Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

My not commenting on a particular issue is not me agreeing with you.

Your comment seems to skate right by the obvious and overt contradiction between your faith and your feelings. How can you say God forgives if God doesn't forgive baking gay cakes?

You did not address the fact that your pretense that my not commenting on an issue was supposedly agreeing with you.

THat showed that you are a liar and an asshole.

There is no contradiction. YOu don't know my "Faith" or my "feelings".

ANd if you did, I'm sure you would lie about them.
Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Doesn't one define the other?
You agree that your opinion on dogma is irrelevant, then argue your opinion on dogma as a reason that bakers were wrong.

I'm pointing out that what the bakers say about baking gay cakes contradicts the underlying tenet of their dogma. My opinion is irrelevant to that...what is relevant, though, is discussing the contradiction. That's the conversation you don't seem to want to have because you recognize it pulls at a thread that can unravel the whole fucking thing.

If God doesn't forgive, why are these people Christians?!?!?!

"Why" is irrelevant to their Right to Be Christians.

That is the thread that YOU are dishonestly and vilely dodging because it unravels your whole fucking thing.

I don't ask "why" you have your world view or belief system as a reason to take away your rights.
Actually it is your opinion that I say God Forgives..

So God doesn't forgive, then. So then why are you -or they- Christian?

That's your conclusion on the issue and I don't care about your conclusion, and I doubt anyone esle does either.

I'm not responsible for the voices in your head, and I will not defend positions they invent. met he asshole here but when I saw those video's of the NFL stadiums this past weekend during the anthem's, the level of booing was deafening!!!

When are progressives ever going to learn that these identity politics stunts are ghey...........big losers every time yet they persist in getting all giddy about it.

All you need as a watershed beyond the booing is what has happened at the University of Missouri. The football coach and his players took a kneel last year at a game and since, Freshmen enrollment is down 34%. donations have dried up. The place is hemmoraging $$.........they've had to shut six dorms. Who's not winning?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::deal:

Those who shit on the flag lose huge every single time in the real world.............matrix dwellers continue to be duped by the msm.
Well, that was a lot of hate from you that had nothing to do with your question.
And being forced to hide a part of your life behind closed doors is not being Free.
It is not credible that you do not understand that. Stop your lying.

Forced to hide how? I don't understand. How is someone being forced to hide their beliefs by baking a gay cake? What does baking have to do with Christianity? You all are the ones who says "God forgives" and "Jesus died for your sins". So....if God forgives, then what do you care for whom you bake a cake?

That has been repeatedly explained to you by people more versed and concerned about Christian Theology, and if you choose to ignore it, that is just you rationalizing your bigotry.

LOL! Christians don't seem to even understand that for which they have faith. No, you haven't explained how baking a cake is a religious exercise because it isn't. It's a baking exercise. The cake isn't even used in the wedding, it's used in the party afterwards. Ever been to a wedding before? Doesn't sound like it.

Yes he did, over and over again, and so have I.
You are either delusional or a liar.

You're saying baking a cake is a religious exercise just because you say so. There's no precedent for it in the Bible. There is precedent in the Bible, however, that God forgives your sins. So if baking a cake is a sin, shouldn't God forgive it?

NOpe. Not insecure at all. Please try again.

You're hiding behind your warped interpretation of faith. That's only because you are insecure.

That was nothing but irrelevant ranting hatred on your part, bigot.

Oh I am certainly bigoted against all religion, so that's not an insult to me. But my personal bigotry of religion has nothing to do with your faith contradictions. Pointing out the faith contradictions isn't bigotry. Calm down.

NOpe. What I've said is true. Marty is crushing you like a bug, and you are either too dim to understand that, or too dishonest to admit it.

I wouldn't consider "because I say so" a valid or legitimate defense of the contradictions of your faith. You're the ones who evangelize that God forgives...apparently that isn't the case if baking a wedding cake harms bakers because they won't be forgiven for baking a gay cake.

The vast majority of that was meaningless garbage. The one point I noted was your statement that you are

"bigoted against all religions".

That is interesting.

1. Bigotry is intolerance to those who hold different opinions than your self. You are claiming to be intolerant of all those who hold religious views.

Could you give me a link to a thread when you have been just as hateful and bigoted to Muslims?

2. And you are still a bigot. That's you being an asshole.

Why do you actively and knowingly choose to be an asshole?

Do you have a negative self image? Don't you want to be a good person?
My not commenting on a particular issue is not me agreeing with you.

No, it's a tacit admission that you cannot make a counter-argument to the point without appearing to be a hideous monster.

NO, it's not. I've repeatedly pointed out that your opinion on Christian Dogam is irrelevant to the issue, and why.

YOU have been unable to make a counter argument to that, but have been repeating your position over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

And not only is your opinion on the dogma irrelevant, but SO IS MINE.

Nothing I have to say about it is relevant to the Right of Religious Freedom.

