Trump mocks major anchor who started crying election night after he won

How do you find that behavior to be ok Odium? Are you a Bully too?

Only Trumpsters find it funny that their next president laughs and makes fun of someone's sadness.

But then again they thought it was funny when he made fun of a disabled man.

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How do you find that behavior to be ok Odium? Are you a Bully too?


He is butthurt because he is a paid shill on Israels payroll and Trump wont be kissing the asses of Israel like Hellery would and every president since Lyndon Johnson he is crying butthurt over this.:haha:
Only Trumpsters find it funny that their next president laughs and makes fun of someone's sadness.

But then again they thought it was funny when he made fun of a disabled man.

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We've been making fun of your sadness on this board for weeks now.

Yeah but while you're laughing at something so petty he's putting the same Washington Insiders in place he told you were bad. He had you cheering Drain the Swamp and then says "look at that anchor" and fills it up and you love it. Basically the rights only position is now that if Trump does it they like it and when they cant explain just mock people for petty things while the important shit is happening.
I'm not a big fan of German Food.

But, I love me some fresh Schandenfreude. Best served cold.
Only Trumpsters find it funny that their next president laughs and makes fun of someone's sadness.

But then again they thought it was funny when he made fun of a disabled man.

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the butthurt flows from the clinton worshippers.:haha:

yeah lets have sympathy for a women who is an admirer of a mass murderer.thats the ticket.:haha::lmao::rofl::clap2::clap2::clap2::up:
Perhaps, just perhaps if the msm were less biased and more neutral in their coverage of candidates they would not lend themselves to ridicule!
Only Trumpsters find it funny that their next president laughs and makes fun of someone's sadness.

But then again they thought it was funny when he made fun of a disabled man.

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the butthurt flows from the clinton worshippers.:haha:

yeah lets have sympathy for a women who is an admirer of a mass murderer.thats the ticket.:haha::lmao::rofl::clap2::clap2::clap2::up:

I'm not a Clinton worshiper. I voted for Hilary because she was the lesser of the evil. Trump has mocked countless people and Trumpsters defended him each time.

Trump mocked McCain for being a POW. Who does that?

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Perhaps, just perhaps if the msm were less biased and more neutral in their coverage of candidates they would not lend themselves to ridicule!

Me say dats right. This crooked one picked to host debate lol! She on list of 65 working fo/collusion by Beast campaign? Me no feel sympathy, me want war!
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its ridiculous for a major network news anchor and a debate moderator to show emotional response like that on camera, just shows her bias, she deserves to be mocked.
Martha Raddatz deserved to be ridiculed. You can't host a debate and pretend to be fair, and then cry when Trump wins. EXPOSED!

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