Trump: Make me your leader or I'll get my brown shirts to riot!!

So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?

Of course, that's not what he said. But, never let it be said that a progressive can understand English. They simply can't and will twist words to suit their propaganda. As this OP did. What he said was if you disenfranchise the American voter by playing political games don't be surprised if they get pissed off and do something about it.

And i won't be. The American public is fed up with politicians more interested in lining their own pockets and entrenching themselves in power than making sure this country does well. The media have been supporting this administrations subversion of the COTUS and when they finally get their banana republic they shouldn't be too surprised at the loss of civility.

They, after all, have helped create it.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?

I used to read your jibberish. But your grammar and style is so ghetto it makes my eyes hurt.
seeeeeeeez the goober with the hill billy cletus hick accent
you can tell that by reading what he says?....your good guno....
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.
I don't think he meant Megan Kelly was on her period. I don't think he meant to call Rosie a pig. I don't think he meant what he said about carson, Mexicans, violence, etc.

I think he meant every word.

Trump not only meant it, he also plan to use it as a rallying call for his zillion brown shirt fuck love love the Fuhrer...I just hope when I'm forced into the gas chamber, they have cable!!
you live in a fantasy world.....the gas chamber?....
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?

Of course, that's not what he said. But, never let it be said that a progressive can understand English. They simply can't and will twist words to suit their propaganda. As this OP did. What he said was if you disenfranchise the American voter by playing political games don't be surprised if they get pissed off and do something about it.

And i won't be. The American public is fed up with politicians more interested in lining their own pockets and entrenching themselves in power than making sure this country does well. The media have been supporting this administrations subversion of the COTUS and when they finally get their banana republic they shouldn't be too surprised at the loss of civility.

They, after all, have helped create it.

Twist words? Its a progressive thing? And you can say that with a straight fuckin face, really? LOLOLOL. Oh and your interpretation of what he meant to say.....Priceless LOLOLOL I mean you people are really insane, really you are.....

But lets get something clear first, you people with this generalization and this American Public bullshit is just that, bullshit...The American Public you mindless ass holes keep referring is WHITE PEOPLE AMERICAN PUBLIC.... This putting the entire country into this hate fest you have for Obama and the government....again, its a WHITE THANG. So stop with the blanketing the entire country with this fake outrage/racism over Obama and big government, etc...Lets call it like it white simps don't like the fact that you're in the same boat the rest of us have been in for decades, struggling to make ends meet...and now that rhat hardship and struggle has come knocking at your fuckin heels, you want to blame as always...people of color; any gotdamned body, but them sorry GOP candidates you keep voting for to send to Washington, who time after time after fuckin time shit all over you.....who don't do a damn thing for you, but scare the shit out of you for vote, now you want blame us for it. Like get the fuck outta here and you idiots deserve Trump, good luck, have at it...but please don't think that rational thinking people are gonna fall into this anti bullshit you dick heads have going on, simply because life has gotten a little bit too hard for you brave apple pie eating shit heads to deal with...grow the hell up and get with reality!!
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

One thing is certain. You're trying to move up in the line of those kissing his black ass. Pucker up.
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?

Lyndon Johnson was right about you. He said you ******* would be voting Democrat for 200 years and you followed his orders. You stayed on the plantation. Now get to steppin'

Of course, that's not what he said. But, never let it be said that a progressive can understand English. They simply can't and will twist words to suit their propaganda. As this OP did. What he said was if you disenfranchise the American voter by playing political games don't be surprised if they get pissed off and do something about it.

And i won't be. The American public is fed up with politicians more interested in lining their own pockets and entrenching themselves in power than making sure this country does well. The media have been supporting this administrations subversion of the COTUS and when they finally get their banana republic they shouldn't be too surprised at the loss of civility.

They, after all, have helped create it.

Twist words? Its a progressive thing? And you can say that with a straight fuckin face, really? LOLOLOL. Oh and your interpretation of what he meant to say.....Priceless LOLOLOL I mean you people are really insane, really you are.....

But lets get something clear first, you people with this generalization and this American Public bullshit is just that, bullshit...The American Public you mindless ass holes keep referring is WHITE PEOPLE AMERICAN PUBLIC.... This putting the entire country into this hate fest you have for Obama and the government....again, its a WHITE THANG. So stop with the blanketing the entire country with this fake outrage/racism over Obama and big government, etc...Lets call it like it white simps don't like the fact that you're in the same boat the rest of us have been in for decades, struggling to make ends meet...and now that rhat hardship and struggle has come knocking at your fuckin heels, you want to blame as always...people of color; any gotdamned body, but them sorry GOP candidates you keep voting for to send to Washington, who time after time after fuckin time shit all over you.....who don't do a damn thing for you, but scare the shit out of you for vote, now you want blame us for it. Like get the fuck outta here and you idiots deserve Trump, good luck, have at it...but please don't think that rational thinking people are gonna fall into this anti bullshit you dick heads have going on, simply because life has gotten a little bit too hard for you brave apple pie eating shit heads to deal with...grow the hell up and get with reality!!
If anybody is guilty of kissing ass....its GOP candidates who puck the fuck up every time they see nutty white people to get a vote. Trump steak anyone?
So help me, this election year is getting more bizzare by the hour.....and once again folks, the GOP have no one to blame but the fuckin GOP mindless. For decades, this party has used fear to bring stupid ignorant rednecks aboard and now that fear has come to life and these fools are helpless to do anything about it, because the rednecks and hillbillies have taken over, complete with an arsenol of hatred and guns. These aren't the bible nuts they used a few years ago or the Tea Party fucks that took over their party's, this is southern gun toting white shit for brains losers, who have found a Hitler clone and is willing to follow the fuhrer where ever he may lead them.....gotta love it, folks, gotta love this shit.

