trump makes more dangerous threats concerning his pending legal cases

You are absolutely right. I have not been involved wit the investigations in any way. Fortunately, Jack Smith has.
Correct. You have no facts, no evidence, no testimony and nothing from discovery to support any claim Trump is guilty of anything.

He is swiftly heading to the obvious call for violence from his followers. There will be another attack on the rule of law. How far will he go before the danger of allowing him to fan the flames of anger is subdued? He is nearing a demand for a civil war.
J6 Protesters are STILL political prisoners with NO TRIAL DATE, while the DOJ is expediting a J6 trial for the former President?

Tree of Liberty
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Correct. You have no facts, no evidence, no testimony and nothing from discovery to support any claim Trump is guilty of anything.
I was referring to proof of any potential Joe Biden law breaking. I have seen nothing to indicate he is guilty of anything. Trump is a totallt different situation. Trump's rap sheet is long and well doccumented. He can reasonably be considered to be crooked scum even before considering all his current legal problems.
I was referring to proof of any potential Joe Biden law breaking. I have seen nothing to indicate he is guilty of anything. Trump is a totallt different situation. Trump's rap sheet is long and well doccumented. He can reasonably be considered to be crooked scum even before considering all his current legal problems.
Proof of potential law breaking? Not sure was that is. Kinda’, sorta’, maybe proof?

Absent facts, evidence or testimony, it seems you have decided Trump is guilty. You can reasonably be considered to be suffering from an especially debilitating form of TDS.
Oh, Lordy man. Time to speak to your healthcare provider and increase the dosage on your TDS medication.

In the meantime, get your Pom Poms and start flailing for the retrograde left to go full Marxist.

Leftist Law Professors Openly Call for Biden to Go Full Tyrant and Defy the Constitution and SCOTUS

Now you can lecture on “democracy”.
Stop this nonsense. If Rump is guilty, lock his ass up. If not, let him move on to the next grift.
Proof of potential law breaking? Not sure was that is. Kinda’, sorta’, maybe proof?

Absent facts, evidence or testimony, it seems you have decided Trump is guilty. You can reasonably be considered to be suffering from an especially debilitating form of TDS.

The line is long on this one. Again, either convict him or let him move onto his newest great Grift.
Proof of potential law breaking? Not sure was that is. Kinda’, sorta’, maybe proof?

Absent facts, evidence or testimony, it seems you have decided Trump is guilty. You can reasonably be considered to be suffering from an especially debilitating form of TDS.
No facts, evidence, or testimony? You're kidding, right?
I never had sex with that woman....Ms Lewinski.....thank goodness democrats never ever lie

Trump denies sex with 'Stormy "Horseface" Daniels' and ...​

Daily Mail › news › article-11693337

Jan 30, 2023 — Trump has maintained his denial of the alleged 2006 affair with porn star Stormy Daniels. Daniels claims to have slept with Trump while he ...

Trump indicted in porn star hush money payment case​

Politico › news › 2023/03/30 › trum...

Mar 30, 2023 — The case against Trump, brought by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, is centered on a $130,000 payment to an adult film actress, Stormy ...
On the other hand, it appears he’s an over the rainbow, ain’t comin’ back, whacked out conspirators theory loon.


Wait. Yeah. He reads a teleprompter at MSNBC.

NBC/MSNBC legal analyst, rabid Trump hater Glenn Kirschner, railed in a series of seven tweets two days ago that the President could be prosecuted for “criminally negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter” for his handling of the Covid-19 crisis.

why did donny have his HHS secretary keep science experts outa meetings to brainstorm the virus coming here?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources​

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.“This came directly from the White House,” one official said.

The White House insistence on secrecy at the nation’s premier public health organization, which has not been previously disclosed, has put a lid on certain information - and potentially delayed the response to the crisis. COVID19, the disease caused by the virus, has killed about 30 people in the United States and infected more than 1,000 people. *
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

This is despite the fact that the President immediately suspended travel from China and set the CDC in motion while the media tore into him for doing so. He has other plans as well.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump and the virus-era China ban that isn’t​

Published 8:43 AM EDT, July 18, 2020
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s “ban” on travel from China is his go-to point when defending his response to the coronavirus pandemic. The problem with his core argument starts with the fact that he did not ban travel from China. He imposed porous restrictions.


TRUMP: “We would’ve had thousands of people additionally die if we let people come in from heavily infected China. But we stopped it. We did a travel ban in January. ... By closing up, we saved millions, potentially millions of lives.” — Rose Garden remarks Tuesday.
TRUMP: He didn’t ban travel from China. He restricted it. Dozens of countries took similar steps to control travel from hot spots before or around the same time the U.S. did.
The U.S. restrictions that took effect Feb. 2 continued to allow travel to the U.S. from China’s Hong Kong and Macao territories over the past five months. The Associated Press reported that more than 8,000 Chinese and foreign nationals based in those territories entered the U.S. in the first three months after the travel restrictions were imposed.
Additionally, more than 27,000 Americans returned from mainland China in the first month after the restrictions took effect. U.S. officials lost track of more than 1,600 of them who were supposed to be monitored for virus exposure.
Few doubt that the heavy death toll from COVID-19 would be even heavier if world travel had not been constricted globally. But Trump has no scientific basis to claim that his action alone saved “millions” or even “hundreds of thousands” of lives, as he has put it.



