Trump raked in tens of millions from international business interests during his time in office.

While he got patents for his dtr and made Kuskner a rich man, thanks to the Middle East.
My my my, look at how far you all have come in such a short amount of time. A few months ago you guys wouldnt even acknowledge that Hunter was corrupt. Now you are so scared that youre trying to make a comparison of Joe and Trump by saying "see, he did it too". The "he did it too" routine isnt going to help your party and it sure as fuck isnt going to help Joe.

You defended the most corrupt politician in US history. Nothing is going to spare your party from the inevitable public backlash.
You completely missed the point and ran with a fantasy.

That makes you a Trumpster.
You are deflecting from the fact that your personal dislike of a man who is in favor of your policy positions led you to vote for a man who is opposed to them. You put personality ahead of what is best for the country.

And you think you’re so smart.
You are deflecting from the fact that your personal dislike of a man who is in favor of your policy positions led you to vote for a man who is opposed to them. You put personality ahead of what is best for the country.

And you think you’re so smart.
And yet I've said, about a thousand times, that this has never been about him.

It's about people like you. It's about those who enable him. And I think you know that.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad.
and kusher made 2 billion bucks.

What Happened: The House Oversight Committee Chairman, in an interview with CNN, said that Kushner "crossed the line of ethics" as he accepted a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government for his private investment firm, six months after leaving the White House.

"I've been vocal that I think that what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics," Comer said.

Comer differentiated between the business dealings of the Trump and Biden families, viewing the latter as more severe.

Last year, the Trump Organization also entered into a $1.6 billion licensing deal for a housing and golf complex, Aida, in Oman, with Saudi developer Dar Al Arkan. This development underscores the complexity of the Trump family’s business dealings with the Saudis, which have been a source of controversy.
Wait, you guys were saying for months that "Joe didnt accept any money while in office" (we now know that isnt true). Why doesnt that rule apply to Trump too? :laugh:
You are deflecting from the fact that your personal dislike of a man who is in favor of your policy positions led you to vote for a man who is opposed to them. You put personality ahead of what is best for the country.

And you think you’re so smart.
You are deflecting from the fact that your personal dislike of a man

Give me a single illustration of Grifty's merit..

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