Trump More Like NAZI Fuhrer As He Orders Free Press Halted

Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
Do you have a problem with the definition of the word "restrict"? The definition fits perfectly for Trump's actions. Google the word restrict and learn something.
And Hillary keeps her press behind ropes.
No, she doesn't. You are using the present tense "keeps". She "kept", one time, past tense, the press behind a moving rope line during a 4th of July parade so that she could walk in the parade without being hindered while she participated in the parade. The press were always there, they were just separated by about twenty feet.
Hitler like.
Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
Do you have a problem with the definition of the word "restrict"? The definition fits perfectly for Trump's actions. Google the word restrict and learn something.
Oh you must mean "restrict" like when Hillary's 'heavy's' actually took a fucking rope and wrapped it around the journalists and corralled them and moved them wherever Hillary said? You mean like that sort of "restrict". God your an asshole!

Fucking Nazi restricting free speech

Oh wait. That's a Hillary event
I like the term "carnival show barker" that's being tossed around to describe Trump. It's more colorful. NAZI and Fascist are overused and inappropriately used.
Sure, slap the label on for this action, but don't forget to do the same then to the others that have done similar things wrt the press. Off the top of my head that includes Hillary and Obama. Bush too. They've all also been called nazis at one time or another.

The fascist/Nazi boogeyman is getting a nice little run about town.....
Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
Do you have a problem with the definition of the word "restrict"? The definition fits perfectly for Trump's actions. Google the word restrict and learn something.
Oh you must mean "restrict" like when Hillary's 'heavy's' actually took a fucking rope and wrapped it around the journalists and corralled them and moved them wherever Hillary said? You mean like that sort of "restrict". God your an asshole!

The press wasn't corralled, you idiot. Hillary was the one that was corralled if anyone was. You posted a photo, actually two photo's, a front view and a back view of the same scene. The guy with the camera was being prevented from going beyond the Secret Service and escorts or interferring with Clinton's interactions with the crowd.

Fucking Nazi restricting free speech

Oh wait. That's a Hillary event
Free speech isn't the ability to shove a camera in someone's face, dummy.

Fucking Nazis. Once they get the people disarmed, they sue the same rope to hang any reporter who does not report favorably
More drama in you than all of Castro Street. combined.

Some are more Nazi that others, right? Trump not allowing people in his event is WORSE, NAZILIKE compared to Hillary physically roping in reporters
You butt hurt Trumpers better go get lots of vaseline because the Republican campaign to burn and toss Fuhrer Drumpf out of the primary contest is just getting started.
Hillary is ahead of Sanders and that's BEFORE she's indicted for lying to Congress!

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest"- Hillary Clinton helping Obama cover up a terrorist attack at Benghazi
In a nutshell this is the left...nothing else is bringing Trump down so we'll declare he's a Nazi. LOL Stupid, stupid people
"Hillary" and "Hitler" both start with an H followed by an I.

Can't be explained away as mere coincidence.

In a nutshell this is the left...nothing else is bringing Trump down so we'll declare he's a Nazi. LOL Stupid, stupid people
You keep lying about this coming from the left. It is coming from Republicans. Kasich released an ad depicting Trump as a fascist NAZI like figure and conservative commentators have been suggesting his campaign looked fascist. Some liberals may be jumping on the bandwagon, but this is a conservative created campaign against Trump, not a liberal one.
Like something straight out of the Fuhrer's playbook, Trump has ordered journalist at his rallies to be restricted and held in areas where they are unable to cover the rallies without special approval to leave a designated holding area. With his command, the new American fascist Fuhrer has restricted free speech and a free press by manipulating and canceling the 1rst Amendment.
When hilliary did it you were probably good with it weren't you?
Like something straight out of the Fuhrer's playbook, Trump has ordered journalist at his rallies to be restricted and held in areas where they are unable to cover the rallies without special approval to leave a designated holding area. With his command, the new American fascist Fuhrer has restricted free speech and a free press by manipulating and canceling the 1rst Amendment.
Trump reminds me more of this guy.

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