I find Amish dogma to be stupid, but I fully support their Right to Religious Freedom, and I am NOT intolerant of them as individuals or as a group.

That is your game. Being a bigot. As you admit.
Your opinion on christian dogma is irrelevant to the issue, which IS religious freedom.

Dogma is religious freedom? Since when? You sure you want to make that argument? By doing so, you are elevating Sharia Law to the same level as this.

Now I think you are playing dumb.

I did not say that Dogma is religious freedom. That was a lie you told. Liar.

Your lying is a tacit admission that you cannot refute my point. But you are too dishonest and vile to admit that so you move on to lie about what I said, and to continue to push a position you cannot honestly defend.

Why do you support a position that you know it wrong?

The rest of your post is you lying about what I said, and you sharing your hatred.

If I am at all wrong about Christian faith as it relates to sinning, by all means correct me. You haven't. The most you've said is that you don't think God forgives, even though that is the central tenet of Christian faith. If Jesus didn't die for your sins, then for what did he die?[/QUOTE]

And you lie some more about what I said, in an attempt to draw me into a discussion of Christian Dogma to try to distract from the fact that you support taking rights away from people you don't like.

You are a bad person.
It has been repeatedly explained to you that your theological complaints about Christianity is irrelevant to the Right of Religious Freedom. You have done NOTHING to counter that point, other than to repeat your Theological complaint over and over again.

Well, you're the ones claiming your theological beliefs are harmed here, yet you seem unaware of the core pillar of your faith; that God forgives. The problem is you people are using those theological beliefs as the basis for your bigotry. You get that, right?

And my point about the belief system remains and is repeated because you refuse to answer to it. You keep blindly and vaguely saying "religious freedom" as if it's a catch-all for every type of abhorrent and awful behavior.

How exactly are these bakers harmed by baking a gay cake?

It has been repeatedly explained to you that your theological complaints about Christianity is irrelevant to the Right of Religious Freedom. You have done NOTHING to counter that point, other than to repeat your Theological complaint over and over again.
They have a right to free exercise barring a compelling government interest.

How is not baking a cake a "religious exercise"? It isn't. And for them to claim that baking a cake harms their religious beliefs, then the God they worship doesn't forgive. And if the God they worship doesn't forgive, why the fuck do they worship God in the first place?

I am not only questioning the dogma of your religious beliefs, but also the sincerity of them.
That isn't true. As a great person once said, "I don't agree with what you say, but I defend your with my life your right to say it".

That doesn't apply to bigotry or discrimination. So now you've moved the goalposts of your argument to the squishy realm of abject irresponsibility. You expect me to believe the position you're defending isn't one of your own? Clearly it is since you're here avidly defending it. So you think that baking a gay cake is a religious exercise? How so? What prayers and/or rituals are done while baking the cake? Take me through the cake-baking process to show me where religion fits in.
They have a right to free exercise barring a compelling government interest.

How is not baking a cake a "religious exercise"? It isn't. And for them to claim that baking a cake harms their religious beliefs, then the God they worship doesn't forgive. And if the God they worship doesn't forgive, why the fuck do they worship God in the first place?

I am not only questioning the dogma of your religious beliefs, but also the sincerity of them.

And I don't care about their dogma or their sincerity. I only care about them being able to enjoy free exercise of their religion, as long as there is no compelling government interest to do otherwise.
That isn't true. As a great person once said, "I don't agree with what you say, but I defend your with my life your right to say it".

That doesn't apply to bigotry or discrimination. So now you've moved the goalposts of your argument to the squishy realm of abject irresponsibility. You expect me to believe the position you're defending isn't one of your own? Clearly it is since you're here avidly defending it. So you think that baking a gay cake is a religious exercise? How so? What prayers and/or rituals are done while baking the cake? Take me through the cake-baking process to show me where religion fits in.

Actually it does as long as government isn't the one doing it.

It doesn't matter what I think or what you think, it only matters what they think, and if there is a compelling government interest to force them to do otherwise.
They have a right to free exercise barring a compelling government interest.

How is not baking a cake a "religious exercise"? It isn't. And for them to claim that baking a cake harms their religious beliefs, then the God they worship doesn't forgive. And if the God they worship doesn't forgive, why the fuck do they worship God in the first place?

I am not only questioning the dogma of your religious beliefs, but also the sincerity of them.

And I don't care about their dogma or their sincerity. I only care about them being able to enjoy free exercise of their religion, as long as there is no compelling government interest to do otherwise.

He knows that it the answer. But he also knows that he has NOTHING to refute it.

Thus he ignores what you say, and keeps trying to make this about something else.
They have a right to free exercise barring a compelling government interest.

How is not baking a cake a "religious exercise"? It isn't. And for them to claim that baking a cake harms their religious beliefs, then the God they worship doesn't forgive. And if the God they worship doesn't forgive, why the fuck do they worship God in the first place?

I am not only questioning the dogma of your religious beliefs, but also the sincerity of them.

