Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Your opinion on christian dogma is irrelevant to the issue, which IS religious freedom..

It's not my opinion that God forgives, that's the central tenet to Christianity. It's also not my opinion that God doesn't forgive gay cakes, that's what you're all saying. That's your opinion. So if God doesn't forgive, then why the fuck is anyone a Christian????
Well, that was a lot of hate from you that had nothing to do with your question.
And being forced to hide a part of your life behind closed doors is not being Free.
It is not credible that you do not understand that. Stop your lying.

Forced to hide how? I don't understand. How is someone being forced to hide their beliefs by baking a gay cake? What does baking have to do with Christianity? You all are the ones who says "God forgives" and "Jesus died for your sins". So....if God forgives, then what do you care for whom you bake a cake?

That has been repeatedly explained to you by people more versed and concerned about Christian Theology, and if you choose to ignore it, that is just you rationalizing your bigotry.

LOL! Christians don't seem to even understand that for which they have faith. No, you haven't explained how baking a cake is a religious exercise because it isn't. It's a baking exercise. The cake isn't even used in the wedding, it's used in the party afterwards. Ever been to a wedding before? Doesn't sound like it.

Yes he did, over and over again, and so have I.
You are either delusional or a liar.

You're saying baking a cake is a religious exercise just because you say so. There's no precedent for it in the Bible. There is precedent in the Bible, however, that God forgives your sins. So if baking a cake is a sin, shouldn't God forgive it?

NOpe. Not insecure at all. Please try again.

You're hiding behind your warped interpretation of faith. That's only because you are insecure.

That was nothing but irrelevant ranting hatred on your part, bigot.

Oh I am certainly bigoted against all religion, so that's not an insult to me. But my personal bigotry of religion has nothing to do with your faith contradictions. Pointing out the faith contradictions isn't bigotry. Calm down.

NOpe. What I've said is true. Marty is crushing you like a bug, and you are either too dim to understand that, or too dishonest to admit it.

I wouldn't consider "because I say so" a valid or legitimate defense of the contradictions of your faith. You're the ones who evangelize that God forgives...apparently that isn't the case if baking a wedding cake harms bakers because they won't be forgiven for baking a gay cake.
Got it. YOu disagree with Christian Dogma.

No, are the one who disagrees with Christian dogma when you say that bakers are harmed because God won't forgive them. That's a contradiction of faith and dogma. None of you have bothered to even address that contradiction because you know it undermines your case.

Noting in that implies any loss of Right to Religious Freedom by Christians.

Right, so their freedom to worship doesn't change. What they're doing -and what you're doing- is stretching the definition of "worship" arbitrarily in order to apply a ridiculous standard that doesn't even adhere to the very principles of your faith.

That's on you, not me.

It is pathetic that you are having such trouble understanding this simple concept.

What concept am I not understanding? The one that God supposedly forgives your sins and Jesus died for them? If that's not why these people are Christians, then what is the reason they're Christians?
Doesn't quite work like that. what's between God and the Baker isn't our concern, however government involving itself in butt hurt IS a big concern.

So then it seems like you think religious people can just move the goalposts to cover whatever bigotry they want. Which is bullshit, of course.
hey are not my religious beliefs, they are the bakers.

But you're here arguing on their behalf, so their beliefs become your beliefs. You don't get to shirk responsibility for the position you've spent dozens of posts defending. That's a pretty shitty thing to do. And it makes me think I'm even more right about my criticism of your faith because you don't even bother to step up and defend it, even though you're here arguing on its behalf.

Again All I am defending is their free exercise. You keep arguing the wrong point, over and over.

But it's not a "free exercise" of religion. Baking cakes isn't a religious act. Pretending it is for the sake of denying service to gay people is shit.
Your opinion on christian dogma is irrelevant to the issue, which IS religious freedom.

Dogma is religious freedom? Since when? You sure you want to make that argument? By doing so, you are elevating Sharia Law to the same level as this.

The rest of your post is you lying about what I said, and you sharing your hatred.

If I am at all wrong about Christian faith as it relates to sinning, by all means correct me. You haven't. The most you've said is that you don't think God forgives, even though that is the central tenet of Christian faith. If Jesus didn't die for your sins, then for what did he die?
It has been repeatedly explained to you that your theological complaints about Christianity is irrelevant to the Right of Religious Freedom. You have done NOTHING to counter that point, other than to repeat your Theological complaint over and over again.