Never mind, you need deligates to get the nod, Trump is saying fuck the deligates, ain't gonna get em anyway, just give me the nod and I'll start acting presidential for ya, otherwise I'm gonna keep draggin you fools through the mud, with my brown shirts that;ll make the country look like a Germany 1939 repeat, complete with riots and soon to be gas chambers, posing as welfare offices.

He's also told the networks, who get hard on's with ratings, that he will not attend the next debate...I'm tired of answering the same ol questions over and over and over, or in laymen terms, I'm never gonna talk about issues, never gonna give facts and frankly, I'm tired of talking about myself.

(sigh) George Wallace, David Duke and Mitch....we miss the days of hoods and cross burnings...where are you?
Let's see this November if America is as dumb as Germany in the 1930's.

We know 25% of us are. Will all the GOP vote for trump over hillary?

So we know 45% of Americans are capable of being won over by a Hitler type.

I don't know what Hitler was saying but it was probably the same shit trumps been saying

One thing is certain and history has shown time and time again, not only in Europe, but many times here in the US....when white people find themselves powerless, they will seek and find anything that supports their fears. President Obama has done absolutely nothing to spark this outrage that whites are having in this country, if anything, he's protected and provided leadership that has surpassed all expectations given to him at the time. This country was on the verge of a second great depression where it not for his unyielding attempts to save our economy. We were losing 200,000 jobs a month in 2008, with unemployment at 12% and climbing. Today we have unemployment at below 5%, had gas prices for a long time below 2 bucks, healthcare, etc....and because its a black man in the white house and because white people aren't getting those highly paid middle income jobs, suddenly the country is going in a wrong direction????? Get the fuck outta here......what is causing all this chaos, is a GOP bullshit machine powered by Trump and fueled but racist white mf's who just want a redneck in the white house again, end of story!!

Both parties contributed to all of that shit that happened, not just one party and the majority of the people have thought that our government has been going in the wrong direction for the last 30 years.

Do tell as I have asked many many many many many many many many many times, exactly what fuckin direction should we be going in? The dergulation direction, uh, trickle down to the poor direction with tax cuts for the tell me, what effin direction do you mindless retarded stupid white Trump loving nuts think we should be going in...and uh, I'm 60 years old, so I don't have a lot of time to wait......for your brilliant response. And one more time, YOU WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT, I REPEAT ARE NOT THE MAJORITY!!!
If anybody is guilty of kissing ass....its GOP candidates who puck the fuck up every time they see nutty white people to get a vote. Trump steak anyone?

In 2008 and 2012, you only needed to know one thing about Obama to vote for him. You can either admit it or forever be considered a liar.
If anybody is guilty of kissing ass....its GOP candidates who puck the fuck up every time they see nutty white people to get a vote. Trump steak anyone?

In 2008 and 2012, you only needed to know one thing about Obama to vote for him. You can either admit it or forever be considered a liar.

I would take an Obama 8 year nightmare as you nuts call it, over a Reagan/Bush 1/Bush 2 economic nightmare any fuckin day of the week...and so would the MAJORITY OF REAL AMERICANS IN THIS COUNTRY WHO AREN'T CLOAKED IN RED WHITE AND STUPID!!
If anybody is guilty of kissing ass....its GOP candidates who puck the fuck up every time they see nutty white people to get a vote. Trump steak anyone?

In 2008 and 2012, you only needed to know one thing about Obama to vote for him. You can either admit it or forever be considered a liar.

I would take an Obama 8 year nightmare as you nuts call it, over a Reagan/Bush 1/Bush 2 economic nightmare any fuckin day of the week...and so would the MAJORITY OF REAL AMERICANS IN THIS COUNTRY WHO AREN'T CLOAKED IN RED WHITE AND STUPID!!

Seems you chose liar. You're cloaked in red for sure. It's communist red.
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.

No truer words have ever been spoken about Obama.

Obama may not have mentioned any "riot" but his comments about stopping the rising seas are a riot.

The rest of your post is spot on.
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.

No truer words have ever been spoken about Obama.

Obama may not have mentioned any "riot" but his comments about stopping the rising seas are a riot.

The rest of your post is spot on.
Do you feel that Trump is more articulate than Obama, his words more measured, his tone more presidential?
I don't think he meant that "riot" comment literally.

I don't think he thinks pretty much anything through before he says it.

He just blurts stuff out for the moment without understanding its macro implications.

One of the reasons he simply doesn't have the capacity, temperament or character to be President.

No truer words have ever been spoken about Obama.

Obama may not have mentioned any "riot" but his comments about stopping the rising seas are a riot.

The rest of your post is spot on.
Do you feel that Trump is more articulate than Obama, his words more measured, his tone more presidential?

Just about everything Obama says he reads off a teleprompter, written by somebody far smarter than he is. There is no way to know what he thinks about anything, because when he speaks without teleprompters one can forget what he said in one sentence due to the length of stammering and stottering and babbling in the sentence that follows.

Trump speaks from the heart. Articulate or otherwise it hits home unlike the artificial pretensions of Obama. If you or anyone thinks that Obama is "presidential" or "measured" forgets that no matter how seemingly presidential or measured Obama is, whatever he says is permeated with lies and phoniness.

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