[TRUMP] - Massive retaliation


VIP Member
Aug 3, 2018
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

I'll have to disagree. Mueller has shown he is to politically corrupt and conflicted to be a part of any such investigation. There would be nothing preventing Mueller from continuing to selectively focus only against connections to favoring one side.
IMO TRUMP needs to tell Mueller since he has gone so far from anything having to do with Russian collusion his investigation is over and he can submit what he has to Rosenstein. If Rosensten feels more needs to be investigated Congress should be consulted and the public should be given full transparency into the need for any such further investigation.
You should add to this, Investigations of parties and individuals that participated in the solicitation of Russian Propaganda by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama and payments for it, by laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS directly to THE Russians.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president.
Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia
A paying Mar-a-Lago member took photos of Trump being briefed on North Korea — and posted them to Facebook
‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
He could make the claim. I'm not entirely sure he could make it stick.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.


Too bad for your theory that Trump's means of doing 2 and 3 are Sessions, and Sessions ain't going to investigate anything dragged kicking and screaming. The Deep State is all only about protecting the Deep State and the best way to do that is to character assassinate Trump before we REALLY find out what CROOKS THEY ARE.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?

August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

Hey Forkout, you overlook one TINY detail: Benghazi and the Emails were mere Senate investigations with no prosecutorial power. Mueller is a Special Prosecutor with UNLIMITED scope and power. He can investigate YOU of he so chooses. Happy?
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?

August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

Hey Forkout, you overlook one TINY detail: Benghazi and the Emails were mere Senate investigations with no prosecutorial power. Mueller is a Special Prosecutor with UNLIMITED scope and power. He can investigate YOU of he so chooses. Happy?

Last time I checked, the FBI investigated the Emails. And congress can refer something they find out to the DOJ. So I'm very happy. You are now just reduced to easy refutable lies.
You should add to this, Investigations of parties and individuals that participated in the solicitation of Russian Propaganda by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama and payments for it, by laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS directly to THE Russians.

Bro the DC swamp doesn't investigate itself.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

Oh and by the way expanding the investigation doesn't make the current one stop. So I don't see how it would help him at all. Not the best thinking of a blogger calling himself the americanthinker
Trump needs to go directly to the American people, and not through Twitter. He should do what Reagan did and address the people during prime time (on tv). Not just Trump, but a few Congressmen should also give some televised speeches on the importance of reigning in corruption in government. Most people aren't aware of what's really going on and they need to be informed. The best way to do that is to catch them while they're sitting in front of the tv and explain it in simple terms anyone can understand. The RNC is not trying very hard to stop this shit, they need to start fighting back. Instead of acting like diplomats they need to start acting like prize fighters (for a change). Republicans problem has always been that they're too damn nice. While the left plays hardball, the right plays softball. This has to stop, the survival of our republic is at steak.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.


Dear Darkman00
Nope Trump can't fight this battle alone.
Legal abuse (at taxpayers' expense in these cases) becomes all our problem and responsibility.

I'd say it takes "we the people" to rise up and join Trump, Cruz and others
and REFUSE to pay for any abuse of govt authority that violates "due process"
and is Unconstitutional. ie not authorized, and we let these operators know up front
they are going to pay the tab for whatever shenanigans are argued as unconstitutional.

Such as raiding someone's personal place and property without a specific warrant.

People have brought up, what about when it's the poor people fighting police or
court/prison prosecution without adequate legal defense and expenses to fight the system?

Yes, we need to ALIGN all such victims of LEGAL ABUSE
which keeps going unchecked as long as TAXPAYERS foot the bill for this nonsense.

This is what this battle is coming to.
The people need to unite, even across left and right party lines,
because on both sides regardless of politics or case you're complaining is abusive,
the TAXPAYERS end up paying. They are taking advantage of us
as long as we remain divided by party lines, but if we all unite and say NO
we refuse to pay. Then demand that Trump Cruz and other Constitutionalists
including Mark Levin form a LEGAL TEAM to review all such cases
and demand/collect REFUNDS to reimburse taxpayers for excessive abusive costs,
then maybe the circus will stop.

When we ALL agree to QUIT FUNDING the bill for whatever they want to do on our tab!

