Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

First, he reads.

Second, he had the judgment to make good decisions.

Now you answer: How does someone with dementia so advanced he can’t remember which way to turn to exit the stage (my mother is like that, but she’s in an ALF) able to make good policy decisions?
First, he reads

No, he doesn't...not even a SINGLE PAGE, which has been dumbed down for him. He delegated it to Jared, who lacked the necessary clearance.

Second, he had the judgment to make good decisions

He's a serial bankrupt.

He can't access public markets, and no commercial bank will lend him money..

How does someone with dementia so advanced he can’t remember which way to turn to exit the stage (my mother is like that, but she’s in an ALF) able to make good policy decisions?

That isn't evidence of dementia....

How many hours do you spend watching FOX every week?

Anticipating your cowardice...

I listen to a couple of hours of Bloomberg per week....everything else I READ.
From the low after COVID.

Since when? We’re barely at 2%.

Added unnecessary debt.

Dependent pm foreign energy, when we were in s SURPLIS with Trump.

Big influx compared to Trump years.

Down from Biden’s 40-year high, you mean, but people still are struggling to pay for groceries.

Maybe a few people over the space of a few hours. Now we have thousands of to illegals defeating on city streets, month after month.

Plenty of Biden folks alarmed by what a demented idiot he is.

So could I.
Im glad you took the time to do it. That list of lies was tempting, but not enough to get me to address each claim line by line.
Fun fact, Mexico IS one of the places the Bidens got money from. You rarely hear it mentioned though. Comer hasnt gotten to Mexico yet in his investigation. Is he saving the best for last?
When do you think is the best time to move forward with impeachment?

1) If it begins in January, the media will try to deflect by focusing on Trump’s bogus indictments.

2) If it begins in the Spring, it will give the Dems time to push the corrupt senile old geezer out and replace him with Newsome - and Republicans enough time to educate independents as to how damaging he would be.
From the low after COVID.

Since when? We’re barely at 2%.

Added unnecessary debt.

Dependent on foreign energy, from whom his son extorted millions, when we were in s SURPLUS with Trump.

Big influx compared to Trump years.

Down from Biden’s 40-year high, you mean, but people still are struggling to pay for groceries.

Maybe a few people over the space of a few hours. Now we have thousands of to illegals defeating on city streets, month after month.

Plenty of Biden folks alarmed by what a demented idiot he is.

So could I.
From the low after COVID.

How many private sector jobs did Grifty add in 4 years?

I want a number and a source.

Since when? We’re barely at 2%.

grifty AVERAGED 1.6

Added unnecessary debt.

NO ONE has done so at a higher rate than Grifty.


Dependent on foreign energy,

we have ALWAYS imported energy.

we are now producing more than ever.

But no one at FOX ever told you.

Big influx compared

the "surge" began post COVID in the fall of 2020.

because FOX NEVER shows you numbers in context, you had no idea.

but people still are struggling to pay for groceries.

Of course...never happened before...

And yet consumer spending continues to rise.

Maybe a few people over the space of a few hours

Well, then...that's different.


Plenty of Biden folks alarmed


You could go on talking uninformed shit all day, because you watch A LOT of FOX.....even after they admitted that they lie to you.
When do you think is the best time to move forward with impeachment?

1) If it begins in January, the media will try to deflect by focusing on Trump’s bogus indictments.

2) If it begins in the Spring, it will give the Dems time to push the corrupt senile old geezer out and replace him with Newsome - and Republicans enough time to educate independents as to how damaging he would be.
If it begins in January, the media will try to deflect by focusing on Trump’s bogus indictments
Do you smoke a lot of crack?
How many private sector jobs did Grifty add in 4 years?

I want a number and a source.

grifty AVERAGED 1.6

NO ONE has done so at a higher rate than Grifty.


we have ALWAYS imported energy.

we are now producing more than ever.

But no one at FOX ever told you.

the "surge" began post COVID in the fall of 2020.

because FOX NEVER shows you numbers in context, you had no idea.

Of course...never happened before...

And yet consumer spending continues to rise.

Well, then...that's different.



You could go on talking uninformed shit all day, because you watch A LOT of FOX.....even after they admitted that they lie to you.
Take out the impact of The Chinese Virus, and then we’ll talk.
When do you think is the best time to move forward with impeachment?

1) If it begins in January, the media will try to deflect by focusing on Trump’s bogus indictments.

2) If it begins in the Spring, it will give the Dems time to push the corrupt senile old geezer out and replace him with Newsome - and Republicans enough time to educate independents as to how damaging he would be.
I think they are going to wait until they get rock solid evidence, which is extremely likely to be found. I hear rumblings of something big coming soon in fact. It might be Schwerin's testimony that they are referring to, but im not sure. He is currently working with Comer. Schwerin could end up being a massive problem for Joe.

McCarthy is approaching this from a political perspective. You could say that waiting to impeach will ensure that Joe runs for election, which is a dangerous move if you are worried about corruption effecting US policy. McCarthy doesnt care, he just wants to win. I personally see the merit in waiting, even if it is political.

Once they have the goods, they will release the bombshell evidence maybe 6 months out from the election and then call a vote for impeachment a month or two later. Democrats will be forced to either dump Joe for us by voting to impeach, or they will destroy their reputation by protecting a proven bribe taker. They are fucked in either scenario. Joe loses either way. People arent going to vote for Joe once they see how corrupt he is. He is already extremely unpopular.
Take out the impact of The Chinese Virus, and then we’ll talk.
Now we won't...because you will STILL not have any idea.

And when I tell you what you don't know, you'll immediately try to dimsplain'.

But if you are anxious to confirm it, I'm game.

Be sure to link to your sources.
Hunter is corrupt. Why would you defend corruption? Just cuz its inconvenient for your party? SMH.
Every piece of “evidence” you have on him always sounds exactly like a Trump MO.

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