TRUMP, on what happened after he restricted travel from China: “Nancy Pelosi was dancing on the streets of Chinatown in San Francisco a month later, and even later than that, and others, too.” — Rose Garden.
THE FACTS: No she wasn’t. This is Trump’s frequent and fanciful account of the House speaker’s visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown on Feb. 24. That day, she visited shops and strolled the streets to counter the hostility some people in the district were encountering over a virus that emanated from China.
On that day, Pelosi said the public should be vigilant about the virus but the city took precautions and “we should come to Chinatown.” Local TV news tracked her visit;. She wasn’t seen dancing and did not call for a “street fair,” as Trump at times has put it. Community spread of the coronavirus had not yet been reported.
As pointed out, the same day Pelosi went to Chinatown, Trump tweeted: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health (Organization) have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” The CDC is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Two days later, Trump asserted that only 15 people in the U.S. were infected and that number would go down “close to zero.” Instead the numbers exploded. More than 3.6 million Americans have had COVID-19.
Trump has accused Pelosi of being “responsible for many deaths” because of the Chinatown visit. He has denied responsibility for any of the deaths sweeping the country as he has persistently minimized the threat, pushed for reopening and refused to take mask-wearing seriously.



TRUMP: “He opposed my very strict travel ban on Chinese nationals to stop the spread of the China virus. He was totally against it. ‘Xenophobic,’ he called me. ‘Xenophobic.’ A month later, he admitted I was right.” — Rose Garden.
THE FACTS: No, Biden did not come out against the travel restrictions on China. He said little about them at the time. In April, his campaign said he supported travel restrictions if “guided by medical experts.”
Biden did say Trump has a record of xenophobia, a comment made during an Iowa campaign event when the restrictions were announced. Biden said Trump was “fear-mongering” against foreigners and the Democrat took issue with Trump’s references to the “China virus” as an example. He did not address the travel steps.
Trump has claimed that Biden realized he was right after all about restricting travel from China and wrote him a “letter of apology.” This didn’t happen, either.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump and the virus-era China ban that isn't

Trump’s `strong wall’ to block COVID-19 from China had holes​

Published 10:01 AM EDT, July 4, 2020

President Donald Trump has repeatedly credited his February ban on travelers from mainland China as his signature move against the advance of the coronavirus pandemic -- a “strong wall” that allowed only U.S. citizens inside, he boasted in May.
But Trump’s wall was more like a sieve.
Exempted were thousands of residents of the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau. Efforts to track U.S. residents returning from mainland China were riddled with errors and broken communications.

An analysis of Commerce Department travel entry records and private aviation data obtained by The Associated Press shows that nearly 8,000 Chinese nationals and foreign residents of Hong Kong and Macao entered the U.S. on more than 600 commercial and private flights in the first three months after the ban was imposed.

{ you know what that means? that means every person flying into the US on commercial planes could have been infected & spreading that virus to others who spread to others who spread to others )

When U.S. residents flying from mainland China arrived at U.S. airports, the system meant to flag and monitor them for the development of symptoms lost track of at least 1,600 people in just the first few days the ban went into effect, according to internal state government emails obtained by the AP.
Trump's `strong wall' to block COVID-19 from China had holes

Independent Sentinel – Bias and Credibility​

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damn those pesky facts. :itsok:
I believe the deal he landed was six months after Trump left office.

I get it, though, “but… but… but… but what about Trump Trump’s son in law

soooooooooooooo ............... that has ze-ro to do with the panty waist's deal ... same with donny & his golf tournies partnership with the saudi's. in fact at the 1st one he held, after his one & only term - he was all too happy to start questioning their involvement on 9/11.

huh ... curious dat.
Heh. It’s comical when Dems / Marxists demand “pwoof”. They lied, cheated and manufactured “pwoof” for the phony Russia collusion hoax.

So please present any pwoof that Trump is guilty of any charges being leaked by Jack Smith.

ummm.... here in america, one is indicted ... then arraigned...then they go to trial where one is found guilty or not.
ummm.... here in america, one is indicted ... then arraigned...then they go to trial where one is found guilty or not.

Ummmm… in the America of the Dems / Socialists, one is protected from those inconveniences of arraignment, trial and finding of guilt or innocence when a Dem / Socialist controlled DOJ allows statute of limitations to expire.
Uh huh... go ahead and put him in a cell while he's running for president and is leading the likely Democrat challenger by 5 points, on average. Yeah, that'll go over well. You people have lost it and if violence did come, it would be due to actions by the Left that could simply no longer be tolerated. I think we're about to see some of that in Israel, actually. The Left are threatening civil war unless they can keep a non-elected judicial veto over all decisions by the ELECTED GOVERNMENT. I hope Bibi stands tall and lets it burn before giving in. If he gives in now, the globalist Left owns Israel forever, anyway.

Nobody is threatening civil war. Where did you come up with that crap?

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