It takes all of us saying NO
Then sit down and re assess all the costs of each contested investigation,
and relegate the costs and charges to the parties pursuing things on their own
that aren't authorized and approved by a joint committee of reps from all parties
representing people regardless which side we are on. We all have to AGREE
in order to accept the charges to taxpayers, anything ruled unconstitutional,
then that gets charged back to the parties acting without our consent as the public.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president.
Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia
A paying Mar-a-Lago member took photos of Trump being briefed on North Korea — and posted them to Facebook
‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
He could make the claim. I'm not entirely sure he could make it stick.

I love it when lefties talk about incendiary rhetoric......it's hilarious.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president.
Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia
A paying Mar-a-Lago member took photos of Trump being briefed on North Korea — and posted them to Facebook
‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
He could make the claim. I'm not entirely sure he could make it stick.

I love it when lefties talk about incendiary rhetoric......it's hilarious.

Well you have an entire youtube video of Trump speaking, if you don't find what he said incendiary I can't help you.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?


August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president.
Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia
A paying Mar-a-Lago member took photos of Trump being briefed on North Korea — and posted them to Facebook
‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
He could make the claim. I'm not entirely sure he could make it stick.

I love it when lefties talk about incendiary rhetoric......it's hilarious.

Well you have an entire youtube video of Trump speaking, if you don't find what he said incendiary I can't help you.

It doesn't exempt you.
"Massive retaliation"? What does that mean? The GDP is around 4.1 and the DOW is around 25,000. What retaliation do we need other than another four years?
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?

August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

Hey Forkout, you overlook one TINY detail: Benghazi and the Emails were mere Senate investigations with no prosecutorial power. Mueller is a Special Prosecutor with UNLIMITED scope and power. He can investigate YOU of he so chooses. Happy?

Last time I checked, the FBI investigated the Emails. And congress can refer something they find out to the DOJ. So I'm very happy. You are now just reduced to easy refutable lies.

The email investigation was led by Strzok. He was fired for cause and any investigation that he was involved with should be re-examined wholly.
Hmmm ... The best defense is offense?

August 24, 2018
By Greg P. Richards

The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation…

1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit.

Mueller's new charge would be "to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever" with a special focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership – including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, if any -- and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.

The point being that Trump doesn't fire Mueller but rather, in the interest of justice, expands his remit.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.

And to investigate how, if at all, the joint income of Hillary and Bill Clinton of $85 million during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was related in any way to her official duties and to prosecute any illegalities therefrom.

3. Then the third thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the payoffs by Congress to persons charging sexual misconduct by congresspeople were in-kind contributions to their campaigns at any point in time and whether they covered up any crimes by congresspeople and to prosecute those crimes. And as part of that investigation to investigate any possible involvement by their associates and families and to prosecute them if involved.

His argument...These critical issues have been brought to his attention by the investigation of Mueller and, in the case of Secretary of State Clinton, by his greater understanding of the importance of secrecy in national communications now that he is president. And the importance of probity in office and of not profiting from public service in order to properly serve the public, which is a theme of his administration.

Massive retaliation. The Republic is at stake.

his separate report will include a description of the participants in the violence, their method of organization and transportation, their leadership

Done, I found the leader.

2. Then the second thing that Trump does is to get a Special Counsel appointed to investigate whether the use by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of unsecured communications did any damage to the national security and national interests of the United States in any way whatsoever and to prosecute any violations of the law found in the course of that investigation including any irregularities in past investigations.
Knock yourself out. You tried Benghazi for 2 years the emails for 2 years and haven't got a single indictment to show for it. Mueller is at around 30 and counting.

Hey Forkout, you overlook one TINY detail: Benghazi and the Emails were mere Senate investigations with no prosecutorial power. Mueller is a Special Prosecutor with UNLIMITED scope and power. He can investigate YOU of he so chooses. Happy?

Last time I checked, the FBI investigated the Emails. And congress can refer something they find out to the DOJ. So I'm very happy. You are now just reduced to easy refutable lies.

The email investigation was led by Strzok. He was fired for cause and any investigation that he was involved with should be re-examined wholly.

I couldn't agree more.

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