Well, you're the ones claiming your theological beliefs are harmed here, yet you seem unaware of the core pillar of your faith; that God forgives. The problem is you people are using those theological beliefs as the basis for your bigotry. You get that, right?

And my point about the belief system remains and is repeated because you refuse to answer to it. You keep blindly and vaguely saying "religious freedom" as if it's a catch-all for every type of abhorrent and awful behavior.

How exactly are these bakers harmed by baking a gay cake?
You are either very stupid, or purposefully using the Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion, as a propaganda technique.

How so? By repeating that which Christians have said for centuries; that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins? So you're saying that isn't actually what Christians believe? Then if that's not what they believe, then they're not Christians. They're just bigots who play at faith when they're really just a bunch of intolerant turds. You screech endlessly that question has been answered, but it hasn't. Instead you vomit up half-understood concepts and justifications that crumble upon closer inspection.

What do these bakers think will happen if they bake a gay cake?

The rest of your post is just avoidance. You're not actually reconciling the inherent contradictions.
Arguing in favor of someone's right to a religious belief does not mean that that faith becomes yours..

Baking a cake has nothing to do with religious beliefs and you have failed to say how it does.

What do these Christians think will happen if they bake a gay cake?
I've reviewed that decision and seen nothing in it that supports your claim about religions having to be proven right to have Religious Freedom.

All you're saying is that if someone wants to do something they know is wrong, they can simply claim blanket "religious freedom". That's bullshit.
You state the discrimination is easy to prove, and then once again provide nothing to support that claim.

Not baking a cake for someone because they are gay is discrimination. Do you even know what words mean anymore?

You put words AFTER the statement, as though they were a supporting argument, but they weren't.

WTF are you babbling about? Organize your thoughts, please.

They were just more anti-Christian bigotry from you.

So questioning the sincerity of religious beliefs is anti-Christian bigotry? Since when?
And even though it has been repeatedly explained to you why your dogma complaints are not relevant, and you have been completely unable to refute that point,

You haven't actually answered the point. You merely and vaguely say it falls under the blanket of "religious freedom". But you don't explain how it falls under that. Just that you say so.

And frankly, why the fuck should I take your word for it?

here you are still pushing that same dogmaic complaint.

That dogmatic complaint is the same dogma you are applying to gay cakes. So until you actually answer that, you're just excusing bigotry.
Doesn't quite work like that. what's between God and the Baker isn't our concern, however government involving itself in butt hurt IS a big concern.

So then it seems like you think religious people can just move the goalposts to cover whatever bigotry they want. Which is bullshit, of course.

They have a right to free exercise barring a compelling government interest.
hey are not my religious beliefs, they are the bakers.

But you're here arguing on their behalf, so their beliefs become your beliefs. You don't get to shirk responsibility for the position you've spent dozens of posts defending. That's a pretty shitty thing to do. And it makes me think I'm even more right about my criticism of your faith because you don't even bother to step up and defend it, even though you're here arguing on its behalf.

Again All I am defending is their free exercise. You keep arguing the wrong point, over and over.

But it's not a "free exercise" of religion. Baking cakes isn't a religious act. Pretending it is for the sake of denying service to gay people is shit.

That isn't true. As a great person once said, "I don't agree with what you say, but I defend your with my life your right to say it". Supporting the exercise of someone else's rights does not mean endorsing their position. That is the problem with progressive's such as yourself, you can't actually support others expressing their own beliefs because you are so full of yourself you can't fathom someone thinking differently from you. That's the narcissism I've been talking about.

Defending freedoms means defending people you don't like. Anything else is just bull.

It is free exercise, you just don't like the exercise, and you bigoted little mind can't fathom just letting them do what they want.
Your disagreement with Christian dogma, as you understand it, is completely irrelevant.

Dogma doesn't supersede the law. But at least you're admitting it's dogma. And what is dogma if not self-inflicted sophistry?

Dogma : "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

THat's not "sophistry" and ironically claiming it is, is quite "sophistry" of YOU.

And I never claimed that dogma superseded law.

Try to hear me over the voices in your head.

My point stands, your disagreement with Christian dogma, as you understand it, is completely irrelevant.
Your obvious hatred and bigotry against Christians makes a mockery of your pretended concern about the cake.

How am I mocking or being bigoted against Christianity by pointing out that what Christians preach and what they practice are polar opposites? Does God not forgive?

Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.

Stop wasting my time with your boring dishonesty.

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