Trump More Like NAZI Fuhrer As He Orders Free Press Halted


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Like something straight out of the Fuhrer's playbook, Trump has ordered journalist at his rallies to be restricted and held in areas where they are unable to cover the rallies without special approval to leave a designated holding area. With his command, the new American fascist Fuhrer has restricted free speech and a free press by manipulating and canceling the 1rst Amendment.
Trump maybe a fascist, but that's not the story. The important takeaway from his rise to the top, is that he is supported by at least 25% of the current iteration of the Republican Party and a number of those who claim no party allegiance.

The once and no more GOP has fractured and the schism continues to widen. No longer does the party claim to be compassionate, have a big tent or to put country first. Each set within the party now seeks power, and given this singular motive anyone of its sets will be unable to govern in the best interests of all of the people.
Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
So in other words....he mimicked the BlackLivesMatter protests at University of Missouri who sought out "some muscle" to forcibly remove the press??? Or Hilary Clinton....who has also banned the media from several of her events...including her meeting with #BlackLivesMatter???

Hmmm. Guess both sides are Nazis now huh?
Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
I don't think you people know what a fascist is.
I think you do not know. If you do, give us a quick lesson of what fascism is, or direct us to a link of your choice that most agrees with your definition. I am thinking you are completely unaware of the various forms of fascism and the scholarly debates about what defines fascism, but go ahead and give it your best shot.
I don't think you people know what a fascist is.
I think you do not know. If you do, give us a quick lesson of what fascism is, or direct us to a link of your choice that most agrees with your definition. I am thinking you are completely unaware of the various forms of fascism and the scholarly debates about what defines fascism, but go ahead and give it your best shot.

Oh stfu and use Google, I don't take direction from worn out old tools
Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
Do you have a problem with the definition of the word "restrict"? The definition fits perfectly for Trump's actions. Google the word restrict and learn something.
Where are the gas chambers and ovens being built?

Just like Hitler, right?

Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
Bullshit. People, like you apparently, who do and think bad things assume that everyone does or thinks them. Liars assume everyone lies. People who cheat on their spouses assume everyone does it. People who steal assume everyone does on some level. People who have violent thoughts and actions assume everyone does. People who think like fascists assume everyone does. It is not true. Your statement is an indication of your perception of reality. It is not a fact; only your perception.
I don't think you people know what a fascist is.

Oh please tell us, we really want to know.

See you don't know, you use it as a tool while not having the first clue what it is. Good gawd you idiot left loons are stupid. "Trump is a NAZI!!!!" The moment I see that from one of you tools I know you're not worth spit

I'm sorry, I neglected to indicate in my post that it was sarcastic. FYI, fascists are authoritarian, militaristic, jingoistic, bellicose, chauvinistic and scapegoat minorities.
I don't think you people know what a fascist is.
I think you do not know. If you do, give us a quick lesson of what fascism is, or direct us to a link of your choice that most agrees with your definition. I am thinking you are completely unaware of the various forms of fascism and the scholarly debates about what defines fascism, but go ahead and give it your best shot.

Oh stfu and use Google, I don't take direction from worn out old tools
That means you are unable to specify a chosen definition of fascism. You are just a bullshiter. I could give you a list of links from scholars that insist that fascism is derived from conservatism and a list of equal size that insist fascism is derived from liberalism. I know what fascism is and you don't.

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