Trump: Make me your leader or I'll get my brown shirts to riot!!

So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.
I don't think he meant Megan Kelly was on her period. I don't think he meant to call Rosie a pig. I don't think he meant what he said about carson, Mexicans, violence, etc.

I think he meant every word.
Rosie is a pig and Kelly acted like she had pms. But the liberal outrage is selective, they have no problem with obbie saying cops acted stupidly before he even had the facts. Or the bitter clingers to their bibles and guns.

Too bad they have nothing else to offer.

Dude you are insane, Liberals are loving this shit, its the fuckin media that made this shit headline news, we could give a fuck about Kelly, Rosie and Trump...get yo shit straight next time before you come crying here about liberals giving a fuck about Trump...I personally hope the bastard wins...already gas prices are going up, just wait, you stupid white motherfuckers will rule the day, you rallied behind this mad man....and I'm gonna love every gotdamned second of your misery and your fuckin choice, just like I did with that nut Bush that put a muslim named nigga in the white house, that's how desperate you white motherfuckers were for change....Trump will make you beg for another nigga or worse.....

If you want to see a bastard, find 10 of your kind, count to 7, and statistically you see bastards.

If gas prices are going up, blame your boy Obama. Your kind was willing to give him credit when prices came down. In typical fashion, you'll blame someone else.

Bush didn't put Obama in office. A bunch of bleeding heart Liberal whites and ******* did.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

Too many gullible Americans are buying into the media shit on Trump.
Did Trump write his own Mein Kampf?
Is Trump calling for national socialism?
Bernie Sanders is the one calling himself a Socialist, not Trump.

Correction....Too many white people are buying into this media Trump shit.
WASHINGTON -- Although he is leading the Republican primary race by a wide margin, casino mogul Donald Trump is still far from winning the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the party's uncontested nomination.

Trump warned Wednesday morning that there would be widespread unrest if he does not "automatically" get the nomination as the candidate with the greatest number of delegates.

"I think you would have riots," Trump said during an interview with CNN, adding that he represents "many, many millions of people," including several first-time voters.

Put up a link of what he really said, because that is not what he actually said.

Yep totally taken out of context and is just a sound bite.
LOLOLOL......who the hell you nuts gonna beat up on?? Us minorities and Dem's could give a rats fuck about who you guys nominate.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...and just for the record, I know a perfect target...McConnell. Just make sure you YouTube it.
Its obvious you don't understand proper English so I have taken this opportunity to translate my post in Ebonics:

Original English version:
Right on time with the bullshit. Any reasonable person would know this is a figure of speech. Republicans rioting? Get serious.

Yo Right on tyme wif da bullshit. Any reasonable nigga would know dis here be uh figure o' speech. Republicans rioting? git serious ya'll is mad stupid.
Last edited:
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

I'm gonna try to be as polite and as kind as I can....please please please tell me, what direction are you refering and I am honestly asking for facts...please what are you refering as wrong direction. I'll be waiting.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

I'm gonna try to be as polite and as kind as I can....please please please tell me, what direction are you refering and I am honestly asking for facts...please what are you refering as wrong direction. I'll be waiting.

Too much government, going to far to the left, both parties having complete control of who they want to see run for President.
Those sorts of things.
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.
. opposed the fucker that's in there now who does think it through and organizes riots periodically to help keep blacks in his corner.
I'm not comparing him to anyone.

In a vacuum, on his own, he doesn't get it. He is one of those people who essentially overwhelm others through the sheer force of his personality and will, not because he's particularly gifted or intelligent. "I have a very good brain", he recently said in an interview. That's the comment of a person who thinks he's far more intellectual than he is.
The best thing he has going for him is he's not Hillary. But, the establishment doesn’t like him. Since the establishment took us down this road we've been getting screwed royally, so it time for a change. Find someone better, who can't be bought and I'd consider it. But for now, he's our best shot.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

I'm gonna try to be as polite and as kind as I can....please please please tell me, what direction are you refering and I am honestly asking for facts...please what are you refering as wrong direction. I'll be waiting.

Too much government, going to far to the left, both parties having complete control of who they want to see run for President.
Those sorts of things.

Okay, too much gov. in what way? And how has it personally effect you and your family and your bottom line....?? As for controlling our presidential candidates, its a write in or don't vote. That has absolutely nothing to do with this country headed in the wrong direction as a result of Obama being president...again, you people rally behind rale political ideology and it shows your a benign ignorance to political thinking. Thank you for once again proving my point, sir. I actually feel sorry for you and those like you.
Trump's planted the seed for rioting.
What should make us all cringe and so ashamed of being american, is that Trump should this rallying call for violence come to a head, he along with his family will forever be tucked away safely from all the shit, he's releasing on these ignorant white mf, who on his best days in life, wouldn't be caught dead near any of these sorry hicks, let alone speaking to one outside of a policed escorted event....may Mr. Trump, should this occur, this summer...rot slowly in hell along with the devil worshiping Scalia, whom I'm certain is roasting by now....soon to be joined with the Koch brothers.
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

I'm gonna try to be as polite and as kind as I can....please please please tell me, what direction are you refering and I am honestly asking for facts...please what are you refering as wrong direction. I'll be waiting.

Too much government, going to far to the left, both parties having complete control of who they want to see run for President.
Those sorts of things.