And I don't care about their dogma or their sincerity. I only care about them being able to enjoy free exercise of their religion, as long as there is no compelling government interest to do otherwise.

He knows that it the answer. But he also knows that he has NOTHING to refute it.

Thus he ignores what you say, and keeps trying to make this about something else.

yeah, it's kind of sad actually.
Supporting the exercise of someone else's rights does not mean endorsing their position.

Yes it does. You've literally said it does when you "support" their position. A position you seem to have a hard time defending. And you've yet to explain how baking a cake is a religious exercise. Where in the baking process does religion come in? When the flour and eggs and sugar are mixed? When the cake is put in the oven? When it's decorated with icing? At what point in that process does religion enter into it?

That is the problem with progressive's such as yourself, you can't actually support others expressing their own beliefs because you are so full of yourself you can't fathom someone thinking differently from you. That's the narcissism I've been talking about.

Their belief isn't a belief. It's bullshit. They "believe" that it's a religious exercise to bake a cake...when asked how they and/or you came to that belief, you don't say...only that the belief is the belief. Well that's bullshit. If you can't explain your beliefs then they're not your beliefs...they're dogma you've bought into because you're gullible as fuck. Why should your gullibility impose on someone else's civil rights? I can't help that you're a gullible knave, so why should I accommodate that? Why should anyone.

In all this, not one explanation as to how baking a cake is a religious exercise. Where does the religion come in during the baking process? After the cup of sugar but before the salt? So it's like, "add 1 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of salt, 3 cups of flour, 3 eggs, and say a prayer to Jesus?" I've done enough as a home cook to know I've never seen that as part of the baking instructions for anything I've ever baked.

Defending freedoms means defending people you don't like. Anything else is just bull.

Not baking a cake because you hate gay people isn't a freedom. Try again. Stretching the bounds of worship to include any action isn't a freedom either, and sets a pretty horrible precedent for others to act in defiance of the law when it suits their bigotry and hatred. So like a muslim terrorist can simply claim his actions were a religious exercise and he cannot be held accountable for it because FREEDUMB!

It is free exercise, you just don't like the exercise, and you bigoted little mind can't fathom just letting them do what they want.

I've never seen any baking instructions that included "say a prayer to Jesus" between adding the ingredients, mixing them together, putting it in the oven, then decorating it after. Where does prayer or religion fall in that process? Can you answer that question?
THat's not "sophistry" and ironically claiming it is, is quite "sophistry" of YOU.

Oh, it's total sophistry. You're lying to yourself in order to make a lying point in an argument. Doesn't get more sophist than that, pal. Can you even make an argument that doesn't totally rely on a false point or narrative? No. You are incapable of doing so because of what you believe, who you are, and the shitty job your parents did raising you.

And I never claimed that dogma superseded law.

That's exactly what you claim when you say that fake Christians' bullshit religious dogma is immune to discrimination laws. So now we have an instance of you walking back your entire argument as you realize it's shit. So you try to distance yourself from it by saying "I'm not saying this, I'm just defending others who say it". Of course that means you're saying it, and you're under the mistaken belief that it's religious freedumb - even though you don't say how or why. But I've given up expecting an answer from you or any other Conservative on this. You know your position is wrong, yet you make it anyway. Why? Is your ego really that fragile? Such a snowflake!

So why are you taking the Christians' word for it that it's their beliefs? Why do you automatically accept the sincerity of that? Obviously because you share their views, duh.

Try to hear me over the voices in your head. My point stands, your disagreement with Christian dogma, as you understand it, is completely irrelevant.

What is the disagreement? So you're saying it's Christian dogma to bake a cake? I want to know what you think it is about Christian dogma that I am "disagreeing" with, because I don't think you can think of things in complex terms...only in black and white..and again, that comes from the fact that your family is inbred and your parents did a shit job raising you.
Now I think you are playing dumb. I did not say that Dogma is religious freedom. That was a lie you told. Liar.

Just because you didn't use those exact words doesn't mean you didn't say it. You -maybe it was you, but definitely either you or marty mcfuckup- said that the bigotry of these Christian bakers is dogma that I "disagree with". So if not baking a gay cake is religious dogma, and you're defending them not baking a gay cake, you are defending dogma.

Christ on a cracker!

Why do you support a position that you know it wrong?

That's a question for you, not me.

And you lie some more about what I said, in an attempt to draw me into a discussion of Christian Dogma to try to distract from the fact that you support taking rights away from people you don't like.

But you are saying Christian dogma is a religious right. So your argument contradicts itself. I know, I know...big shocker there...a Conservative argument that's an intellectual circle jerk. Not baking a cake isn't a right that can be taken away. Are you saying these bakers cannot bake unless they are allowed to be bigots? How does religion relate to baking in that scenario? It doesn't. And I think even you know that.

You're a bad person

And you're a whiny little bitch. I'm actually a very nice guy, and have held back quite a lot on this thread.

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