Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

So….an opinion of some sort? That is reflective of the damage the liberal media propaganda shows instill in gullible, uninformed Americans.
This is what you get when you watch a lot of FOX.

I said "performance measures".

You have no idea what they are
you don't know the first thing about trusts either.

Now stop bluffing and answer the question.
Trump is a businessman. It should come as no surprise that he does business, and he doesnt hide it through a maze of shell companies and thousands of small money transfers to cover it up. He can also define what his product is, unlike the Bidens.
Give me a single illustration of Grifty's merit..
He was great for the country. Had the situation with the illegal invasion under control…..inflation below 2%……businesses doing well and increasing wages… independence…strong stock market… new wars.

What has Biden ever done right?
Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office. The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns.

After Trump was elected president, he made the unprecedented decision not to divest from his business interests, and remained very much involved in the Trump Organization, creating an endless number of conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between the government and his businesses. The profiteering paid off, and Trump raked in tens of millions from international business interests during his time in office.

While he got patents for his dtr and made Kuskner a rich man, thanks to the Middle East.
From his taxes? I thought you loons stated he wouldn't let anyone see his taxes.
There isnt any. Joe is corrupt to the core and ALSO stupid, and you are all stupid for voting for him. Grifty Joe is going to sink your party.

You're a coward, and an idiot.

I get that.

Now answer the question, or acknowledge that your Yamgod is a piece of xit.
This is what you get when you watch a lot of FOX.

I said "performance measures".

You have no idea what they are
Low inflation….increases in real wages… independence…. growing economy….affordable groceries….gas at $2 a gallon….

Now YOU tell ME: under what performance measures has Biden succeeded? Inflation? Gas prices? Number of illegals? Crime rate?
He was great for the country. Had the situation with the illegal invasion under control…..inflation below 2%……businesses doing well and increasing wages… independence…strong stock market… new wars.

What has Biden ever done right?
More jobs.

Higher rate of growth.

Lower deficit.

More domestic energy.

Reduced influx at the border

Falling inflation..

No one defecating in the Capitol

No appointees calling him a "moron", a "fucking moron", "dumb as shit", or "an inbred tanning bed".

I could go on.
First, he reads.

Second, he had the judgment to make good decisions.

Now you answer: How does someone with dementia so advanced he can’t remember which way to turn to exit the stage (my mother is like that, but she’s in an ALF) able to make good policy decisions?

Trump can't read according to his family and the White House staff. He couldn't read the constitution. He said it was too difficult like a foreign language.
More jobs.

Higher rate of growth.

Lower deficit.

More domestic energy.

Reduced influx at the border

Falling inflation..

No one defecating in the Capitol

No appointees calling him a "moron", a "fucking moron", "dumb as shit", or "an inbred tanning bed".

I could go on.
Im pretty sure you are describing Trump now. Definitely not Biden.
He could have made $9.6 BILLION, from selling drugs and children to the Saudis and to various terrorist groups, and they wouldn't care.

They. Don't. Care.
That would be Biden's Mexican drug cartels he is letting run free back and forth across our border, and trafficking children too. Wonder how much kick back he is getting off off of that? Maybe a minor for himself every now and then.
That would be Biden's Mexican drug cartels he is letting run free back and forth across our border, and trafficking children too. Wonder how much kick back he is getting off off of that? Maybe a minor for himself every now and then.
Fun fact, Mexico IS one of the places the Bidens got money from. You rarely hear it mentioned though. Comer hasnt gotten to Mexico yet in his investigation. Is he saving the best for last?
That would be Biden's Mexican drug cartels he is letting run free back and forth across our border, and trafficking children too. Wonder how much kick back he is getting off off of that? Maybe a minor for himself every now and then.
Billions, I'm sure!
Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office. The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns.

After Trump was elected president, he made the unprecedented decision not to divest from his business interests, and remained very much involved in the Trump Organization, creating an endless number of conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between the government and his businesses. The profiteering paid off, and Trump raked in tens of millions from international business interests during his time in office.

While he got patents for his dtr and made Kuskner a rich man, thanks to the Middle East.

You expected him to shut down all of his businesses while POTUS? ALL OF HIS GOLF COURSES AND HOTELS?

More jobs.
From the low after COVID.

Higher rate of growth.
Since when? We’re barely at 2%.

Lower deficit.
Added unnecessary debt.

More domestic energy.
Dependent on foreign energy, from whom his son extorted millions, when we were in s SURPLUS with Trump.

Reduced influx at the border
Big influx compared to Trump years.

Falling inflation..
Down from Biden’s 40-year high, you mean, but people still are struggling to pay for groceries.

No one defecating in the Capitol

Maybe a few people over the space of a few hours. Now we have thousands of to illegals defeating on city streets, month after month.
No appointees calling him a "moron", a "fucking moron", "dumb as shit", or "an inbred tanning bed".

Plenty of Biden folks alarmed by what a demented idiot he is.
I could go on.
So could I.

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