Okay, too much gov. in what way? And how has it personally effect you and your family and your bottom line....?? As for controlling our presidential candidates, its a write in or don't vote. That has absolutely nothing to do with this country headed in the wrong direction as a result of Obama being president...again, you people rally behind rale political ideology and it shows your a benign ignorance to political thinking. Thank you for once again proving my point, sir. I actually feel sorry for you and those like you.

You just did it yourself.

People on both sides think that our government is headed in the wrong direction for many different reasons.
I have never blamed just Obama, I have blamed plenty of times of both parties going to far and I am not a sir.
You have so many things wrong yourself that you just judged me on,and then judge so wrongly about the right's ideology?
I feel sorry for our youth who has to deal with our incompetent and foolish government of both parties.
Trump's planted the seed for rioting.
What should make us all cringe and so ashamed of being american, is that Trump should this rallying call for violence come to a head, he along with his family will forever be tucked away safely from all the shit, he's releasing on these ignorant white mf, who on his best days in life, wouldn't be caught dead near any of these sorry hicks, let alone speaking to one outside of a policed escorted event....may Mr. Trump, should this occur, this summer...rot slowly in hell along with the devil worshiping Scalia, whom I'm certain is roasting by now....soon to be joined with the Koch brothers.

Accept that Trump never called for violence.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?

I have to say your posts are good entertainment and a great study for the clinically insane.
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.

I try so hard not to sound racist, but com'on....Trumps words have consequences, no matter how shallow or unintentional they may appear, they have consequences. If we do anything moving forward in this country, we have got to stop and I mean STOP trying to rationalize actions by white people. What Trump is doing is calling for civil unrest among his party's leadership, something I gratefully look forward to....sorry, but I do. And for all its worth, I hope its bloody and vicious.
Trump wasn't the first to worry about riots at the convention. The Cleveland PD ordered extra riot gear two weeks ago. I agree that Republicans aren't the most likely suspects to riot, but I'm not sure he meant it literally. Every pundit is predicting an uproar or destruction of the Republican party if Trump has a plurality and is not given the nomination. All the media has spun his statement and is being very unfair about this.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?

If you hadn't noticed the only ones rioting so far have been black lies matter...democrats, Sander's supporters...democrats...and protestors....democrats...the brownshirts were socialists in the 1930s....and the brown shirts today are socialists still......and democrats.....
One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

I'm gonna try to be as polite and as kind as I can....please please please tell me, what direction are you refering and I am honestly asking for facts...please what are you refering as wrong direction. I'll be waiting.

Too much government, going to far to the left, both parties having complete control of who they want to see run for President.
Those sorts of things.

Okay, too much gov. in what way? And how has it personally effect you and your family and your bottom line....?? As for controlling our presidential candidates, its a write in or don't vote. That has absolutely nothing to do with this country headed in the wrong direction as a result of Obama being president...again, you people rally behind rale political ideology and it shows your a benign ignorance to political thinking. Thank you for once again proving my point, sir. I actually feel sorry for you and those like you.

You just did it yourself.

People on both sides think that our government is headed in the wrong direction for many different reasons.
I have never blamed just Obama, I have blamed plenty of times of both parties going to far and I am not a sir.
You have so many things wrong yourself that you just judged me on,and then judge so wrongly about the right's ideology?
I feel sorry for our youth who has to deal with our incompetent and foolish government of both parties.
83-90% of us Democrats approve of Obama and want Hillary to continue on with what he is doing. Of course right wingers will suggest Obama is worst than Carter but that is to be expected.

Just remember when Bush was laying an egg they defended him. They are not gauge for how well a President is doing. If he's a Republican he's doing good no matter how bad the country is doing and Obama could walk on water they'd still say he sucks.
Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

I'm gonna try to be as polite and as kind as I can....please please please tell me, what direction are you refering and I am honestly asking for facts...please what are you refering as wrong direction. I'll be waiting.

Too much government, going to far to the left, both parties having complete control of who they want to see run for President.
Those sorts of things.

Okay, too much gov. in what way? And how has it personally effect you and your family and your bottom line....?? As for controlling our presidential candidates, its a write in or don't vote. That has absolutely nothing to do with this country headed in the wrong direction as a result of Obama being president...again, you people rally behind rale political ideology and it shows your a benign ignorance to political thinking. Thank you for once again proving my point, sir. I actually feel sorry for you and those like you.

You just did it yourself.

People on both sides think that our government is headed in the wrong direction for many different reasons.
I have never blamed just Obama, I have blamed plenty of times of both parties going to far and I am not a sir.
You have so many things wrong yourself that you just judged me on,and then judge so wrongly about the right's ideology?
I feel sorry for our youth who has to deal with our incompetent and foolish government of both parties.
83-90% of us Democrats approve of Obama and want Hillary to continue on with what he is doing. Of course right wingers will suggest Obama is worst than Carter but that is to be expected.

Just remember when Bush was laying an egg they defended him. They are not gauge for how well a President is doing. If he's a Republican he's doing good no matter how bad the country is doing and Obama could walk on water they'd still say he sucks.

If that is true then his job approval should be 83 to 90% but it's at 50%.
No one in this country gets that high of an approval (80% or higher) in any congress or President for over the last 30 years or so.

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