Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

I think they are going to wait until they get rock solid evidence, which is extremely likely to be found. I hear rumblings of something big coming soon in fact. It might be Schwerin's testimony that they are referring to, but im not sure. He is currently working with Comer. Schwerin could end up being a massive problem for Joe.

McCarthy is approaching this from a political perspective. You could say that waiting to impeach will ensure that Joe runs for election, which is a dangerous move if you are worried about corruption effecting US policy. McCarthy doesnt care, he just wants to win. I personally see the merit in waiting, even if it is political.

Once they have the goods, they will release the bombshell evidence maybe 6 months out from the election and then call a vote for impeachment a month or two later. Democrats will be forced to either dump Joe for us by voting to impeach, or they will destroy their reputation by protecting a proven bribe taker. They are fucked in either scenario. Joe loses either way. People arent going to vote for Joe once they see how corrupt he is.
Thanks….good analysis.
Now we won't...because you will STILL not have any idea.

And when I tell you what you don't know, you'll immediately try to dimsplain'.

But if you are anxious to confirm it, I'm game.

Be sure to link to your sources.
No, you’re exhausting. You post lies, and I refute them. You don’t acknowledge that you were wrong, or respond to my refutation of your lies….you simply come up with more lies.

Why should I take the time and trouble to continue to respond to your lies when all you do is come up with new lies?
I've had about 90 mins on trusts....

You don't go to finance people or investment advisors for go to attorneys and accountants.
Actually, you go to both. You never heard of an income trust? That was a part of finance 101.
and kusher made 2 billion bucks.

What Happened: The House Oversight Committee Chairman, in an interview with CNN, said that Kushner "crossed the line of ethics" as he accepted a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government for his private investment firm, six months after leaving the White House.

"I've been vocal that I think that what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics," Comer said.

Comer differentiated between the business dealings of the Trump and Biden families, viewing the latter as more severe.

Last year, the Trump Organization also entered into a $1.6 billion licensing deal for a housing and golf complex, Aida, in Oman, with Saudi developer Dar Al Arkan. This development underscores the complexity of the Trump family’s business dealings with the Saudis, which have been a source of controversy.

Kushner actually provided a service and didn't hide the payment in 20 different shell companies and set up payment to his children. Kushner's also not a crackhead junkie.
No, you’re exhausting. You post lies, and I refute them. You don’t acknowledge that you were wrong, or respond to my refutation of your lies….you simply come up with more lies.

Why should I take the time and trouble to continue to respond to your lies when all you do is come up with new lies?
It's very simple.

I can readily demonstrate the truth of my assertions.

You can only add assertions.

Now, how many hours?
No, you’re exhausting. You post lies, and I refute them. You don’t acknowledge that you were wrong, or respond to my refutation of your lies….you simply come up with more lies.

Why should I take the time and trouble to continue to respond to your lies when all you do is come up with new lies?
Isnt it frustrating to debate with dishonest people who are too lazy or stupid to formulate a more effective argument?

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